Monday 13 March 2023

Dont turn a BLIND eye to BLINDNESS

Amongst the five senses, the sense of sight is probably of utmost importance to most of us. Being the windows to the world, we cannot imagine when the shutters to these windows are spoilt.

Unfortunately, not everyone wakes up to see the light of day. For the elderly, this ray of hope can be infinitely precious in their golden years. With average lifespan rising for most developed societies, the problem of losing sight is becoming more acute for the elderly the longer they live. 4 out of 5 major causes of blindness are accredited to aging, namely cataract, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic retinopathy.

Despite the advancement in medical technology to correct all the visual problems, patients are still not coming forward. Early treatment can help to slow or even halt visual loss. Most people do not seem to understand the eye diseases as there are not much obvious symptoms till too late to ignore.

Anatomy of the eye

The lens in an eye comprises water and proteins that keep it clear to enable light to pass through. With aging or certain medical conditions, the proteins clump together and cloud the lens, affecting the flow of light passing through to the retina. Symptoms like blurred vision, changes in color perception and double vision occur.

Cornea: Clear front window of the eye that transmits and focuses light in the eye

Lens: Transparent structure that changes shape to focus light rays on the retina from near or far objects

Iris: A circular muscle that controls the size of the pupil, regulating the amount of light entering the eye

Conjunctiva: A thin, clear layer of skin covering the front of the eye, including the sclera

Retina: Nerve layer that senses light and create electrical impulses that travel through the optic nerve to the brain

Macula: Small central area in the retina that contains special light-sensitive cells and allows us the see the details sharply

Optic nerve:  Carries signals to the brain to convert into images that we see

Controllable factors

Under-corrected refractive errors like short-sightedness, long-sightedness and astigmatism are common problems that are not difficult to manage. However, in rare situation, it is not properly fixed and can lead to complications that causes blindness.

In a developed society refractive errors and diabetic retinopathy are common and can be controlled by changing one’s lifestyle to promote visual health.

-  To prevent myopia, children should be trained from young to spend more time reading under bright natural lighting preferably outdoors and take regular vision breaks.

-  Working class people who have to stare at the computer screen all day long are likely to develop eye trouble like dry eyes, double vision and eye irritation - have to take regular short intervals, use moisturising eye-drops and consider taking more antioxidant foods.

-  Diabetic patients should manage their sugar level well to prevent progression into retinopathy.

As for less developed countries, vision loss is usually attributed to lack of nutrition, especially Vitamin A and protein found in the light-absorbing retinal pigment. Cost may be the prime consideration for the poor out there.

Uncontrollable factors

Not setting your sight on improving vision can put you at risk 5 common eye conditions that can lead to blindness:


Cataract is the No 1 cause of blindness in Singapore, though it is treatable and easily reversible. More than a third of a population above 40 have cataracts. This proportion rises to more than 90% for those aged 70 and above.
In a normal eye, light passes through the transparent lens to the retina where it is changed into nerve signals to be transmitted to the brain. The lens must be clear for the retina to receive a sharp image. Cloudy lens from a cataract causes the image to be blurred.

A cataract occurs when the proteins in the lens break down and clump together, resulting in clouding of the lens that hinders light from entering the eye and causes vision to become blurred over time. Is made worst if the lens of the eye thickens and becomes too clouded or opaque. Some patients may see halos around lights or dull coloring on spotting objects. For majority sufferers, the feeling is more like looking through a foggy car window or a wax paper.

Are there other types of cataract?

Yes. Although most cataracts are related to aging, there are other types of cataract:

1. Secondary cataract. Cataracts can form after surgery for other eye problems, such as glaucoma. Also can develop in people with other health problems, like diabetes or linked to steroid use.
2. Traumatic cataract. Cataracts can develop after an eye injury few years later.
3. Congenital cataract. Some babies are born with cataracts or develop during childhood, often in both eyes. The effect can be so mild and do not affect vision or serious for the lenses to be removed.
4. Radiation cataract. Cataracts can develop after exposure to some types of radiation.


The most common cause is aging with 1/3 of people above 40 having it and rises over 90% by 70 and above. As one ages, the resistance of the lens begins to decline, allowing free radicals to attack the structural proteins, enzymes and cell membranes of the lens.

Other risk factors for cataract include:
  • Certain diseases such as diabetes. This is where high blood pressure quickly builds up, producing a gradual thickening of the blood vessels inside the eyes to form hemorrhages in the retina and the vitreous humor, eventually leading to blindness for severe cataracts.
  • Personal behavior such as smoking and alcohol use.
  • The environment such as prolonged exposure to ultra-violet rays present in sunlight without adequate protection.
  • Heavy metal poisoning,
  • Injury to the eye.
  • Use of certain drugs like steroids.

. Cloudy or blurry vision.
· Colors seem faded or dull.
· Glare – Headlights, lamps or sunlight may appear too bright. A halo may appear around lights.
. Poor night vision.
· Double vision or multiple images in one eye. (This symptom may clear as the cataract gets larger)
· Frequent prescription changes in your eyeglasses or contact lenses.

What to do?

+ Wear sunglasses under the hot sun and a hat with a brim to block ultraviolet sunlight may help to delay cataract.
+ Stop smoking.
+ For age-related cataract, eating 3 servings of green leafy vegetables, fruits and other foods loaded with antioxidants is found to reduce one's risk by 10-15%. They help to clear free radicals that may find its way to the blood capillaries serving the retina.
+ A simple treatment to remove the cloudy lens to be replaced by a clear artificial one if the need arises.
+ Diabetic and chronic illness patients need to manage carefully.
+ Take supplements containing Vitamin A and B, and CoQ10 help to slow cataract formation.

A cataract left untreated may swell and cause secondary glaucoma. It can occur in either or both eyes but cannot spread from one eye to the other.


Glaucoma, affecting only 5% of the population is a serious eye disease marked by an increase in the pressure that the fluid within the eyeball exert on other parts of the eye. This fluid known as aqueous humor is normally drained off into the bloodstream through a mesh-like channel but slows down in this instance. The increased pressure can damage the optic nerve, which transmits images to your brain. In the early stage, the side vision is lost. Gradually the field of vision straight ahead diminishes into a narrower and narrower circle. Hence, the damage can be visual impairment like blind spots and in the worst scenario where damage is irreversible - blindness.


Majority of the patients are over 40 because as we get older, the focusing lens inside the eyes grow bigger, worsening the crowding effect. The iris can advance forward to block the angle of the eye.

The risk rises when there is a family history of glaucoma, extreme short sightedness or chronic diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure. Other possibilities are eye inflammation, advanced cataracts, tumors, injuries and surgery.


The patient does not realise the onset of the disease as it progresses slowly and painlessly, destroying the peripheral vision before central vision, causing tunnel vision.
One symptom of chronic glaucoma is glasses even new ones, not seem to help.
Other symptoms caused by rise in the pressure of the eyes include excessive tearing, seeing halos around light, pain and redness in the eyes, blurred vision, headache and nausea.

What to do -

+ Apply eye drops to expand the draining channels and lower the pressure, preventing further nerve damage.
+ Avoid getting over-excited, angry, sad, stay up late, insomnia, dimly lit environment, emotional stress – may increase intraocular pressure.
+ Avoid irritant foods like tea, coffee and alcohol.
+ Eyes fixed on the computer for more than 4 hours a day increases the chance of getting glaucoma by 70%. Get a screen saver to cut the glare if possible.
+ Conduct a test every 2 years for over 35 years ago individuals with inherent risk.  For positive sign the eyeball is hard to the touch. 
+ Acute glaucoma can be sudden and painful to require immediate attention which may necessitate surgery even thought is detected early.
+ Laser treatment or surgery for advanced stage due to late discovery.
+ Take supplements:  Lutein + zeaxanthin, antioxidants, marine oil, gingko biloba


The macula is yellowish in color, consists of lutein and zeaxanthin, derived primarily from our diet. (For information, zeaxanthin predominates at the macula, while lutein is found mostly in the retina) Responsible for fine vision, it affects the day-to-day activities such as reading, driving and even recognising faces. Its main function is to absorb excess blue and ultraviolet light that enter the eye, and acts as a natural sunblock (analogous to sunglasses) for this area of the retina.

Degeneration of the macula can cause a progressive visual loss and has become the most common cause of blindness in many developed countries. It usually strikes people over 55 suddenly or gradually leading to blindness. The risk of developing it rises from 2% at age 40 to 10% by 70.

There are 2 forms of AMD: ‘wet’ and ‘dry’.

What is wet AMD?

In the wet form of AMD, abnormal blood vessels grow under the macula and leak blood and fluids. This causes retinal cells to die and creates blind spots in central vision. An early symptom of wet AMD is that straight lines appear wavy. In most instances, peripheral and color vision are unaffected. It is caused mostly by free radical damage due to sun radiation, aging, atherosclerosis, hypertension and environmental toxins, as a result of harmful deposits on the walls of the blood vessels, which then becomes narrowed and blocked. Studies found that after 5 years, 18.2% of those with wet AMD had developed a stroke, as compared to 9.9% with dry AMD.

What is dry AMD?

Dry AMD occurs when the light-sensitive cells in the macula slowly break down, gradually blurring central vision in the affected eye. This form of AMD is more common than the wet form. One of the most common early symptoms of dry AMD is yellow deposits under the retina and is painless.


+ Age is the greatest risk factor for AMD. The condition may occur during middle age, but studies show that people over the age of 50 are at greater risk than other age groups.
+ Other risk factors include smoking, obesity, hypertension and family history.
+ Blue-ray and ultraviolet ray are two main culprits that can destroy macular tissue and cause macular degeneration.

Note:  Sunlight is the main source of blue light, and being outdoors during daylight is where most of us get most of the exposure. However, less than 1% of UV radiation from the sun reaches the retina as the anterior structures of the eyes (namely the cornea and lens) are very effective at blocking UV rays from reaching the light-sensitive retina at the back of the eye ball.

More damaging are those man-made indoor sources of blue light, including fluorescent and LED lighting and flat-screen televisions. Not forgetting the heavy usage of display screens of computers, electronic notebooks, smartphones and other digital devices emitting significant amounts of blue light. Though the amount of HEV light these devices emit is only a fraction of that emitted by the sun, virtually all visible blue light penetrates the cornea and lens to reach the retina.


Symptoms include vision deterioration, distortion of image/line, agility decline, sensitive to light, difficulty in driving and reading.

What to do?

Leading a healthy lifestyle, you can reduce your risk of developing AMD -
+ Eat a healthy diet high in green leafy vegetables and fish. Avoid high content of fat, salt and sugar food.
+ Exercise regularly
+ Avoid smoking
+ Avoid strong sunlight or wear sunglasses

When severe scarring at the macula has already occurred, vision is unlikely to recover. Hence, early detection of AMD means a greater likelihood of improving vision or slowing the deterioration. If you develop blurring of central vision, have your eyes checked by an eye-care professional as soon as possible. Tests may be required to diagnose and assess your condition to determine the treatment option.

Nevertheless, there are ways to cope with and make use of the remaining sight such as:
+ Reading books with larger print
+ Ensuring sufficient lighting for activities
+ Not driving at night or in heavy traffic
+ Removing obstacles in the home such as rugs or other tripping hazards

In early and intermediate stages, dry AMD does not result in vision loss and can be can be treated with high-dose formulations of antioxidants (namely Vitamin A, C and E) and zinc which may delay and possibly prevent AMD from progressing to a more advanced stage, in which total vision loss occurs.
Other supplements to include: Lutein + zeaxanthin, marine oil.


This is the most common diabetes-related eye disease especially for chronic patients. It is caused by rise in blood sugar levels for prolonged period of time, blocking the tiny blood vessels which nourish the retina. Abnormal blood vessels growing over the retina and optic nerve are fragile and any leakage can cause retinal hemorrhage or develop into glaucoma with the rising pressure build-up.

Patients may also experience blurring of vision and floaters or black spots. 

What to do?

Diabetic patients have to control their blood sugar levels and blood pressure tightly to avoid this problem. Laser therapy is recommended to burn off the abnormal blood vessels and dead parts of the retina to prevent further damage to the eye.

Leading a healthy lifestyle can prevent the above diseases or mitigate their negative impacts:

+ Avoid the harmful effect of ultraviolet rays emitting from the sun.
+ Many eye specialists note that most diabetic patients who consume high amounts of dairy products and refined white sugar are prone to cataracts. Also avoid saturated fats, and any fats or oils that have been subjected to heat.


Floaters are small moving spots that appear in your field of vision, especially noticeable looking at something bright, like a white paper or a blue sky. Do seek immediate medical attention if you notice a sudden increase in the number of floaters or accompanied by flashes of light or a loss of side vision.

Without immediate treatment, you can have permanent vision loss. These symptoms may be caused by:
  • Retinal detachment       
  • Retinal tear
  • Bleeding within the eye
They are caused by small flecks of a protein called collagen which filled the back compartment as coated by a gel-like substance called vitreous humor. With increasing age, the vitreous and its millions of fine collagen fibers shrink and become shred-like. Shreds can accumulate in the vitreous and float freely in the less dense vitreous gel.

Though these changes can happen at any age, high occurrence is between ages 50 and 75, especially in people who are very myopic or have had cataract surgery.

Serious eye disorders associated with eye floaters include:
  • Retinal detachment
  • Retinal tear
  • Vitreous hemorrhage (bleeding)
  • Vitreous and retinal inflammation caused by viral infections, fungal infections, or auto-immune inflammation
  • Eye tumors


Whilst not every one of the above problems is completely understood, each of them is at least partially affected by nutrition. Proper consumption of nutrients can help to control or alleviate the symptoms of these common conditions and thus bolster eye health.

The damage from free radicals derived from exposure to ultraviolet light, air, water and food contamination, or even during normal body metabolism can be extensive in the long run due to continual ravaging on our cells. Hence, antioxidants are so important to scavenge these free radicals and protect the cell integrity.

Potent antioxidants (below) help to neutralize free radicals and thus delay retina damage or other minor conditions like cataract.

Vitamin A: Even a moderate deficiency in vitamin A intake can cause night blindness, which manifests as a difficulty perceiving details in low light conditions eg. night driving. Greater deficiencies cause greater visual defects. As a potent antioxidant, it plays an active role in preventing age-related eye diseases like cataracts, dry eyes and macular degeneration. A good source is egg yolk.

— Vitamin C: Studies showed it may play a role in screening out damaging UV rays and delaying the development of macular degeneration and glaucoma. By protecting the integrity of blood vessels feeding the eyes with nutrients, it can reduce the risk of getting cataracts.

— Vitamin E: It maintains the health of the eyes’ mucous membranes with lubrication like the eye drops. When eyes dry out, they begin to suffer surface damage. It serves as good protection to the retina and prevents age-related macular degeneration.

— Flavonoids: Bilberry extracts contain 15 different versions of flavonoids that can improve night version and help to clear the optic nerves. Thus, they reduce or reverse the effects of macular degeneration. Other flavonoid-rich berries include blueberries, blackberries and cherries.

Carotenoids: Lutein and zeaxanthin are two well-known antioxidants which cannot be synthesized by the body and must be obtained from food. Both found abundantly in green leafy vegetables, especially broccoli, kale, mustard greens and spinach, and thus increased consumption can protect the cells in the eyes from free radical damage. A mixture of two or more carotenoids are more effective than any one alone at the same total concentration. Though lutein is found abundantly in certain fruits and vegetables (eg carrot), lutein in eggs is more absorbable in the body.

Studies showed that they may reduce dangerous blue sun-ray intensity by up to 90%. It is one of the secret weapons plants use to protect themselves from the sun. In fact, the more you take, the thicker the layer of antioxidants in the macula and the retina. The reduction in cumulative oxidative damage thus offers more protection for normal vision and improves the overall quality of long-distance and short-distance vision. You can try out for minor vision problems like astigmatism, presbyopia, pseudo-myopia, highly shortsightedness, blurred vision, eye strain, dryness, cataracts and floaters. Long application can address major vision problems relating to myopia, glaucoma, cataracts and macular degeneration. Hence, they are vital for macula, retina and lens health.

Who needs most?

- Spending long hours watching TV, playing computer games, working on computer, reading, driving etc
- Wearing contact lens, high myopia or underwent myopia laser surgery
- Engaging in outdoor activities, often exposed to UV light
- Presbyopia, cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration
- Poor night vision or suffering from night blindness
- Age 40 and above

– Omega 3: Derived from fish oil, it helps to promote normal visual development given the high concentration of DHA which is the main component of the retina. In addition, it acts as anti-inflammatory agent which can effectively inhibit eye inflammation and reduce infectious disease. It is also known to fight macular degeneration and help to reduce dry eye problem.

Mild eye disorders like myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, presbyopia and dry eyes can be taken care of by taking proper care of our eyes. However, serious eye-deficiencies like glaucoma, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration can lead to vision loss or total blindness.

Blindness is one of life’s greatest tragedies. The buildup of suffering, anguish and pain living in darkness is nightmarish for the rest of one’s life with much inconveniences, the loss of independence and self-esteem. Arrest it early before it turns devastating!

Source: Prescription to Natural Healing

VIVA corner

Vivashield is packed with 4 powerful antioxidants Vitamin A, C, E and selenium to create a stronger impact in reducing the levels of peroxides in the blood vessels in the eyes to achieve higher visual health effect.

VIVA Omega 3 has high concentration of DHA, a main component in the retina to build a better protective membrane in the eye cells and can help to lower pressure build-up.

VIVA Gingko Biloda can be used to improve retinopathy in the eyes and normalise blood glucose for diabetic condition. It can help to relieve pressure for glaucoma treatment too.

VIVA Guocoguard can lower the risk for diabetes and related eye disorders as its chromium content can control blood glucose level.

VIVA OQ care has 2 key ingredients  +Lutein and Zeaxanthin (belong to the carotene family) that the body cannot synthesis and must be obtained from food source. They are known to be effective in reducing risk of macular degeneration.
Marigold is found to contain the highest lutein content among all plants given its yellow color that corresponds with that of the macula. Also contains a host of antioxidants including beta-carotene and Vitamin A, C, E, Riboflavin (B2), selenium, bilberry, lycii fructus and lemon bioflavonoids to help in neutralizing free radicals. Bilberry is rich in anthocyanins that have shown to protect optic nerves in the eyes and prevent AMD. This is a good nutritional supplement if you are not having much fresh green vegetables. Taken twice daily 2 capsules should see improvement for eye degeneration after 6-8 weeks.  Macular degeneration is trickier and requires more than 3-6 months.

Sunday 12 March 2023

The ALKALINE green barley


History and traditional usage

It is theorized that green barley was first domesticated in the Near East, moved through the silk route into Asia in the second and third millennia B.C. and brought over by Columbus to the North American Continent in 1494 on his second voyage.

Throughout history, green barley was referred to as a source of health, strength and stamina. The health benefits and medical aspects of barley foods are stressed in Ancient Arabian, Chinese, Egyptian, Ethiopian and Greek Literature.

Tracing its growth history -

23000 years ago - Seeds of wild barley were found in Israel;

10000 years ago - Domestication of barley in Iran and Syria;

Arabian: The Prophet Mohammed prescribed barley for seven diseases (grief, high cholesterol, heart disease, cancer, aging, diabetes and hypertension);

Egyptian: Barley as a gift to the goddess Isis;

Ethiopian: Barley was considered the holiest of all crops;

Indian: Indian physicians effectively used green barley to stabilize diabetes some 2400 years ago;

Romanian: Barley was the food of the Roman gladiators, "barley man or eater";

Tibetan: For several thousand years tsampa, a food made from barley continues to be a mainstay diet of the Tibetans.

In almost every culture through past ages, barley was described as having mystical and medicinal properties.

The modern food

Back to the present era, health experts worldwide are now advising people to eat more 'raw', organic foods. Science has discovered that important enzymes required by our bodies to function properly are found in raw fruits and vegetables. However, we just do not have the time to prepare and eat large quantities of those raw stuffs that our bodies need each day. Fortunately these valuable enzymes are available in a concentrated form - green barley powder.

Why do we need to take green barley daily?

+ Acidity - Taking too much acidic foods eg. processed foods, seafood and meat.

+ Salt - Salt is found abundantly in the food we take. Green barley is rich in potassium and thus works to balance out the sodium amount in salt.

+ Meat - Meat is high in phosphorous and low in calcium, as opposed to green barley high in calcium and low in phosphorous. The right balance is important for maintaining stronger musco-skeletal structure.

+ Contaminants - Most processed foods contain preservatives, chemicals and fillers, toxic to our bodies. High levels of chlorophyll found in green barley helps to neutralise and remove such toxins.

+ Cooked foods - Cooking and heat destroy enzymes. Green barley is enriched with live enzymes that aid in digestion and metabolism.

+ Drugs - Contrary to medicines and drugs prescribed to combat disease by killing harmful bacteria, green barley can perform the same task and strengthen the body at the same time.

Doc's words....

When Dr Yoshihide Hagiwara at age 38 became very ill he started using modern drugs and huge amounts of synthetic vitamins and minerals with no success. He eventually regained his health with a diet of raw, natural, unprocessed and organically grown foods.

After spending 13 years researching 150 plants, he finally found green barley to be the best source of nutrients needed by the body for healing and vitality.

He commented: "My research has shown that the green leaves of the embryonic barley plant contain the most prolific balanced supply of nutrients that exist on earth in a single source."

In addition, Dr. Howard Lutz, director of the Institute of Preventive Medicine in Washington, D.C., said that barley grass is “one of the most incredible products of this decade. It improves stamina and energy, clarity of thought, and reduces addiction to things that are bad for you. It also improves the texture of the skin, and heals dryness associated with aging”.


The brilliant green color in green barley is chlorophyll (the substance which allows plants to photosynthesize), is said to be an anti-inflammatory agent (effective against allergies) and total body deodorant. It also can break down carbon dioxide and release oxygen, which helps with the destruction of anaerobic bacteria. Also great for diabetic patients as it can help to strengthen the blood and control of blood sugar condition.

Green barley extract is a ‘concentrated’ nutritious whole food offering balanced nutrition to the body. Like most types of vegetable powders, it is very easily digested by the body, thus allowing use of its nutrients within a matter of minutes with very strong alkalizing effects. Research showed that it is the only vegetable on Earth which can supply all the nutrients which the human body needs from birth to old age.

** Enzymes

Enzymes found abundantly in green barley are responsible for almost everything that goes on in our bodies, including the absorption of nutrients during digestion. A very important enzyme, SOD (superoxide dismutase) is a powerful antioxidant that can remove toxic substances from our cells, restore function and repair DNA in older and less active cells to slow degeneration and thus aging. Clinical tests also show that inflammation is suppressed by SOD and osteoarthritis has been treated successfully. Enzymes that have been identified in green barley:

Aspartate aminotransferase
Amylase (break down starch)Catalase
Cytochrome oxidase
Fatty acid oxidase Hexokinase
Malic dehydrogenase
Nitrate reductase
Nitrogen oxyreductase
Peroxidase catalase
Polyphenoloxidas, RNase
Superoxide dismutase (SOD)

** Amino acids

Very few plants contain the full range of amino acids (proteins) required for growth, repair and maintenance of tissues. Young green barley leaves are 40% protein and contain all of these amino acids. These plant proteins are 90% usable and are easily digested and assimilated. Amino acids contained in it are:

Aspartic acid
Glutamic acid

**  Vitamins (mostly antioxidants):

Biotin                             Choline
Folic acid                       Vitamin C
Niacin                            Vitamin E
Pantothenic acid            Vitamin F
Vitamin A                      Vitamin K
Vitamin B1                    Vitamin P
Vitamin B2                    Beta-carotene*
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12

Beta carotene* is the non-toxic form of vitamin A. It is largely found in orange and yellow colored vegetables, and more in leafy greens. The carotene in leafy greens is converted to vitamin A about twice as efficiently as the carotene in carrots and other root vegetables. it has never been known to be toxic in any amount, even though consuming excessive amounts can give an orange pigmentation to the skin. As a precursor to Vitamin A, is stored and converted by the liver only when needed.

A comparison of beta carotene content of selected raw vegetables:

Green barley
Summer squash
IU per 100g

** Minerals:

Boron                               Manganese
Calcium                           Nickel
Chloride                           Phosphorous
Chromium                        Potassium
Cobalt                              Sodium
Copper                             Sulphur
Iodine                               Zinc
Iron                                  Selenium+

Selenium both a powerful antioxidant and a mineral absorbed from the soil is converted to Gluthathione Peroxidase (GPX) that can help to reduce risk of cancer and other serious diseases.

Healing crisis

As you can see, green barley is an extremely powerful nutritional supplement and possesses very real and visible effects on the body and the way you live. When you begin your journey to better health you may experience tiredness, mild nausea, headaches, skin irritations or flu-like symptoms. Do not be discouraged - this is all part of the detoxification process. Green barley has a big job ahead in eliminating inferior tissues and toxins to make way for superior quality nutrients in making new, healthier tissue. The elimination process of purging toxins from the cells and released into the bloodstream to be excreted can cause some discomfort but after 3-4 days you should feel better than before.

Continuous use of green barley should see great health improvement. Do a simple test to check on your blood acidity (pH). Expect to see the acidity marker improves, indicating the blood is not as thick as before even for those who are high on animal diet, starchy foods, soft drinks and preserved foods.

In summary, benefits derived from using green barley include:

+ Improves metabolism, increases satiety, reduces feeling of hunger - great for weight loss

+ Strengthens immune system - less prone to sickness and disease

+ Promotes healthier blood cells - beneficial for health recovery and anemic patients

+ Promotes gentle internal cleansing - stimulates peristalsis movement to prevent constipation

+ Lowers cholesterol and clears clogged arteries - prevents cardiovascular disease

+ Removal of chemicals, heavy metals and carcinogens - helps in detoxification of liver

+ Stabilises blood sugar level, enhances insulin function - to prevent diabetes

+ Reduces blood acidity and lessens allergic symptoms

+ Reduces colon cancer risk and suppresses tumor growth in vitro

How to use barley powder

+ Start off with half a teaspoon of green barley early in the morning and gradually increase to 2 or more teaspoons over a two week period. This will minimize any discomfort you may experience as your body detoxifies.

+ Some people whose compromising health could benefit from increased nutrition may take up to 6-8 teaspoons of green barley powder throughout the day.

+ Green barley powder may be mixed with your favorite juice, sprinkled on cereal, mixed with water or eaten straight off a spoon. Hot water kills the most important component - enzymes.


Many people equate ‘barley’ to wheat grass commonly sold in the market. Note that wheat grass grown in thinned soil pots without deep roots to extract soil nutrients and lack the enzymes our body needs most. Also, such plant is susceptible to mold and bacteria attack in hot tropical climate. By ‘barley’ we refer to plants that can grow up to 6 ft tall with deep roots to extract nutrients from fertile and thick soil on well-irrigated farmland in cooler climate.

VIVA Green Barley is planted organically in its own farms in USA and the temperate climate is conducive for healthy growth.


Only selected species are cultivated and monitored in green house before moving to open farms.


Planted in fertile black soil, from which mineral is absorbed to produce effective enzymes. The farms are rotated to ensure soil fertility. Neither chemical pesticide nor fertilizers are being used.


(a) Harvesting Stage - The highest concentration of nutrients are present for just a few critical days. VIVA green barley crops are harvested at 30-45 days' interval, when the young leaves are brimming with enzymes.
(b) Extraction of Green Barley Juice
VIVA green barley is not crusted from the leaves, but extracted from the fine powder of barley leaf juice. Crude fiber (residue at 3rd layer) is removed to avoid irritation to the stomach and bowel. Foam (top layer) produced during processing is also removed mechanically without addition of chemical de-foaming agent that contain table salt to break those bubbles as other competitors would do.
(c) Low Temperature Extraction at -70 deg C
Most manufacturers use spray-dry method to process green barley. This old method requires addition of modified starch as carriers and raises the temperature to about 40℃ during drying process. High temperature destroys important nutrients such as enzymes, phytochemicals and antioxidants.
Is rare to find green barley processed at an extremely low temperature (-70℃) like VIVA Life Science.

VIVA Green Barley powder and tablet are processed into a micro-fine form. This enhances dissolution and absorption. Brown rice and kelp are added as a natural preservative and stabilizer, besides enriching the nutritional profile of the formula. No preservative or colorings are added.

Dark amber glass is superior to plastic packaging to retain the freshness and activity of its nutrients.


(a) Manufacturing Level Standard
Every bottle complies with stringent cGMP and FDA pharmaceutical level standard.
(b) Clinical Level Evidence
To prove its safety and efficacy, VIVA Green Barley has gone through 3 clinical trials to demonstrate its ability to reduce lipid level and prevent heart disease.
(c) International Level Recognition
No wonder VIVA Life Science won the Taiwan Nutritional Biotechnology & Medical Care Quality Award in year 2001 for the best Green Barley product in the market and obtained Health Food Certificate in 2009.


by Bryan Phua, KL

I was in Singapore last weekend and was visiting a Viva Family member who happens to own a Chinese medicinal shop. Whilst I was there, a couple came in and enquired whether their “products” have arrived. I discovered that the “products” they were referring to was actually our Viva Green Barley!

The couple had actually visited the shop about a week ago but the “product” was out of stock. They came back all the way last weekend to purchase the products.

The wife had gastric problems for years and was unable to take a whole list of foods…and what she can take must not be too hot…too cold…not dairies…etc. And to top off with that restrictions, she had to endure constant pain!

Green Barley changed All that and she is able to enjoy one of life’s great pleasures again!

We can safety say that VIVA products are multifunctional and truly nutraceutical, being safe and effective for use for many purposes and by all ages!

Saturday 4 July 2020

Joint health

Joint structure

Our musco-skeletal system comprises 206 bones, about 100 joints and 600 muscles. The ligaments secure the bones firmly to give structure and protect vital organs whilst muscles are attached to the bones by a group of connective tissues called tendons that pull on the joints to allow motion. In between lies the white, shiny cartilage to provide friction-free movement lubricated by the synovial fluid to function smoothly without pain, catching or grinding. This fluid also provides nutrients and oxygen to the cartilage cells for survival.

Basically, all the pieces must come together or any structural defect can cause pain, swelling and immobility.

Back pain

4 out of 5 adults experience significant low back pain during their lifetime and becomes the most common medical problem. Your backbone or spine is made up of 26 bone discs called vertebrae which protects your spinal cord and allows you to stand and bend.

Spinal problems which typically inflicts pain on people aged 40 and above are increasingly common among patients in their 20s and 30s. Hitting hard are office workers who spend countless hours staring at the computers ending with more than just a backache. It can accelerate the normal wear and tear of the spine into spondylosis* at an early age. It can also be caused by an accident, a fall or lifting a heavy object or can develop over time as a result of age-related changes to the spine.

The host of problems mentioned can change the structure of the spine or damage it and surrounding tissue which are the interconnected network of spinal muscles, nerves, bones and discs. *Spondylosis is a degenerative disc condition where the joints and intervertebral discs that form the backbone wear out, generally due to ageing. It occurs mainly in the neck or lower back.

Typical sources of lower back pain include:
  • The large nerve roots in the low back that go to the legs may be irritated
  • The smaller nerves that supply the low back may be irritated
  • The large paired lower back muscles may be strained
  • The bones, ligaments or joints may be damaged
  • An intervertebral disc may be degenerating
  • Poor posture
  • Lack of nutrients like calcium, magnesium and Vitamin D that weaken the bones over time. 

  • Signs and Symptoms

    + Stiff and painful neck
    + Lower back pain and tenderness
    + Stiffness and difficulty moving the back
    + Tingling sensations in one or both arms, hands, legs or feet
    + Numbness and weakness in one or both arms, hands, legs or feet
    + In severe cases of nerve pinching, difficulty in walking, unbalanced or unsteady gait with a tendency to fall especially when climbing stairs
    + Poor bladder control
    + Headaches and occasionally giddiness
    Tips to protect your spine
    Majority of the population will suffer from back or neck pain when they reach adulthood. Hence, early prevention is best to avoid unbearable pain later.
    + Take short frequent breaks away from the computer. If possible, move around and stretch every hour.
    + Do regular stretching and strengthening exercises.
    + Keep the top of the computer screen at eye-level. Viewing the screen at a 15-20 degree angle is less strenuous on the neck.
    + Adopt a good sitting posture. Sit upright and put both feet on the floor with the elbows, knees, hips and ankles are a 90 degree angle. Better if a cushion is placed against the back of the seat to support the lower back. When typing for prolonged periods, rest the elbows on the desk to relieve stress from the shoulders and neck.
    Medical Treatment
    + Initial treatment for spondylosis is always nonsurgical. The individual should take a break from the activities until symptoms go away, as they often do. Doctors usually recommend muscle relaxants and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen and naproxen to relieve the pain and stiffness. This is often combined with physiotherapy to stretch and strengthen the spine and lower back and neck muscles to help in preventing future recurrences of pain.
    + If an MRI scan showed the slippage not significant, no surgery is required yet. A Precision Spine chiropractor may be able to restore your spine’s normal curvature and remove the excess strain.
    +  Surgery to remove bone spurs or affected discs is recommended for patients experiencing severe neurological problems such as weakness, pain and numbness in the arms and legs, affecting their normal living. Procedure can include a spinal fusion performed between the lumbar vertebra and the sacrum. At times, an internal brace of screws and rods is used to hold together the vertebra as the fusion heals.

    Though spinal problems caused by cervical and lumbar spondylosis are not life-threatening, but if left untreated, can lead to increased pain and, decreased flexibility and mobility. When nerves are pinched, damage to the nerves often occurs, resulting in permanent pain, numbness, weakness or poor coordination.
    Advances in medical technology have made minimally invasive spinal surgeries possible for patients with even with severe spondylosis. These patients can expect less post-operative pain and faster recovery.

    Nutrition should play an important role in the overall treatment plan with proper medication and appropriate activity. Important minerals for maintaining healthy joint function and support normal tissue repair are: Glucosamine sulfate, chondrotin, calcium, collagen, cartilages and methylsulfonyl methane (MSM). Sulphur is needed for the repair and rebuilding of bone, cartilage and connective tissue.


    Arthritis is a condition of swollen and inflamed joints arising from injury or degeneration, overstretched joints, obesity, enzyme deficiency, high uric acid, autoimmune disorder etc. 

    Owing to wear and tear, degenerative diseases affect mainly the older people. It usually appears in middle age occurring equally in both sexes. After age 55, the rate increases to five folds for women because they are no longer protected by the hormone estrogen. By 70, almost everyone has both problems in critical condition.

    However in recent times, teenagers are also experiencing symptoms associated with arthritis such as back pain, shoulder pain and muscle weakness due to obesity, applying excess weight on joints repeatedly and wearing high heels. Occupational health hazards such as workers exposed to repetitive movements like typing or staring at computers also stand high risk of arthritis.

    The common types are gout, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis which can be mild or severe, affecting one or more joints, causing pain, swelling, warmth or stiffness in the affected joint.

    Some people find the condition incapacitating whilst others have very few symptoms. Those badly affected can suffer in silence even at resting mode. The cycles are more in line with activity, mood and the weather change. Most sufferers complain of joint stiffness and pain in the morning or after exercise. There may be audible cracking or grating noises when the joint moves.


    For most degenerative cases, the primary site of damage is in the articular cartilage referred to as Osteoarthritis. Once there is damage, the cartilage breaks down and tiny particles are released into the joint. As a result, the lining of the joint is inflamed and with too much fluid released, the joint swells and become deformed, stiff and painful. The tendons, ligaments and muscles holding the joint together become weaker too. The major ones affecting, namely the knees, hips and back whilst less serious are hands and knuckles.


    Apart from diet and lifestyle, it is mainly related to wear and tear of aging.

    * Tends to run in families

    * Being overweight and lack of exercise increase the risk

    * Fractures or other joint injuries can lead to osteoarthritis later in life

    * Long-term overuse at work or injury in sports

    Medical conditions that can lead to osteoarthritis include:

    * Bleeding disorders that cause bleeding in the joint

    * Disorders that block the blood supply near a joint
    * An inherited defect in the protein that forms cartilage.

    * Other types of arthritis, such as chronic gout or rheumatoid arthritis


    There are people with OA without the accompanying symptoms below:

    + Deep aching joint pain that gets worse after exercise or putting weight on it, and is relieved by rest

    + Pain that is worse when you start activities after a period of no activity

    + Over time, pain is present even when you are at rest

    + Grating of the joint with motion

    + Increase in pain during humid or moist weather

    + Joint swelling

    + Limited movement

    + Muscle weakness around arthritic joints

    Further risks

    +  Fractures become an increasing risk because osteoarthritis makes the bone brittle.

    +  Further advance see development of bone growth called spur that can be detected only by X-ray.

    +  Gradual loss of height with compression of spine.


    1. Medical treatment - Patients with mild OA may be treated only with pain relievers and topical cream. Most patients are given non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) which include compounds such as ibuprofen. They are able to relieve slight inflammation and pain but may experience side effects, like stomach ulcers, sensitivity to sun exposure, kidney disturbances, and nervousness/anxiety or depression. Some OA patients are treated with corticosteroids, which are injected directly into the joints to reduce inflammation. Hyaluronic acid, naturally found in the joints (for lubrication), may run low and need to be injected to protect the joint every 6-12 months. In severe osteoarthritis, surgery to repair or replace the affected joint may be recommended. However, note that artificial cartilages placed can last for about 10 years only.

    2.  Weight Control - Overweight puts more pressure to the joints and makes it more susceptible to injuries. Hence, losing some weight will reduce the strain on the hips and knees. Maintaining an ideal body weight at all times is advisable to reduce the burden on the joints.

    3. Physiotherapy and exercise - Physiotherapist can work out exercises to maintain strength in the muscles around the joints and reduce stiffness in the affected joints. Even after a surgery, keep to exercise routines that help to increase muscle and tendon capability, strengthen the joint cartilage and assist in bone density. Choose activities which emphasize on muscle strength maintenance such as swimming, yoga, running or cycling to help in improving joint stiffness and enhancing the flow of synovial fluid. For those "less abled", choose exercises like swimming which do not strain your joints too much.

    4. Heat Treatment and Medication - Warm baths and heating pads are soothing to painful joints. At times the physiotherapist may use a form of electrical treatment to help relieve your pain and stiffness. Your doctor may also prescribe some medicines for the pain.

    5. Walking Aids - Good footwear and a walking stick can help you move around more comfortably.

    6.  Supplements -  As the main components of cartilage are glucosamine, chondroitin and collagen, adding these nutrients directly to the diet for overall joint health maintenance is crucial for recovery, and extra doses for the elderly and those who tend to overuse the joints. The chronic inflammatory disorder can be alleviated with consumption of omega-3 derived from deep sea fish source or dietary supplements like fish oil. Natural antioxidant nutrients such as vitamin A, C and E are useful in clearing free radical damage around the joints.

    Glucosamine is a mineral that occurs naturally in the fluids around the joints. Thus, it is effective on osteoarthritis of the knee, as well as hip and spine. Those who fall short of glucosamine can supplement to slow the breakdown process. Some evidence suggest that people who take glucosamine sulfate might be less likely to need total knee replacement surgery.  However, note the difference between glucosamine sulfate and those drugs in the time it takes to reduce pain. The NSAIDs, such as Motrin, Advil and Feldene - relieve symptoms and reduce pain usually within about 2 weeks, whilst glucosamine takes about 4-8 weeks and effects vary for different individual.


    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease whereby the body tissues are attacked by its own immune system. An overactive immune system is just as harmful as a weak one. In this case, it improperly identifies the synovial membrane as foreign and launches an attack. Inflammation results, damaging cartilage and tissues in and around the joints. Other parts of the body that can be affected are muscles, lungs, skin, blood vessels, nerves and eyes. 

    The affected parts are usually the small joints, especially of the wrists, hands and feet. It causes pain, stiffness and swelling which is worst in the morning. Later, other joints like the shoulders, elbow, hips, knees and ankles my also be involved. The patient can barely manage daily chores like gripping utensils, turning taps, dressing or writing. 

    In most instances, the damage is so severe that the bone surfaces are also destroyed as the inflammation triggers the production of enzymes that slowly digest adjacent tissues. The body responds by replacing the damaged tissues with scar tissues, filling up the space between the joints. As a result, it creates stiffness, swelling, fatigue, anemia, weight loss, fever and crippling pain.

    Note it knocks people below 40 as compared to OA on those above 40 but both tend to affect ladies more than men. While OA affects only single joint, RA tend to hit all the synovial joints.


    The main contributory factors are physical and emotional stress, malnutrition and bacterial infection. Health reading on 'rheumatoid factors' can indicate whether antibodies are present in the blood of the RA sufferers upon the invasion of infecting bacteria travelling to the joint through the bloodstream from an infected source.


    +  Occupational therapy and physiotherapy - Changes have to be made to improve the ability to function independently for daily activities eg. specially designed tools like large-handled spoons are required to take meals.

    +  Heat/cold remedies and medication - Warm water or a heating pad can ease stiff joints whilst cold packs or water is more effective for a hot, painful joint. For a start, medications is required to alleviate the pain and swelling of the joints.

    +  Surgery - If all attempts failed, surgery is the last option to repair badly damaged joints.

    +  Supplements - Damage on the bone, cartilage and muscle tissue can be reconstructed with nutrients like protein, folic acid and zinc. On a longer term basis, the mineral germanium can reduce the impact of auto-immune disorder.


    Gout, an acute form of inflammatory arthritis, usually occurs in overweight people and/or those who overindulge in rich foods and alcohol with resulting high content of uric acid - a waste byproduct formed from the breakdown of purines normally excreted from the kidneys.  The excessive uric acid if not cleared forms crystals which are deposited inside the joints. Such deposits cause swelling, redness, and a sensation of heat and excruciating pain especially around the fingers and toes.

    Gout hits men more than women due to their dietary habits.


    Though gout is treatable, if left unattended can cause kidney stones which may lead to kidney damage.

    1.  Rest - During an attack, bed rest is necessary.

    2.  Heat/cold treatment - A hot compress or ice pack to the affected joint can relieve the pain.

    3.  Drink more water and avoid alcohol.

    4.  Diet - Watch your diet as detailed below

    Avoid eating high-purine foods eg.
    +  organ meats like liver, kidney and brain
    +  small fish like ikan bilis, sardines and fish roe
    +  meat extracts, yeast extracts (eg Marmite) and stock cubes
    +  seafood like crab, cockles, prawns, scallop

    Take less of moderate-purine foods eg.
    +  asparagus, cauliflower, mushrooms and spinach
    +  peanuts, beans and peas
    +  chiku and custard apple
    +  wholegrain breads and cereal
    +  soybean products like bean curd


    If it is true that 'you are what you eat' then what is the link between diet and arthritis?

    Thinning down the acidity in the blood is top priority. All foods and supplements alkaline in nature are best combating agents.

    Some arthritis patients appear to have low levels of vitamins and minerals in their bodies. Research also indicated that some natural supplements may be able to play a part in relieving joint pain. Hence, nutrition should play an important role in the overall treatment plan with proper medication and appropriate activity.

    Important minerals for maintaining healthy joint function and support normal tissue repair are: Glucosamine sulfate, chondrotin, collagen, cartilages and methylsulfonyl methane. Sulphur is needed for the repair and rebuilding of bone, cartilage and connective tissue.

    GLUCOSAMINE SULPHATE - Found naturally in our joints and muscle, this amino sugar is vital for joint health, especially to manufacture new cartilage for damaged joints. One clinical study of 212 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee found significant improvement in pain and mobility in patients who took one 1500 mg supplement of Glucosamine sulphate once a day. Other clinical studies show that taking 1500 mg of this Glucosamine daily can improve joint symptoms linked to sports injuries and arthritis by 40% - 70%. 

    There are some common side effects to observe when taking glucosamine:

    +  Gas, soft stools, upset stomach, drowsiness, insomnia, headache, skin reactions, sun sensitivity and nail toughening.

    +  May experience a temporary increase in blood pressure and heart rate, including palpitations.

    + It is not clear whether glucosamine affects blood sugar levels. Patients with diabetes or patients who are hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) are advised to be cautious when taking glucosamine.

    + Glucosamine is not recommended for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

    + Glucosamine may increase the risk of bleeding in certain patients, especially those with bleeding disorders and on blood-thinning medications. They should have their blood clotting time checked more frequently to monitor the situation and adjust Glucosamine dosage if necessary.

    + Glucosamine is sold as a dietary supplement with most extracted from animal tissue, specifically crab, lobster or shrimp shells. Patients who are allergic to shellfish should avoid such products. Extract from chicken is a better choice.

    Is advisable to take this mineral after a meal to prevent digestive complications

    CHONDROITIN:  This element, naturally found in the body is used as a building block for larger structures known as proteoglycans, which are vital component of cartilage tissue. Many studies have found it to be effective in joint repair, help prevent the erosion of joint space and ease pain.

    +  It inhibits the enzymes that break down cartilage.
    +  It helps to raise the level of hyaluronic acid that is essential in binding joint tissues firmly together for a strong structure and higher resistance to damage.
    +  It is able to draw in more fluids which act as a shock absorber and thus protects joints from further damage.

    Recommended dosage to start off is 1500 mg of glucosamine and 1200 of chondroitin daily for 6 – 8 weeks. With improvement, the dosage can be reduced to 1000 mg of glucosamine and 800 of chondroitin or less. For chronic sufferers, result can be more noticeable within a few months. 

    MSM (Methylsulphonylmethane): Another vital building block for cartilage formation, it contains sulphuric content which has therapeutic properties crucial for the healing of injuries.

    TURMERIC: Its active ingredient - curcumin is believed to be thrice more effective in reducing inflammation and easing pain than aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen as it can shut down an enzyme responsible for a stream of pain-producing hormones. As a potent antioxidant, it helps to protect our cells against damage from harmful free radicals. No toxic side effects have been reported with this spice.

    FISH OILS (Omega3): It can counteract the overproduction of toxins that impair the body's production of prostaglandins, which are natural anti-inflammatory compounds.

    Other nutrients that are useful:

    Vitamin C - A potent antioxidant that can prevent free radicals from damaging the joint tissue and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.

    Vitamin B - The B vitamins help in pain relief especially B5 (pathothenic acid) and anti-inflammatory especially B6.

    Chicken Collagen Type II - Collagen is a fibrous protein that comprises about 25% of the protein in our body and can be found in bones, cartilage, tendons, ligaments and other connective tissues. There are more than 10 different types of collagen, with Type II being the most predominant. Chicken Collagen obtained from sternum of chickens, offers a rich source of collagen type II and is naturally rich in proteoglycans such as glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate.

    Shark cartilage - Sharks have an endoskeleton comprised entirely of cartilage consisting about 6% of the body weight of sharks. This type of elastic tissue mainly made of collagen, also contains a rich source of calcium and phosphorus which are the important elements for bone protection. Its benefits  include relieves arthritis pain, reduces the stiffness and strengthens the immune system.

    Boswellia - This ayurvedic herb derived from the resin of the plant is used traditionally to treat arthritis, rheumatism, coughs, sores, bronchitis and asthma. The major component is boswellic acid which has anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic effects.

    Siberian ginseng - Siberian ginseng has been used traditionally as an adaptogen, performance enhancer and immune-stimulant. It is not a species of ginseng, but seems to have comparable activities. Active components are thought to include several eleutherosides and polysaccharides. It has been shown to reduce stress symptoms in general, boost immune system response and enhances the body’s overall resistance to infection. Thus, it may beneficial to support the joint system to function efficiently.

    More comments

    +  Taking foods containing the amino acid histidine (eg rice, wheat, rye) can help to remove excess metals from the body. This is crucial for arthritis patients tend to have high levels of copper and iron in their bodies.

    +  Beware that many of the suppressant drugs on the shelves can cause biological changes such as stomach ulcer, severe gastrointestinal bleeding, kidney and liver damage. There is a high probability of depletion of nutrients leading to development of other ailments.

    +  In several countries Glucosamine is widely available as health supplement but no check on its purity. As a result, many products commercially available are found to be not up to standard and thus are unable to deliver results. In USA and Canada, random samples taken found the glucosamine level in the range of 0% - 82% of label claims.

    Imagine you lose the mobility to walk and need to be helped around. Joint health is so vital to our daily life. Start your joint maintenance work early!

    VIVA corner

    VIVA has a host of products to tackle all types of arthritis.

    VIVA Green Barley helps to strengthen detoxification process in the body by excreting uric acid. 
    VIVA Flexiguard is a proprietary nutraceutical formulation, containing glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin, bovine cartilage, chicken cartilage, MSM and other proprietary ingredients like boswellia powdered extract, Siberian ginseng and wheat sprout.  In combination, this formulation works synergistically to provide the body with the right nutrients to help in maintaining healthy joint function and flexibility.

    +  VIVA Calcium, Magnesium and Vitamin D helps to strengthen bone, relieve back pain and improve muscle contraction in most arthritis cases. Thus it can prevent and improve bone fracture and osteoporosis, and assists in the transmission of nerve impulses.
    VIVA Ageguard provides the essential amino acid for the reconstruction of tissue damaged.
    + VIVA Vivaguard contains abundant SOD precursor that can help to flush out waste products in the body and speed up the healing power. This is beneficial for various muscoskeletal problems, such as rheumatoid arthritis, injuries, inflammation, bone spur and frozen shoulder. It can be used during the healing process and to prevent recurring injury due to exercise, accident and surgery.

    + VIVA Omega 3 works to reduce inflammation and lubricates the joints.
    + B-easy provides full range of vitamin B for production of hydrochloric acid, which helps to prevent bone spur by aiding calcium absorption. It also aids in maintaining a healthy nervous system.