Thursday 12 January 2017

Any problems, GUYS?


1.  Do you consume protein after a workout?

According to researchers at McMaster University:  Men who drink skim milk after a weight workout experienced a greater rate of muscle growth as compared to those who consumed a soya beverage even though both drinks contain same amount of protein.  Scientists believe it is because milk proteins digest more slowly than the soya variety, delivering a smaller but steadier dose of nutrients to the muscles over a longer time.  Avoid protein shakes loaded with calories only.

The good news is - every kilo of muscle burns 77 calories, even at rest and thus the more muscle you have, the more fats you will be able to lose.  Taking a protein-packed meal (eg. animal, fish, eggs, dairy) within the 30-90 min window after your gym workout can ensure better absorption of macronutrients.  This is also important for the replenishment of glutamine, responsible for 35% of the nitrogen that reaches the muscle cells.  Research suggests that glutamine, responsible for protein synthesis and muscle metabolism can be depleted by as much as 40% after engaging in heavy exercise.

On a regular basis, with “less calories in, more calories out” principle, you can achieve the goal of losing fat and gain lean muscle.

Pomegranate2.  Do you take good care of your ‘little guys’?

-  Turkish researchers:  Drinking pomegranate juice can improve sperm health.  Male rats fed such juice for seven weeks saw their sperm cells grew in size and numbers, displayed improved mobility and were healthier.  Evidence also suggested it could help regulate erectile dysfunction.

-  Clinical studies show that vitamin C helps to produce healthy and quality sperm.  Hence, taking high dosage can increase sperm count and motility to prevent getting an abnormal child.

-  Low zinc levels can be associated with male infertility and zinc is used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), male infertility and erectile dysfunction (ED).

-  For those about to start a family, say NO-NO to drugs called PDE inhibitors like Viagra, Levitra and Cialis that promise to resolve erectile-dysfunction problem.  British scientists discovered that such drugs can cause the outer layer of the sperm head to break down before it reaches the female egg, preventing penetration.  Consult a urologist for other therapy that does not affect fertility.

-  How to keep your “little guys” safe:

+  placing laptop on your lap can damage the sperm by 25% as scientists found they had stopped swimming and undergone changes in their genetic code;
+  putting cellphones in pockets can reduce fertility as the network function operating on e-waves can lead to higher levels of free radicals in sperm samples, decreasing the quality of those swimmers;
+  exposure to high temperatures in saunas and hot pools can raise the temperature in the testicles, killing sperm and interfere with its production.

3.  Engaging in intensive aerobic training helps to build a stronger heart and body?

To build up stronger cardio health, run hard and not just jogThe effect is a reduction in the number of heartbeats needed to achieve blood flow.  Do interval training like a 4 min run at 90% of your maximum heart rate and alternate with 3 mins at 70%.  Repeat the interval 3 times over 3 times a week to see result.

+  Do not overtrain.  A study conducted amongst marathon runners found that 40% had blood markers indicating heart damage after they finished a 42 km race.  Exercise ‘overdose’ from overtraining and declining performance sets in that can cause disastrous health effects.  Do not collapse for this reason.

+  Combining aerobic exercises with weight-training exercises can break the monotony and improve overall health.  Health experts believed in ‘lift weight, lose weight’ as adding muscle helps in speeding metabolism, or the number of calories to burn.  A good compromise is to start off with 20 mins of aerobic exercise before performing weight-lifting.  Serious bodybuilders can do the reverse so that the body is at its freshest when hitting the lifting machine.

+  As a reward for the hard work, both types of exercise drain the muscles’ fuel reserves – glycogen (stored glucose).  To replenish the lost of energy used, the body immediately shuttles any available glucose to the muscles, thereby reducing the blood-glucose levels.  As sugar makes one fat, this is a good way to minimise the harmful effect and create a leaner, healthier body.

4.  Do you go for your regular check-up?

Most guys avoid medical check-ups and do not like to talk about their health problems.  These days, even young guys are not spared and can die horrible deaths because they ignore warning signs.  Below are some symptoms that may be identifiable as there are visible signs:

+  A cardiologist commented:  “For 50% of heart-attack victims, their first heart attack is also their last.”  Statistics showed 1/3 of heart-attack victims never have any warning.  Do not brush off a chest pain if it occurs.

+  Doctor’s advice:  Any mole that suddenly darkens or changes shape should be checked out, especially if there are many moles or a family history of melanoma.  Other warning signs:  a ragged or blurred border, colour shifts across the mole’s surface, or a diameter exceeding that of the head of a pencil’s eraser.   Note that cancer can crop up in areas not directly exposed to sun or hide in the clothings most of the time.

  + Problem with passing urine?  Ask for prostate examination and a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test after the age of 40 and if you have a family history of prostate cancer.  If symptoms such as severe burning or itching, and urethra discharge appears, do a STD test to check for syphilis, gonorrhoea etc.  Also watch for any testicular tumour that can grow to the size of grapefruits.

+  After 50 or family history of colon cancer, arrange for a colonoscopy test every 10 years.  If blood is found in your stools, ask for a fecal occult blood test.  Severe rectal pain and anemia can signal cancer.

Colon cancer can be tackled by increasing the intake of vitamin B6, found aplenty in bananas and tuna sashimi.  Japanese researchers did a study of 81000 men and found that consuming more than 1.1 mg of this vitamin daily decreases colon cancer by 30% by preventing mutations of cancer cells.  

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