Sunday 5 February 2017



The Japanese considered Royal Jelly a superior nutritional supplement fit for the royal family. Its use as the main health and longevity enhancer of queen bees has led many people to believe that humans can experience the same benefits – longevity, increased virility, vigor and enhanced growth by consuming royal jelly regularly.

Legend has it that the Ancient Egyptians used it to keep their skin moisturised in the hot dry desert. Back in the modern societies, ladies take it to have clear and smooth complexion.

Differences in bee products

Note the components in the type of bee products available on the shelves.

- Fresh royal jelly is fairly sweet and slightly bitter in taste, and is totally different from honey (with cane sugar added).

- Both honey and pollen are food for the worker bees.

- Propolis is the sticky substance on bee hive.

How is royal jelly derived?

Worker bees produce the white or pale yellowish substance in their hypopharyngal and mandibular glands by catalyzing with their special digestive enzymes on digested plant materials and pollen.

When a bee hive needs a new queen bee, worker bees select several larvae and carefully nourish them with the gourment food secreted from their bodies. This substance is responsible for the development of the characteristic features of the mature queen bee such as her well-developed ovaries. If it were not for this special feeding, the larvae would develop into regular worker bees. Other worker bees or male bees can have it for 3 days after hatching, from the 4th day onwards they have to switch to honey and pollen.

A queen bee is 50% to 80% larger than the worker bees with an average life span of 5 years, while the worker bee only lives for 1- 2 months. Unbelievably, the queen bee can produce up to 2000 eggs a day and the total weight of these eggs is heavier than her.

Nutritional properties -

+ Under laboratory analysis, it comprises all the key ingredients for maintaining good health – namely water, sugars, all vitamins A – K, enzymes and minerals like potassium. A substance in it named royalisin contains a large concentration of all 18 amino acids – essential amino acids that the body cannot synthesize and so must consume on a regular basis including leucine, lysine, tryptophan, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine and valine, and nonessential amino acids the body is capable of synthesizing such as serine, glutamic acid, glycine, carnitine and arginine.

+  It contains various nutrients that help to regulate the central nervous system (compound acetylcholine) and endocrine system (reduces the symptoms of menopause). Acetylcholine is naturally synthesized within the body as a neurotransmitter required for proper neural system functioning especially by neural cells in transmitting chemical signals from cell to cell. Hence, more acetylcholine is linked to enhanced memory and brain function, whilst decreased acetylcholine levels can lead to memory-related conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease.

+ The secret to its effect on your skin lies in the body’s pH. When the pH balance of your skin is out of balance - breakouts, fine lines and wrinkles are formed. It contains parotin - an anti-aging agent that acts as a stimulator to promote cell metabolism and revitalize old cells i.e. skin tissues, muscle tissues and cartilage tissues. Packed with amino acids, it can increase collagen production (chiefly due to aging) to avoid sag or wrinkle as well as the epidermis cells and hairs made of keratin. It also works for any wound healing process. Hence, through this ability and the skin's renewal process every 30 days, regular intake should see noticeable difference in the complexion. No wonder, it is made a popular ingredient in skin cosmetics for aesthetic cause and problematic skin problems like psoriasis and chapped skin.

+ Rich in anti-cancerous components (1o – hydroxy-2 decenoic acid) and nutrients which can lower blood cholesterol and regulate blood pressure. 50-100 mg a day can bring down total cholesterol by 14% and total serum lipids by 10% in sample patients taken.

+  It reduces fatigue and boosts energy and metabolism with its high Vitamin B content (especially rich in Vitamin B6 and B5). This also helps in improving appetite and aids in better nutrient-absorption in the digestive tract. Taken with the right foods with increased metabolism reduces weight loss, not result in weight gain as what some takers have to complain about.

+ Royal Jelly is known for its calming effect on neurotic or depressed people. It works like anti-depressive and is effective whenever you feel strong negative emotions such as sorrow, sadness, fear etc. Experts agree that it can help people overcome moderate depression and many other symptoms of emotional problems or illnesses.

+  It contains natural antimicrobial properties to aid immune system in reducing inflammation.

In summary, it helps to improve the following health conditions:


More profound benefits

+ Japanese researchers gave Royal Jelly to laboratory mice before transplanting different types of cancer cells in them. Results showed Royal jelly did have some dramatic effects on sarcoma cells. The life of the mice were prolonged for a fifth, with tumor cells shrunk about half the size as compared to the average untreated ones.

This experiment confirmed earlier findings that Royal Jelly can be a great fighter against the chemo and radio-therapy side effects. Amino acids present in it stimulate the growth of 5 different lymphocytes to aid recovery of the immune system and provide a defense against the attacking microbes.

Other tests conducted showed it demonstrated its ability to inhibit the growth-promoting effect of Bisphenol A on human breast cancer cells (MCF-7), but did not affect the proliferation of normal cells and assist in the rebuilding of the good cells that are being destroyed during therapy treatment. Hence, it is useful in prevention of the early onset of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and in the control of the active progression of the manifestations of SLE.

+ As a hepatroprotective agent, it exhibits marked protective effect on liver tissue especially against paracetamol-induced liver damage. Also, general use to strengthen detoxification function of the liver and improve overall liver function.

More comments

+ Low priced royal jelly may be inferior in quality. China Industry Daily News reported on 3/6/2008 that one-third of Chinese bee products were not up to standards. Most contain chloramphenicol, an antibiotic, which is not allowed in food in Australia. Exporters try to get away by re-labeling as an Australian product instead.

+ Pure royal jelly should remain in gel form with no change in structure and composition. As no chemicals are added there is no microbial contaminants and thus it can never spoil.

+ Remember to choose royal jelly in softgels to keep air and contaminants out. Keep the bottle in the fridge if not consumed regularly. Also note that at high temperatures its nutritional substances is easily destroyed. Upon denaturalized, the color will change from milky yellow or white to brown and become rotten and smell bad. Producers have to ensure that it is well-frozen to preserve its freshness and activity after being harvested.

+ Though Royal Jelly is a natural food to be taken any time, is better not to mix with other food. Preferably taken on an empty stomach in the morning. About 80% of people who consume Royal Jelly see results within 30 days but there are instances where results are observed in people only after 3 to 6 months. Scientists explained that it varies with individuals and one's metabolism can make much difference in the response time. People who have severe asthma or allergy are not advisable to consume this product.

Look around and you observe those who have been taking Royal Jelly constantly are radiant-looking, energetic and easily recover from fatigue because it aids in regulating their body metabolism rate.

In totality, this prized food for the queen bees works to preserve life and strength in the human anatomy of both sexes, which can delay the aging process and retain for as long as possible the elasticity of the mind and the youthful physical freshness of the body!

VIVA corner

Try Viva Royal Jelly for its clear superiority in potency and high purity. Most of the homogenous product in the market contain too much water as high as 12-40%. Do a simple test by putting a softgel in the freezer for few hours to see if it hardened. VIVA uses special low temperature process to achieve this high standard.

In each softgel of VIVA brand contains 16 mg of 10-HDA, processed under highly advanced technology to preserve the freshness and potency for easy absorption. Like all its products, company uses Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) and HACCP to carefully monitor each step of production to ensure highest level of quality standard maintained throughout.

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