Friday 7 July 2017

Dont ignore Vitamin D


Basic functions

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that carries both properties of a vitamin and hormone, essential for effective absorption of calcium and phosphorus.  For this reason, children need it for normal growth of bones and teeth. A severe deficiency can cause rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. Both of these conditions cause soft, thin and brittle bones.

Not known is the importance for all ages like:

  • Boosting immune system,
  • Musco-skeletal function (eg. osteoarthritis, osteoporosis)
  • Cardiovascular function
  • Respiratory system –for healthy lungs and airways
  • Brain development
  • Thyroid proper activity
  • Normal blood clotting
A deficit can cause symptoms such as: loss of appetite, insomnia, visual problems and weight loss.

Research done…

+  In the 19th century, Boston’s Floating Hospital in New England sent children who developed rickets due to a lack of vitamin D (especially during winters) onboard the cruise for prolonged periods to obtain sun exposure - a natural source of this vitamin.

+  Medical research done shown that combining 1500 mg of calcium with 1000 IU given to postmenopausal women decreased the risk of bone fracture and were 77% less likely to develop cancer, primarily breast malignancy in the next 4 years.

+  Harvard School researcher, Dr Edward Giovannucci, reported that those with low levels of vitamin D were more likely to suffer heart attack, heart failure and stroke.   Adding Vitamin D can alleviate cardiac problem by lowering blood pressure and/or cholesterol, reduce inflammation and calcification in the coronary arteries.

+  Dr Mitsuyoshi Urashima, a professor of Epidemiology in Japan reported in the American Journal of Nutrition that by giving 1200 IU of vitamin D to some children resulted in less Influenza A amongst them as compared to those who did not receive.  Another Japanese study done revealed that children not receiving vitamin D were six times more likely to suffer asthma attacks.

+  A study to assess blood levels of Vitamin D levels and the risk of viral respiratory tract infection such as cold and flu in almost 200 American men and women throughout an autumn and a winter produced some interesting findings:

– those with higher levels who succumbed to flu were ill for an average of 2 days per infection;
– those with lower levels who succumbed to flu were ill for an average of 9 days per infection.

Hence, elderly especially those who are institutionalised should increase dosage of this vitamin.

+  Diabetic patients usually has a low level of vitamin D which is needed in the production of insulin.


+  Foods loaded with vitamin D as shown in diagram.
As it is fat-soluble base like A, E and K, any extra intake is stored in the liver till converted. This includes all forms of Vitamin D supplements taken.

– Note that Vitamin D obtained from food or supplements are usually not fully active, and need to be converted by the liver into 25-D (inactive form), followed by the kidney into 1.25-D (active form).  Thus, people with liver or kidney disorders are at a higher risk of osteoporosis.

– Most medical institutions examine the blood levels of vitamin D by using 25-D inactive form as the biomarker are likely to interpret wrongly a deficiency when there are actually sufficient amount in the active form.

– The biological effect as explained by scientists is that in many illnesses, the body produces lots of interferon gamma, an immune substance that helps to ward off invading bacterial infections that can cause cancer in more serious cases.  Interferon gamma can activate our big white cells called macrophages to gobble those pathogens.  Macrophages being activated by this interferon are known to produce the active 1.25-D itself.  Hence, the importance of vitamin D on the immune functions. Another study conducted found that T cells first search for vitamin D in order to activate and unable to do so if there is not enough found.

+  Vitamin D3 is synthesized in the skin in response to exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays (UVB).  What happens is that a cholesterol compound in the skin is transformed into a precursor of vitamin D.  Hence, if one can expose the face and arms to the sun for 15 minutes thrice weekly, vitamin D can be adequately stored and body cholesterol level can be reduced.

Proper usage

+  Is advisable to take at least 1000 IU daily together with calcium for better absorption. Some statins and diuretic drugs are known to interfere with its absorption disturbing the calcium/vitamin D ratio.

+  Taking excessive amounts singly can result in toxicity on the liver and gallbladder leading to abnormal enzyme functions affecting its absorption further.  Toxicity only arises when one takes in 50000 IU continuously for 6 months.

+  1 tablespoon of cod liver oil contains about 13,000 international units of vitamin A and 1,300 international units of vitamin D. As Vitamin A is also fat-soluble, consuming large amounts over many weeks or months significantly increases your risk of toxicity. The tolerable upper limit for adults is 10,000 international units of vitamin A daily.

+   For both fat soluble vitamins, toxicity can cause one to have nausea, vomiting, appetite loss, dry skin, achy pain, reduced bone strength, nervous disorders and an increased risk of kidney stones.

VIVA corner

Consuming calcium alone without the relevant nutrients that would aid its absorption is futile. In our body, magnesium is meshed with calcium, potassium and sodium electrolytes to regulate nervous reaction and muscle contraction. Vitamin D is added to enhance absorption of all above.

Viva Calmag & D, an award winning product with all the right ingredients in place, namely calcium (calcium gluconate and citrate), magnesium, vitamin D3 and zinc complement each other for higher bioavailability and absorption for all the health reasons as enumerated.

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