Monday 27 January 2014

All about MOLES


There are several skin lesions that are very common and benign (non-cancerous) appearing as moles, freckles, skin tags, benign lentigines and seborrheic keratoses.

What is a mole?

A common mole is a growth on the skin that develops when pigment cells (melanocytes) grow in clusters with most adults having between 10 and 40 common moles. Such growths are usually found above the waist on areas exposed to the sun and are seldom found on the scalp, breast or buttocks.

The characteristics of a common mole are:

- usually smaller than about 5 mm wide (about 1/4 in, the width of a pencil eraser).
- round or oval, has a smooth surface with a distinct edge and is often dome-shaped.
- even color of pink, tan or brown. (People who have dark skin or hair tend to have darker moles than people with fair skin or blonde hair).
- may darken when exposed to sun, pregnancy or during the teen years.

Although common moles may be present at birth, they usually appear in early childhood and continue to develop new ones until about age 40. As the years passed, moles usually change slowly, becoming raised and/or changing color. Some moles may not change at all, whilst others may slowly disappear over time. In older people, common moles tend to fade away.

How to detect if a Mole Is Cancer?

For most people, moles are not dangerous. The only moles that are of medical concern are those that look different than other existing moles or those that first appear after age 30. You just have to be careful:

+ If you spot changes in a mole’s color (eg. uneven color with dark brown centers and lighter) height (usually flat), size (larger than a pencil eraser) or shape (irregular or uneven edges), or visible signs like bleed, ooze, itch, texture becomes tender or painful.

+ If you see a new mole that does not look like your other moles.

People with higher chance -

+ Congenital nevi are moles that appear at birth occuring in about one in 100 people. These moles may be more likely to develop into melanoma (cancer) than are moles that appear after birth. A mole or freckle should be checked if it has a diameter of more than a pencil eraser or any characteristics listed below.

+ People with dysplastic nevi may have more than 100 moles and have a greater chance of developing melanoma, a serious form of skin cancer. Beware when any mole has color, surface and border different and is more than 5 millimeters wide. Check especially areas exposed to the sun, such as on the back.

+ People who are constantly exposed to high level of sunlight or artificial tanning. This applies more to those with fair (pale) skin that burns easily in the sun.

+ Melanoma may run in families. People who have two or more family members with melanoma face increased risks. In rare cases, members of a family with inherited disorder has skin extremely sensitive to the sun and greatly increases the chance of melanoma.

What to do?

+ Examine your skin with a mirror or ask someone to help you. Pay special attention to areas of the skin that are often exposed to the sun, such as the hands, arms, chest, neck, face and ears. If a mole does not change over time, there is little reason for concern.

+ Everyone should protect their skin from the sun and stay away from sunlamps and tanning booths, but for people who have dysplastic nevi, it is even more important to protect the skin and avoid getting a suntan or sunburn.

+ Any changes in a mole should be checked by a dermatologist to evaluate for skin cancer. The only way to diagnose melanoma is to remove tissue and check it for cancer cells. Also, if you have a new mole, or if you want a mole to be removed for cosmetic reasons, talk to your dermatologist.

But, before you do so, you may want to know what lies behind each mole……

In the traditional Chinese society, the belief that moles can be lucky or unlucky depending on their location, colour and size. Examples are – mole can be a tiny black speck on the feet signifying opportunities for travel, or it can be a dark red dot on the hand, often indicating a particular skill or luck. Moles on our backs denote some kind of burden we have to carry, while moles at the front of our bodies are said to attract success luck.
The saying continues that moles are in reality secret imprints carried over from our previous lives, stamps of some past karmic deeds meant to materialise in this lifetime, both the good and bad. They can also convey messages of good fortune and misfortune that reflect important turning points of our life.

In certain traditions, the messages of moles were quickly picked up and if translated into ill fortune to befall a family, the particular member can be penalised unnecessarily. Many cultures contend that the larger and more prominent the mole, the greater its power (contradicts above medical findings). Another widely held belief is that lighter-coloured moles spell better fortune.

Check yourself to see if the reading is accurate…


Moles on the arms indicate that the person is polite, diligent and leads a happy married life. If mole is near the elbow, you need to work hard for everything you get. You could also be involved in a very physical kind of work.

A mole on the inside curvature of your arm suggests that it is hard for you to get recognition for the hard work you do. Getting the results you want could be elusive. For a woman, likely cannot keep a secret though she does not mean any harm but just loves to talk.

A mole on the wrist indicates that the person is frugal, ingenious and dependable.
A mole on your inside wrist means you love spending money and have a hard time hanging on to your wealth. Practise giving to charity to ensure you have plenty of money to spend and give away. When the mole is on the left hand, it means money flows out faster than you can make it. On the right hand, some say this mole attracts a flow of money.

People who have a mole on any finger turn out to be dishonest and tend to grossly exaggerate.

Those people who have a mole on their hand are talented and make a success of their lives.

People with moles on their elbow are adventurous and love to travel.

A mole on the right shoulder indicates a sensible, industrious individual. Life is quite a challenge for you and there are times when things do not work out well. The good news is that if the mole is red in colour and appears more towards the front than the back, it is a matter of time you rise to the occasion.

If the mole is on the front of the neck, it signifies unexpected good fortune. If it is on either side of the neck, it indicates an easily stressed person with an unreasonable temperament. A mole on the back of the neck indicates a person’s desire to lead a simple life.

A mole under the left arm is indicative of great struggle early in life, which is well rewarded later. One on the right arm indicates need to be alert and cautious in matters of security.
If the mole is hidden deep inside the armpit, it means you will attain a high rank in life.

A mole close to the middle of the front chest here indicates you must be careful about your eating habits, especially if the mole is black and prominent. On the plus side, if the mole is light-coloured, it means your spouse loves you a lot and your obedient children bring you much happiness.

A mole on the right breast is indicative of laziness, which may affect family life. You need to be assertive about your needs to be able to enjoy the love and comfort of the children. A mole on the left breast belongs to active and energetic people, who are blessed with what they want in life. When moles appear in pair, they indicate extreme good fortune.

A mole in the centre between the breast suggests someone who is generous, kindhearted, honourable and honest in conducting business.

If a man has a mole on his nipple, it indicates a fickle nature.
If a woman has a mole on her nipple, it indicates that she is striving for social status.

A mole here signifies great wealth luck, especially if it is small, dark and clearly visible. If it touches the navel, you can become enormously rich. A woman who has the same desires children.

Having a mole on either side of your lower abdominal area blessed you with a great look and a great looking spouse.

Men who have a mole at the centre of their back are constantly plagued by backache arising from endless problems. For a woman, it signifies one who has to bear the burden of many heavy responsibilities, including having to swallow many indignities in life. In the olden days, this mole would be cauterized and removed.

If moles are found behind the shoulder blade, they invite backstabbing and lots of politicking. You will have a hard time escaping the slings and arrows aimed at you unless you remove this mole. It is no fun being betrayed, so it is much better to remove this mole.

People who have a mole on their forehead will be prosperous and well settled in life.

A mole on either cheek indicates a serious and studious person who has no interest in material pleasures.

People with a mole on their lips always aspire to get ahead in life.

A mole on either side of the chin indicates a well-rounded individual with nice personality like affectionate, caring, adaptable, law-abiding, dedicated, hardworking and responsible person.

A mole on the nose belongs to a person who is a sincere and conscientious individual.

These people are born under the lucky star.

If the mole is located on the outer corner of the eye, this indicates that the person is honest, reliable and forthright.

If a mole is located on the right eyebrow, it signifies a person with a highly active life and successful in all ventures.

People with a mole on their foot are easy going and laid back who need to exercise to stay healthy.

Moles near the front part of the feet of a man denotes a life filled with travel both for pleasure as well as for work. If the mole is small and is a dot, it suggests happiness in travel. When the mole is too large, it suggests that travel brings problems.

A mole or moles found on the inside thighs of men is an indication of inheritance luck, so there is a possibility of you being left a small fortune by some relative. You are charismatic and popular. On women, it suggests that wealth will come from your own efforts.

Moles on the lower leg are not such a good indication, as these suggest there is hardship and suffering that you have to endure in your life.

Located slightly lower at the back of the thighs, this mole tells of one who is very knowledgeable and intelligent. This is a person who can be depended upon.

People who possess a mole on their heel make enemies easily and are prone to losing friends. It signifies a person who can be rather heartless.

A mole on any part of the hip except the buttocks signifies that these people are contented, resilient and spirited.

If you have a mole on your right knee, it implies that you are a friendly person.

A mole on the left knee signifies that these people lead an extravagant lifestyle.

If your mole is located on the back of your knee, you have to endure a life that is lacking in the good things.

Special features

Significance of Twin Moles

When there are twin moles irrespective of their location, the person possesses a dual nature. The presence of two moles, side by side, is indicative of a person being in love with two people.

Significance of shapes in Moles

(a) Round: A round mole signifies the goodness in people.
(b) Oblong: An oblong mole depicts a modest share of acquired wealth.
(c) Angular: An angular mole suggests that the individual has both positive and negative characteristics.

Significance of Moles based on colour

(a) Light Coloured Moles: Those who have light coloured moles are considered lucky.
(b) Black Moles: This denotes that a person would have to surmount obstacles in order to achieve the desired results.


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