Thursday 15 May 2014

Challenge your mind


(1)  The fishing story

The Japanese are famous for loving fresh fish and eating them raw (sushi). However, the supply is fast depleting in the coastal waters of Japan in recent times. To feed the increasing Japanese population, more catches are required and fishing trawlers have to be bigger and venture further out. However, this poses a problem as the return trip takes more than a few days and the fish will not be fresh then. Freezers have to be installed to preserve the freshness of the catch once harvested at sea.

Even then, the Japanese could tell the difference between fresh and frozen fish. As freshness is compromised, prices fetched are not desirable. The fishing companies were left with no choice but to install tanks to keep the fish alive. It was subsequently found that after a little thrashing around, the fish became exhausted and bored, but managed to keep alive. Again, the lively taste of freshness was below satisfaction.

If you were consulting the fish industry, what would you recommend?

Tips:  To preserve the freshness of the fish, let them remain in the tanks. Small sharks are placed inside every tank with the fish caught. The shark needs to eat only a few fish, but keep the rest arrived in a very lively state.


(2) Who to pick up?

Driving down the winding road in your two seater car on a wild, stormy night, you spotted three people at the bus stop seeking help -

1. A frail-looking old lady in her dying moment;

2. A great buddy who once saved your life;

3. The dream partner you have been looking for all these years.

Given the limitation in helping only one, which one would you choose to offer a ride to, As your decision may involve moral/ethnical consideration, think hard as life is at stake, chance to repay your saver and the perfect mate you are craving for.

This case study was once actually used as part of a job application. During the session, 200 candidates attended but only one was on the right track.

He simply answered: ‘I would give the car keys to my buddy and let him take the lady to the hospital. I would stay behind and wait for the bus with the partner of my dreams.’



Most people are fearful of challenges because failing can ruin their perspective of life. The situation can be tough if challenges are too big or too many presented at the same time. If your challenges are the correct size, and if you are steadily conquering them, you can gain lots of satisfaction.

What is constantly pulling us back is our stubborn thought, and thus changing the mindset is necessary. A burst of energy can propel us to take on new challenges and change that perspective of life if we learn the episode with the right frame of mind.  The sheer determination to success lies on how to reorganize, counting on our resources, skills and abilities. In fact, people who are intelligent, persistent and competent appreciate a good problem. These positive thinking individuals are excited to try new solutions and enjoy the fun of discovering new ways.

For the majority of the people the best solution is derived in a simple manner. It was observed by L. Ron Hubbard in the early 1950′s.

“Man thrives, oddly enough, only in the presence of a challenging environment.”

They lead a simple life. As soon as a wonderful mate is found, start a family and bear children. At the later part of their lives, clear off all debt commitments and stay free. As there is no need to work so hard anymore, a person tends to relax and lose passion. This is alike the same experience of lottery winners who waste their money, wealthy heirs who never grow up and bored homemakers who get addicted to prescription drugs.

Life is a challenge if we dare to set bigger goals once the smaller ones are met. As an extension, once you meet your personal or family needs, move onto goals for your group, the society and the great mankind!

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