Tuesday 18 July 2017

SIGNS that you are NOT eating right


Most people live to eat, primarily for existence or to keep the body going. Out of approximately 50 trillion cells in our body, about 3 billions of them are dying off every minute and thus nourishment is so vital not only for maintenance of existing cells but for the reconstruction of the new cells as well. However, most people are not eating right most of the time causing the body to feel unwell. In the right perspective, an individual's balanced diet should contain six key nutrient groups that are required in appropriate amounts for overall health. These groups are outlined below.

  • Carbohydrates are usually the main energy source for the body.
  • Proteins are involved in growth, repair and general maintenance of the body.
  • Lipids or fats are a rich source of energy, key components of cell membranes and signaling molecules, and as myelin they insulate neurons (nerve cells).
  • Vitamins are important in a range of biochemical reactions.
  • Minerals are important in maintaining ionic balances and many biochemical reactions.
  • Water is crucial to life. Metabolic reactions occur in an aqueous environment and water acts as a solvent for other molecules to dissolve in.
There are visible signs that your body can display to alert of health problems that have to do more with your wrong diet comprising mainly too much simple carbohydrates and animal protein, and less of fruits and vegetables. Some common health issues occurring to most people are:


Skin problems can be uncomfortable, noticeable and embarrassing. Your skin might feel tight and painful, dull, itchy, red or flaky mostly affecting the arms, hands, lower legs and abdomen.

Basically, healthy skin is coated with a thin layer of natural lipids, or fatty substances to retain moisture, leaving the skin soft and supple. Stripping away these fatty oils leave your skin unprotected, giving way to all sorts of bacteria to invade the body. Do not underestimate its role of being the body’s primary defense against infection.

Other causes:

+ Eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis – autoimmune disorders
+ Diabetes – Fluctuations in glucose levels can lead to dehydration, and that dries the skin out.
+ Hypothyroidism – Low levels of thyroid hormone can reduce the amount of oil produced by your skin.
+ Malnutrition – Not getting the nutrients you need can leave your skin dried out.

In most instances, problems arise due to inadequate intake of vitamin A, B, C and E. Most vitamins can be derived from dark color fruits and vegetables eg. spinach, broccoli, apricots, carrots, sweet potatoes. Omega 3 from seafood helps to keep the skin supple and well-lubricated, plus a host of other benefits.


Everyone loves to have full, healthy, shiny hair but by not taking proper care these features disappear gradually. Possible causes are:

+ Over shampooing and conditioning – buildup blocks the pores.
+ Other contributory factors such as chemical and drug treatments, environmental exposure (sun, wind, water) and heated appliances can also cause hair damage.

+ Never overlook nutritional support like Vitamin A that helps the scalp to produce natural oils and Vitamin E to help the blood circulation in the scalp and replenish lost moisture in the hair. Derive the vitamins from cauliflower, nuts, lentils and soybeans.

+ Not to be missed is protein that makes up the hair itself. A mix of vegetables, grains and beans makes a healthier choice than dairy products and meats.


Heavy bloating can cause constipation and usually happens to people with infrequent bowel movements or those who experience difficulty in passing motion. Constipation is defined medically as fewer than three stools per week and severe constipation as less than one stool per week.

There are many causes of constipation including medications, poor bowel habits, abuse of laxatives, hormonal disorders and diseases occurring in other parts of the body that also affect the colon.

Most people suffer from constipation due to a lack of water and fibre intake. An average person should take in 25 gm of fibre daily but most of us can barely do half. An easy solution is to take a soluble fibre drink. Other choices are oatmeal, whole-meal bread, walnut, apples, banana, cucumber, carrot sticks, raisins etc.


The most common complaint of stomach discomfort is bloating, caused by wrong diet, irritable bowel syndrome, lactose intolerance, reflux and constipation etc.

Gas and bloating is a sign that food is not being ingested properly by the body. Water aids in digestion and prevents excessive stomach bloating. Consuming too much fatty foods can cause a formation of fat cells to develop throughout the body and slow down the body’s ability to empty the stomach. 

People who are intolerant to lactose products experience excessive cramps, gas and bloating more than others.

Gas in the gastrointestinal tract is either passed out through the mouth or anus. Burping works by removing gas trapped in the stomach as a result of too much air swallowed during eating and drinking too quickly or as a form of relief from abdominal discomfort. Flatulence or farting helps the body to expel gas produced by bacteria feeding on food moving from the small intestine which causes swelling and bloating, through the anus.

-  Is time to do some internal housekeeping by detoxifying to clear the toxins and gas produced that are irritating the digestive system and to rid them before re-channeled into the body system. Avoid sugar and other acidic foods. Overcooking vegetables eliminates the enzymes and phytochemicals in them.  Also, do not buy sliced fruits as they lose their goodness after preparation.

-  Drink water 30 mins before a proper meal. This prepares the digestive tract to absorb the food well.  Drink water again 2.5 hours later to complete the digestion process and correct the dehydration caused by food breakdown.


When you think about dental health, focus is likely to be on preventing cavities in your teeth. We tend to pay little attention to our gums. For those who know both are just as important tend to clean the gums as vigorously as the teeth. As gums are made of delicate tissue, brushing the wrong way could damage them.

If canker sores are a constant presence, germs are living too comfortably in your mouth. Beware of more serious chronic bacterial infections like periodontal (gum) diseases, including gingivitis and periodontitis, which if left untreated, can lead to tooth loss. It starts off with the bacteria in plaque causing the gums to become inflamed and slowly spread to adjoining teeth. Medical experts believe the bacteria can travel to the heart to cause cardiovascular health problem.

Sores and gum problem are best treated with the beneficial bacterium, acidophilus and avoid sugary foods. Do not depend on antibiotics to eliminate the bacteria as their overuse can increase the risk of bacterial resistance to these drugs and lose their effectiveness.


Achy joints are so common and can be caused by injury, viral/bacterial infection, weight gain and arthritis. The duration can be a short time or lasts a lifetime. Basically, a joint is where two bones meet, consisting of tendons, ligaments, a lining called the synovial membrane and synovial fluid.

For those who suffer from joint pain, eating foods that are rich in certain vitamins and essential fatty acids can help to reduce inflammation and aches.

Omega3 fatty acids found in fish like salmon and tuna can help to smoothen joint movement while increasing blood flow and reducing inflammation and pain around joints.

Vitamin D is very effective in alleviating joint pain and autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis. Fruits high in vitamin C and packed with antioxidants such as strawberries and blueberries may slow degeneration of your joints. B vitamins, known to reduce joint inflammation and pain, can be found in lean meats, fish, sunflower seeds, cottage cheese, eggs, soybeans, whole grains, lentils, peanuts, wheat germ and bananas.

Do not forget to add vital minerals like glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM for the creation of cartilage required for maintenance and replacement in the joints. Taking raw garlic or garlic capsules provides fast relief too.


Bones are tough stuff but if the pressure applied is too great or sudden can cause a snap. A bone is fractured with a thin break or snapped in two pieces like a broken tree branch. Certain medical conditions can also weaken the bones, such as osteoporosis and bone cancer.

The natural process of healing a fracture starts when the injured bone and surrounding tissues bleed. The blood coagulates to form a blood clot situated between the broken fragments and later replaced by collagen fibres.

Subsequently this is mineralized, stiffened it and transformed into bone. Adequate nutrition (including calcium intake) helps in the bone’s healing process.

Bones are essentially made of calcium and Vitamin D. Women need higher level of both minerals but men should not ignore them as they tend to eat more animal meats, loaded with phosphorus that depletes calcium. Low-skim milk, low-fat cheese and yoghurt are natural food source to add to our diet. Avoid excessive caffeine and carbonate drink intake that can leech calcium from the bones into the kidneys and overdose of salt dissolving the bones over time.


Refined sugar is bad for our health as it depresses immune cell functioning up to five hours upon entering the bloodstream as it interrupts the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development. Likewise, consuming too much sugar substitutes may stimulate the body into eating more. In the long course of consuming too much carbohydrates and lesser protein, the body tends to break down muscles to make up for the lack of protein, which can lead to a loss of energy, and even muscle weakness and pain.


Women’s biggest sexual problem is caused by a combination of both mental and physical factors – ranging from declining hormones, job stress to relationship issues. Hence, their sexuality tends to be multifaceted and fairly complicated.

Lack of sex drive is common in women, but not so much in men except when they are in depression and stress. Even men who have difficulty maintaining an erection (erectile dysfunction) usually have a normal sex drive. However, some men do find that their interest in sex diminishes as they get older. Hence, the fear is more of their sperms tank or testosterone running low.

Vitamin C is known to be able to protect sperm from all sorts of damage and harm. Zinc deficiency can impair the growth of the reproductive organs resulting in impotence, infertility, prostate trouble etc. This mineral can be found in egg yolks, seafood, sardines, soybeans, whole grains and pumpkin seeds. Other foods that can help to elevate the testosterone levels are grapes, cabbage, honey, venison and eggs.


Take your heart seriously if it is no longer beating constantly 100,000 times a day. Too fast or too slow than normal can result in pain and dizziness.

When the heart pumps blood through the arteries, the blood presses against the walls of the blood vessels. Any obstruction can elevate the blood pressure and the heart must therefore work harder to pump an adequate amount of blood to all tissues in the body. Abnormal blood pressure causes hypertension and usually accompanied by other problems like kidney disorders, heart disease, diabetes, hyperthyroidism and stroke.

Taking foods loaded up with omega 3, magnesium and potassium help the heart to keep its rhythm beats in line.


Researchers found that men with the highest levels of vitamins B6, B12 and folate in their blood scored highest on tests of their mental abilities. These nutrients can help the brain to operate at peak levels, whilst controlling homocysteine, an amino acid that can hamper blood flow up there and before its conversion into cholesterol.

B vitamins are found in whole unprocessed foods (processed carbohydrates such as sugar and white flour contain lower B vitamin). High concentration is found in most seafood and meat such as turkey, tuna, liver and meat products.

Good sources for B vitamins from plants are whole grains, potatoes, bananas, lentils, chili peppers, tempeh and beans. However, the B12 vitamin is the one hardly available from plant products, making its deficiency a concern for vegetarians. Chemical variants of the B12 vitamin found in plant sources are active for bacteria, but cannot be used by the human body.

Do not forget to add gingko biloda for better blood circulation in those capillaries in the brain. Good doses of lecithin daily can improve neuro-transmission and thus brain memory.

Other comments

If these subtle signals are not passed off after changing your eating habits, there are serious trouble brewing from within that warrant more medical attention. A deficiency is the cause of a minor ailment that can turn nasty if left unattended. For instance, a deficiency in folic acid can lead to spina bifida and other spinal defects that can lead to the death of an unborn child or permanent paralysis.

A quick fix is to go for a potent multivitamins. It is shown that getting about 100 nutrients on a daily basis can add 7 more years to your life and leave you less susceptible to opportunistic infections like heart disease and even cancers. According to the American Cancer Society, 1 in 3 women will get cancer in their lifetime and the ratio is 1 in 2 for the men.

VIVA corner

VIVA Dailyguard is clinically tested to be the premium supplemental source of multivitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidants, formulated in a base of more than 30 different fruit and vegetable concentrate to support all of the body systems for optimal health. This is an excellent choice with superb bioavailability and fast dissolution.

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