Wednesday 30 July 2014



When it comes to microwave ovens, the price for convenience can be a compromise to your health. Read this post on the destructive effects of microwave ovens can do to your health before it is too late.

Research showed that microwave oven can cause massive bodily damage as its waves violently rip the molecules in any food placed apart, eliminating most nutrients and rendering it carcinogenic at its worst. The radiation effect can cause injury by raising the temperature of body organs.

How does microwaves work?

+ Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic radiation, both electrical and magnetic (EM) energy moving together through space. EM radiation ranges from very high energy (gamma rays and x-rays) on one end to very low energy (radio waves) on the other end of the spectrum. Microwaves are on the low-energy end of the spectrum, after radio waves with a short wavelength of about 4.8 inches (about the width of your head).

+ Water is the main operating agent as its molecules are bipolar – having a positive and negative end, that rotate rapidly in the alternating electric field. As such the energy generated at extremely high frequencies—like millions of times per second—creates molecular friction that turns to steam to heat up the food. However, if the food or object placed in the microwave oven had no water content it is not be able to have this resonance.

+ Contrary to popular belief, microwaved foods does not cook “from the inside out.” When thicker foods are cooked, microwaves heat the outer layers, and the inner layers are cooked mostly by the conduction of heat from the hot outer layers, inward. Since not all areas contain the same amount of water, the heating is uneven. This is opposed to conventional heating of food whereby heat is transferred conventionally from the outside, inward.

What can go wrong?

+ Carcinogenic toxins can leach out of the plastic and paper containers/covers into your food. Such toxic chemicals commonly used to pack microwavable foods like pizzas, chips and popcorn are polyethylene terpthalate (PET), benzene, toluene and xylene. Microwaving fatty foods in plastic containers leads to the release of dioxins (known carcinogens) and other toxins into your food. One of the worst contaminants is BPA (bisphenol A) – an estrogen-like compound used widely in plastic products and dishes made specifically for the microwave purpose.

+ Though the FDA limits the amount of microwaves that can leak from an oven throughout its lifetime to 5 milliwatts (mW) per square centimeter at approximately 2 inches from the oven surface, standing a foot away from it while it is running can still expose you to almost 400 milliGauss, and a mere 4 milliGauss has been firmly linked to leukemia. It can also cause burns deep within the body without our knowledge.

 Kids and pregnant women should avoid standing near the microwave oven in its operating mode. Also note that since our eyes are known to be particularly susceptible to microwave radiation as high microwave exposures can cause cataracts. Other studies showed microwaves can cause rapid or irregular heartbeat, pain or pressure in the chest and sharp rise in blood sugar for some diabetic patients.

+ The rapid speed in heating up causes a change in the food’s chemical structure.
  • A study published in the November 2003 issue of The Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture found that broccoli “zapped” in the microwave with a little water lost up to 97% of its beneficial antioxidants. By comparison, steamed broccoli lost 11% or fewer of its antioxidants. There were also reductions in phenolic compounds and glucosinolates, but mineral levels remained intact.
  • In a study of garlic, as little as 60 seconds of microwave heating was enough to inactivate its allinase, garlic’s principle active ingredient against cancer.
  • Microwaving can destroy the essential disease-fighting agents in breast milk that offer protection for the baby, notably the lost of lysozyme activity and antibodies whilst foster the growth of more potentially pathogenic bacteria. Also found are the depletion of vitamin content and certain amino acids converted into other substances that are biologically inactive or become toxic to the nervous system and kidneys.
  • In the field of gene-altering technology to weaken cell membranes, scientists have been using microwaves to break cells apart. Such experiments are carried out to show how impaired cells can become easy prey for viruses, fungi and other microorganisms.
Symptoms to watch out

People who have been exposed to high levels of microwave radiation experience a variety of symptoms, including:
  • Insomnia, night sweats and various sleep disturbances
  • Headaches and dizziness
  • Swollen lymph nodes and a weakened immune system
  • Impaired cognition
  • Depression and irritability
  • Nausea and appetite loss
  • Vision and eye problems
  • Frequent urination and extreme thirst
Conduct a blood test if you have any of the above symptoms recurring.

How does cancer develop?

+ When lymphatic disorders are observed, it leads to decreased ability to prevent certain types of cancers, especially stomach and intestinal cancer (where food is digested). This can be seen by an increased rate of cancer cell formation present in the blood.
+ The Powerwatch article summarized the Russian research quite well below:
  • Russian investigators found that carcinogens were formed from the microwaving of nearly all foods tested.
  • The microwaving of milk and grains converted some of the amino acids into carcinogenic substances.
  • Microwaving prepared meats caused the formation of the cancer-causing agents d-Nitrosodienthanolamines.
  • Thawing frozen fruits by microwave converted their glucoside and galactoside fractions into carcinogenic substances.
  • Extremely short exposure of raw, cooked or frozen vegetables converted their plant alkaloids into carcinogens.
  • Carcinogenic free radicals were formed in microwaved plants—especially root vegetables.
  • Structural degradation leading to decreased food value was found to be 60 to 90% overall for all foods tested, with significant decreases in bioavailability of B complex vitamins, vitamins C and E, essential minerals, and lipotropics (substances that prevent abnormal accumulation of fat).
+ Some fairly compelling evidence supporting the destructive effects of microwaves comes from a highly cited study by a Swiss food scientist named Hans Hertel. He was the first scientist to study the effects of microwaved foods on the blood and physiology of human beings and concluded that microwave cooking changed the nutrients in the food and the blood composition that could cause negative health effects.

His findings are as follows:
  • Increased cholesterol levels;
  • Decreased numbers of leukocytes (white blood cells), which can suggest poisoning;
  • Decreased numbers of red blood cells;
  • Production of radiolytic compounds;
  • Decreased hemoglobin levels, which could indicate anemia.
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In summary, microwave ovens kill you slowly without your knowledge and should therefore be discontinued IMMEDIATELY. Some strong reasons are:

+  As microwave emits electrical impulses to the brain from constant exposure, it can cause loss of memory, concentration, emotional instability and a dip in intelligence. In the worst scenario, it causes long term permanent brain damage.

+  Minerals, vitamins and nutrients of all microwaved food are reduced or altered into compounds where the human body derives little or no benefit. In some instances, the unknown byproducts cannot be broken down or turn toxic. Study showed the minerals in vegetables are altered into cancerous free radicals. Remember the effects of such by-products are residual and accumulative within the human body permanently. This may explain the exponential rate of stomach and intestinal cancerous growths in developed countries.

+  Continual ingestion of microwaved food causes immune system deficiencies through lymph gland and blood serum alterations.

+  Male and female hormone production is shut down and/or altered by continually eating microwaved foods. 

If you still like to keep your microwave oven, use it for disinfecting purpose or occasional heating of food.  Do not peer into it while it is on and wait until the microwave finishes beeping before opening it. When not in use, keep safe by unplugging and keep children away.Though it is a common electric appliance in most kitchens, there are some people who CAN survive without microwave ovens and are living happily and healthily. Making a few small lifestyle adjustments like eating more organic raw foods can help in a long way.


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