Wednesday 14 May 2014

Hello! Are you HAPPY?


With the success of Bhutan in achieving high rating for Gross National Happiness Index, some countries like Canada, France and UK are adopting benchmark to measure the level of national happiness too.  This is a deviation from traditional practice of measuring success using economic indicators such as GDP.

With the basic needs (eg. food and security) met in an affluent society for majority of the population, philosophers, researchers and politicians understand people are doing a lot of soul-searching, with religion usually being a solace to achieve inner peace and harmony with the environment.

Wealth and consumption no longer equate with happiness if the law of diminishing return applies.  Hence, wealthy nations enjoy higher standard of living may not necessarily be better off than the poorer nations in terms of Happiness Standard.
Measuring happiness and well-being can be very subjective.  Bhutan considered individual and societal values like psychological well-being, education, health, time management, culture, ecology, living standard and governance.  Other indexes include freedom, safety, entrepreneurial opportunity and inequalities of income.

No wonder the mega-rich are giving away like there is no tomorrow.  It is reported that 40 billionaires have taken the Gates-Buffett pledge to commit in handing out at least half of their fortunes during their lifetimes or at death.  Sure their descendants would inherit much lesser but the world is made a better place as life-saving and life changing causes can kick off with the colossal sum available now. 

China with many newborn super-rich is now represented on the list, as the American tradition of philanthropy continues to spread around the world.  Thanks all to the full dedication of Gates to enable his Foundation clinched the top spot of philanthropist list with cumulative pledged sum in the region of US$190-240 billion.

How to be happy with or without money?

The 12 Commandments of Being Happy:

1.  Make up your mind to be happy.  Learn to find pleasure in simple things.

2.  Make the best of your circumstances.  No one has everything and everyone has something of sorrow intermingled with gladness of life.  The trick is to make the laughter outweighs the tears.

3.  Dont take yourself too seriously.  Dont think that somehow you should be protected from misfortune that befalls other people.

4.  You cant please everybody.  Dont let criticism worry you.

5.  Dont let your neighbour set your standards.  Be yourself.

6.  Do the things you enjoy doing but stay out of debt.

7.  Never borrow trouble
Imaginary things are harder to bear than real ones.

8.  Since hate poisons the soul, do not cherish jeolousy.  Avoid people who make you unhappy.  Treasure your loved ones.  Be appreciative to those who care to help and share.

9.  Have many interests.  If you cant travel, read about new places.

10.  Dont hold postmortems.  Dont spend your time brooding over sorrows or mistakes.  Dont be one who never gets over things.

11.  A busy person never has time to be unhappy.

12.  Be charitable. Do what you can for those less fortunate than yourself.

It is the season of giving.  Give generously to receive many more doses of happiness!!!

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+  Famous Zen master Shi Xiqian of the Tang Dynasty had a peculiar recipe for the secrets of good health and longevity – benevolence, wisdom, sincerity, integrity, love and caring are strong virtues one should uphold to lead a happy life.

+  Happy at all times and places:

(1)  Career


(2)   Family

A family can be a constant source of happiness if we are able to masterfully allocate our resources, namely time, talents and energy. Naturally people become unhappy to see ruined relationships.

(3)  Oneself

Many times in life we are caught in a situation between doing ‘right‘ or ‘wrong‘.  Most of us are guilty of this ‘marginal costs’ mistake by allowing ourselves to do it wrong ‘just this once’.

(4)  Others

By noticing and appreciating others gives a person a purpose in life with good sense of well being and life satisfaction.  These individuals are more disposed to feel thankful in a bigger way when the occasion arises and constantly look out for such opportunities given their ability to appreciate a wider range of people and events.  For instance, being helped they are ready to show much appreciation and offer help in return instantly to repay others’ kindness.

In general, gratitude receives deserving rewards whilst ingratitude begets its own penalty.  Hence, the road to happiness is to increase the level of gratitude.

He explained that under such circumstances, the neuroendocrine system is in balance and function effectively, boosting one’s immunity.  On the other hand, a selfish individual who harbors negative thoughts are up to no good and has to be constantly on the alert.  This chemical imbalance pushes the boundaries of the cerebral cortex to a high state of tension, resulting in organ and immune system dysfunction that are detrimental to health.  Hence, a selfish mentality does not lead to a long life.

+  Recently, a Brazilian doctor named Martins did a 10 years’ studies and found that most long-lived people were good and respectable.  With always calm minds, they enjoy healthy relationships with people around and are always happy.

Wise saying:

^^The happiest of people don’t necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.

^^May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy.

^^When the door of happiness closes, another opens, but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don’t see the one which has been opened for us.

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