Wednesday 28 May 2014



Failure is often associated with negative connotation much disliked and to be avoided at all cost. However, examine carefully and you should see something positive in it too. Mark these words:


Why fail?

Every decision we make in life ends up either in the right or wrong way. The right way is mostly met with success and the wrong way with failure. Understanding the dynamics involved puts failure in its proper perspective and diminishes its inherent fear. Thus, a person who experiences temporary failure stops thinking that he is not good enough or that he will never make it.  it just simply means that he has not found the correct method yet!

One has to go back to the drawing board to find out where has gone wrong. The next attempt should see a different approach applies. Again if does not work relook at everything done so far. As changes are required each time, most people are fearful of the process involved and choose to give up.  By so doing, you have accepted defeat. What matters most is to study the reasons for any failure and learn from it to find the key to the door of success. Unveil your many hidden talents and start working towards realizing your dreams!

Talk to highly successful people who have made it in this area. The great inventor Thomas Edison knew this truth better than anyone else.  It took him 8000 trials before he perfected the Edison battery.  Afterwards he uttered this famous quote: “At least we know 8000 things that don’t work”.

Borrowing the words of the author and mentor to many great men, Napoleon Hill: “Every failure, every adversity and every heartache, carries with it the seed of an equivalent or a greater benefit“.


Easy success?

Hard earned success is more lasting as one knows the path to get there. Thus, he is not afraid of losing what has been learned to become successful.

On the contrary, those who easily got success do not really know the path.  By getting there too quickly he has missed out looking around. Hence, the strong fear of losing what is gotten by chance and not likely to be repeated.

Integrity involved?

The world is filled with people like drug dealers, con artists, unscrupulous business-people and corrupt politicians who amass fortunes in questionable ways. If success is measured according to the accumulated riches in a dishonest manner, the key elements of success, namely character and integrity are missing.

In the working class environment, everyone is eager to climb up the corporate ladder speedily and some may resort to taking shortcuts. Does it prick your conscience to see a pile of bodies you stepped on in order to get to the top? If so, be prepared to get stepped on in return. Having the accompanying fear and guilt is never good for any character.

Celebrated portrait photographer, Yousuf Karsh, famous for shooting celebrities and world leaders commented that great people do have in common an immense belief in themselves and their mission. They also have great determination and ability to work hard. At the crucial moment of decision, they draw upon their accumulated wisdom. Above all, they embrace


Quoted from Albert Einstein: “Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.”


In essence, good character is the key to success, be it large or small. By treating others with honesty and respect, you can expect reciprocation and any assistance when the opportunity arises. Success achieved without character and integrity is merely a shadow. What we should strive to achieve is meaningful success in life.

Remember Rome is not built in a day.  Lots of painstaking effort, time and sacrifices required to create these showpieces. Persevere and never quit in the face of adversities.

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