Sunday, 3 November 2019


The Greek words chloros (“green”) and phyllon (“leaf”) combined to give CHLOROPHYLL – the green pigment found in almost all plants and algae. This is a vital bio-molecule which allows plants to obtain energy from light to synthesise carbohydrates from CO2 and water.  The process better known as PHOTOSYNTHESIS – is the basis for sustaining all plants’ life processes and thus all living things, including humans.

(Photosynthesis – In 1780, the famous English chemist Joseph Priestley found that plants could “restore air which has been injured by the burning of candles.” He used a mint plant, and placed it into an upturned glass jar in a vessel of water for several days. He then found that “the air would neither extinguish a candle, nor was it all inconvenient to a mouse which I put into it“. In other words, he discovered that plants produce oxygen.)


The function of chlorophyll in plants mimics the function of blood in humans given its molecular structure being identical to that of hemoglobin – primarily to transport oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues. Only difference between them is the center atom. In chlorophyll the center atom is magnesium, and iron in hemoglobin. Hence, the benefits of chlorophyll to humans is its ability to perform the job of hemoglobin or adding to the quality of hemoglobin.


Chlorophyll benefits for humans are derived from the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties of the pigment, thus helping to neutralize free radicals in the body and reduce inflammation.

• Chlorophyll enriches the blood with nutrients to aid in iron production giving rise to higher red blood count. An enhanced quality and quantity leads to an improved circulation and energy production.
• As plants absorb carbon dioxide, it is capable of eliminating pollutants. Smokers who find it hard to quit can take more chlorophyll. It can also act as a means to removing a heavy metal from the bloodstream by means of a chelate, as in treating lead or mercury poisoning.
• Chlorophyll aids in boosting the immune system and improves circulatory, digestive and detoxification systems. Symptoms like bad breath, foul smelling urine or fecal wastes and body odor, can be rectified with this natural deodorizer.
• Chlorophyll helps in the elimination of carcinogens (cancer causing agents) which bind to DNA.
• Its ability to destroy germs that cause infection curbs bacteria growth and further strengthens the tissues to increase resistance to prevent further attacks.


You can derive from green leafy vegetables like alfalfa, broccoli, Asian greens, spinach, Swiss chard, lettuce, Brussels sprouts, green capsicum, asparagus, beet greens, green peppers, peas, green beans, kale, leeks, turnip greens, etc.

However, note that cooking destroy a substantial amount of chlorophyll thus reducing the benefits. Chlorophyll supplements provides more benefits in that sense.


POTENCY of VIVA Chloroguard

If you are not able to consume enough vegetables, consider supplementing with VIVA Chloroguard. It is a potent combination of green food chlorophyll power in convenient tablet form, providing a substantial source of fiber, phytonutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, bioflavonoids, carotenes, protein, essential fatty acids, glycolipids, sulfolipids and polysaccharides. These components offer the following benefits:

+ Supports healthy gastrointestinal and digestive system function to assist in the assimilation of foods;

* Enhances digestion through rebuilding the intestinal flora and promotes metabolic activity to increase energy levels;

+ Stimulated effect on the metabolism accelerates the mitochondria activity of the fat and can benefit in weight loss;

+ Helps protect the integrity of the cells from oxidative damage and toxins. An example is precursors of neuropeptides to promote healthy brain function;

+ Its molecular nature enables penetration to the cell structure to assist in detoxification with its high alkalinity and removal of heavy metals;

+ Promotes tissue regeneration and repair of DNA synthesis with phytonutrients such as polysaccharides, sulfoglycolipids and phycocyanin, and supports healing of body tissues to enhance the immune system function;

+ Helps increase hemoglobin production to build healthy blood;

4 in 1 perfect combination

The main ingredient of VIVA Chloroguard is spirulina or blue-green micro-algae with 2280 mg in every 6 tablets. Chlorella (green algae), kelp and Nova Scotia Dulse Sea vegetables are added to make it more complete. Vitamin C and E are extras to provide antioxidant properties to preserve their potencies naturally.


Spirulina is abundantly found in both ocean and alkaline waters. It is very hardy and able to withstand harsh environments and doubles in bio-mass every 2-5 days.

-  Apart from high in chlorophyll, it comprises 60-70% vegetable protein by dry weight, or 4g of protein for each tablespoon. 
This complete protein contains all 8 essential amino acids in the correct ratios and 10 non-essential amino acids. Acre for acre, harvest for protein content yields 20 times more than soybeans, 40 times of corn and 400 times of beef.

-  Containing the entire Vitamin B complex, the levels of B2 (riboflavin) and B1 (thiamine) are very high, essential for the body to convert carbohydrates into accessible energy.

-  Beta-carotene is known to be high in carrots and spirulina has its ten folds, making it one of the highest natural beta carotene food source. Also, it contains a high quantity of other carotenoids such as zeaxanthin, myxoxanthophyll, echinenone and beta-crytoxanthin, which contribute to antioxidant activity and immune system support.

-  As mentioned above, its rich iron content is 28 times more than beef liver. Other minerals like calcium is 5 times more than milk, and its center of atom is an vital mineral to our body, magnesium. As it is found in the waters, DHA is present in its essential fatty acids together with the rare essential GLA or gamma-linolenic acid which is 3 times more than evening primrose oil.

Chorella (green algae)  

It has higher concentration of chlorophyll than most plants around. Similar to spirulina, it is a complete protein food, with all the Vitamins B, C and E and significant quantities of minerals.

Its simple structure being one-celled has a beneficial effect on bowel health, detoxifying the colon, stimulating peristaltic action and promotes the growth of friendly bacteria.

It is effective in neutralising and eliminating heavy metals like lead, mercury, copper and cadmium. Also it promotes the elimination of radionuclides, the dangerous component of radiation exposure and harmful substances emitting from haze smoke.

All the potent ingredients found in it help to strengthen the liver and aid in the body's detoxification processes.

Kelp (brown algae)

They contain natural source of sodium (for correct water balance in the body and cells), lithium (for a sense of wellness and direction) and iodine (for optimum thyroid function). Other naturally chelated minerals are iron, potassium and magnesium as well as trace minerals from the ocean. Other vital components contained are:

Algin has great therapeutic value as a heavy metal detoxifying agent. It can bind heavy metals present in the food stream upon reaching the small intestine with insoluble fibers before passing out with the stool. In this way, hazardous metals are unable to damage the kidneys. Age-related dementia and Alzheimer’s can be caused by toxins accumulated in the adipose tissue found in the brain. Other toxic substances like dioxins and PCBs which are water-soluble are readily absorbed from the digestive tract and stored in adipose tissue and the liver in abundance can be eliminated too. As for those dieting for weight loss should benefit as it releases toxic compounds and fats into their blood and lymph. 

+  One of its compounds - fucoidan can be obtained by simmering 20-40 minutes in water may reduce the intensity of the inflammatory response and promote more rapid tissue healing after wound trauma and surgical trauma. Recovery from sports injuries, bruising falls, muscle and joint damage, and deep tissue cuts can also be expedited too. Study showed that it may help to combat common viral infestations: HIV, HPV and herpes. 

+  The presence of organically-bound iodine (both T4 and T3) in brown seaweeds aid in production of thyroid hormones. Even those without a thyroid gland may be helped by the iodine, alleviating the need to mine thyroid medications for iodine. Note that PCBs and PBDEs are known endocrine and thyroid disrupters which can result in auto-immune disorders.

Nova Scotia Dulse Sea Vegetables (red algae)

Dulse has an unusually high concentration of different minerals especially copper, zinc, potassium, calcium and magnesium. It also contains high levels of EPA and DHA, which are omega-3 fatty acids most commonly found in fish.


Be prepared for reactions that may occur after taking an effective supplement (especially those who seldom take any):

Stomach discomfort -

Black-green stools - Clearing of the accumulated residue in the colon

Flatulence - Remove excessive gas in the malfunctioned digestive system

Constipation/bleeding when passing motion/piles - Sudden bulk materials moving through

It helps to improve the absorption of nutrients and promotes healthy gut flora (lactobacillus) in the digestive system.

Breakouts -

Pimples, rash, itch, foul - release of toxins, poor liver function, allergy

Cold, fever, sore throat - due to weak immune system

Running nose, asthma, cough - weak respiratory system

Bloated face - weak kidney function

Slight nasal bleeding - anemia

Localised pain - address the specific problem like migraine, gastric ulcer etc

It may stop the release of histamines and protect against allergic reactions. Also, by actively promoting cell regeneration, it strengthens the immune system.

Flare up -

Fever - High nutrient concentration invokes release of body heat and temperature

Insomnia - Burning of excessive fats

Drowsy and fatigue - blood acidity, liver malfunctioning, excessive drug and chemical intake

Dizziness, hunger - low sugar and blood count

Irregular menstruation - adjusting hormonal imbalance

Being a natural detoxifying and chelating agent, it helps to remove heavy metals and radioactive isotopes that cause radiation sickness. Thus it can assist the detoxifying organ and protect it against liver disease and damage (eg. liver cirrhosis and hepatitis)

Overall, it leads to improved energy and metabolic health. .

Do not fear the above reactions. Most people should get over it within a week and feel so relieved and refreshed thereafter.

If none of the above reactions manifested, it indicates a healthy body system or fully recovered from illness. Continue taking this great food for maintenance purpose.

Frequently asked Questions

1. How to choose a quality spirulina product?

The most desired products, when placed in a glass of water, should produce a deep, dark green color with a cloudy, non-transparent texture in the liquid. It should be half dissolved within 30-40 minutes with a clean, fishy smell. FDA only allows importation of chlorella raw materials that have been processed in a manner that enables easy digestion. VIVA has applied rigorous testing and manufacturing standard to ensure the safety and efficacy of this product.

2. If I am currently taking VIVA Green Barley, is Chloroguard still necessary?

Two powerful combination of nutrients from a land-based green plant food in Green barley and water-based green plant food in Chlorophyll provides an optimum, well-rounded, nutritionally dense source of a broad spectrum of necessary and essential components the body needs to survive and thrive.

Another point to note - green barley is effective in cleansing the perimeters outside the cells whilst Chloroguard targets the inner core of a cell as well as the lymphatic system.

3. When not to take Chloroguard?

As with any dietary supplement, if you are pregnant, nursing or taking any type of medication or anticoagulants such as warfarin or coumadin or have an iodine allergy, consult your physician before taking it even though quality-made, contaminant-free spirulina should be harmless in any of these situations.

4. Can children take Chloroguard?

This is a naturally-derived green food suitable for people of all ages. Generally, children over 3 years old who are capable of swallowing or chewing the tablets sufficiently can do so. Otherwise, the tablets can be crushed or dissolved in liquid.


Saturday, 2 November 2019

Vital Nutrients for Vegetarians


Enjoy the vegetarian way of eating? Then, read on to pick up a few useful tips to help you eat a well-balanced vegetarian diet that provides the vital nutrients you need to be healthy and stay well.

Many individuals choose to be vegetarian for a variety of reasons ranging from religious to ethical and social. There is no single vegetarian pattern as many practice vegetarianism differently. ˜Vegans” eat only food of plant origin, ˜lacto-vegetarians”  include milk, ˜lacto-ovo vegetarians” include both milk and eggs, and ˜pesco-vegetarians” eat fish. Interestingly, some individuals are vegetarians on certain days of the week, while others go on extended periods of vegetarian eating almost akin to a fast. With all these vegetarian eating styles being so different, the nutritional challenges vary.
As primitive humans were omnivores eating both meat and plants, it becomes a normal eating habit for majority of us too. As for those taking vegetarian diets, note that there are many essential nutrients in foods lacking in the bodies that are absolutely critical for the proper functioning.  For example, the human brain’s performance can be impaired if there is a lack of DHA and Vitamin B12. Hence it may not be wise to recommend vegan diets to kids as their bodies require more calories and nutrients in the early years of development.


Scientific evidence suggested a well-balanced and healthy vegetarian diet is associated with a lower Body Mass Index (BMI), lower blood cholesterol levels and reduced risk of death from heart disease. Basically it has the lowest total energy and protein intake. However, it may also have a better fat intake profile and the highest dietary fibre intake.

To achieve optimal health, observe some practical tips for better nutritional balance.
Right diets
A vegan diet is right if it is a well-balanced diet. For some strict vegans, eating pattern is merely rice or noodles with vegetables. By abstaining from food of animal origin, complete proteins should be obtained from a wider plant-based food to include:
+ soy-based products like tofu and taukwa or mock meat, dried beans, nuts and seeds
+ whole grains
dried whole legumes
+ yoghurt
Vegans have to look out for other nutritional shortfalls. The common ones are iron, calcium and vitamin B12 which can be made up from plant sources:
 Major Vegetarian Sources
1.  Iron   
Green leafy vegetables, tofu, soya, legumes, iron fortified foods and dried fruits.

2. Vit B12

Iron from plant sources is easily absorbed as compared to iron from animal sources.   Thus vegans need about twice as much dietary iron as non-vegans. Combining with Vitamin C intake improves its uptake by 30%.

Tempeh, dairy products, eggs, fortified products (e.g. cereals), seaweed

This is a water-soluble vitamin that is involved in cellular function, blood formation and the nervous system. Typical mild cases are poor memory, depression and fatigue. High deficiency usually results in Alzheimer’s Disease, anemia, impaired brain function, mental disorders and a smaller brain. Majority of the vegans run the risk of deficiency as they abstain from animal meat and fish which contain high levels of this nutrient.
3. Calcium
 Dairy products, green leafy vegetables, calcium-fortified products such as  soybean, milk, water, juice, cereal, bread, biscuits, tofu made with calcium salts.
4.  Zinc 

Whole-grains, nuts and legumes
It is much involved in the promotion of a healthy immune system. 

5.  Vit D3   Largely found in animal foods, it is associated with depression and various diseases, including cardiovascular disease and cancer. Vitamin D2 derives from plants is found to be less effective than D3. An option is to get enough sun exposure to compensate for the deficiency.

Calcium, zinc and Vitamin D3 are vital for healthy functioning of the musco-skeletal system.
6.  Omega3  Knowing how lacking Omega3 fatty acid is, many vegans opt for flaxseed oil for substitute. Though it is a great source of ALA (a plant form of Omega-3), the body needs to convert to DHA to put to work. Studies show that this conversion process is ineffective in humans. A better alternative is algae containing both EPA and DHA.
In fact the missing elements can also be found in whole grains. By switching white rice to wholegrain, white bread to wholemeal bread, beehoon to brown rice beehoon, and pasta to wholegrain pasta, you get a host of valuable nutrients such as fibre, B vitamins and vitamin E.
Food preparations

Vegetarian sausageWhilst most plant foods are naturally healthy, many chefs like to enhance the taste of vegan dishes with salt and sodium-containing seasonings. If the ingredients are fresh and wholesome, adding herbs and spices makes healthier choice. Soybeans, mushrooms and tomatoes are foods that can stand up well without much flavoring required.

Though plant proteins are naturally free of cholesterol and low in fat (especially saturated fat), many vegan cuisines are cooked with unsaturated oils for better tasting. Try to keep the dishes healthier by cooking with less fat and preferably stir frying.

For those who really decide to remove all animal foods from their diet, do make sure you adopt healthy diet and supplement, or may end up very ill with a compromised immune system. Doing right goes a long way in improving the overall health and can reduce one's risk of certain chronic diseases. In fact vegans are known to have a lower risk of cancer given their high fiber and low saturated fat content.
VIVA corner

VIVA B-easy contains blood formation vitamins such as vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid. Vegans abstaining from animal proteins tend to be deficient in B12 leading to anemia and lesser brain’s performance.
VIVA Chloroguard contains essential minerals, all 21 amino acids (complete protein), the entire Vitamin B complex, high fiber and essential fatty acids.

Friday, 1 November 2019



Iodine deficiency is well-known to cause enlargement of the thyroid, known as a goiter. It is commonly seen in places far from the sea, where little iodine-rich food (such as fish and seafood) is consumed.

Goiters can be any one of several types of growths in the thyroid gland, located at the base of the front side of the neck just below the Adam’s apple. Basically, it is any enlargement of the thyroid gland.


In the case of Graves’ disease, the entire thyroid gland becomes enlarged.

Another type, called toxic nodular goiter, results when one or more nodules develop in the thyroid and trigger excess production of thyroid hormone resulting in an enlarged thyroid gland.
A simple goiter may be a temporary problem that will remedy itself over time without medical intervention, or a symptom of another, possibly severe, thyroid condition that requires medical attention.

This above picture depicts the typical appearance of a goiter with an entire neck swollen because of the large thyroid. The mass compresses the trachea (windpipe) and esophagus (swallowing tube) leading to symptoms, such as coughing, waking up from sleep feeling breathless, and the sensation that food is getting stuck in the upper throat. Once a goiter gets this big, surgical removal is inevitable to relieve the symptoms.


It seems that the first side effects of the "imbalances" in the hormones are menopause, weight gain and thyroid problems appearing simultaneously. By itself, the thyroid can be affected by poor diet, fluoride in the water, excessive consumption of unsaturated fats, endurance exercise, pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables, x-ray radiation, alcohol and drugs. Auto-immune response due to the body becoming allergic to thyroid hormones and produces antibodies against the thyroid tissue, resulting in swelling of the thyroid gland is possible too.

Iodine is a critical nutrient for the proper functioning of the thyroid and production of thyroid hormones, failing which goiter develops. The most plentiful thyroid hormone is thyroxine (also known as T4) which stimulates the metabolism. Some thyroxine is converted into a related hormone known as triiodothyronine (T3), which is more metabolically active.

+ Goiters can occur when the thyroid gland produces high levels of thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism) and may become toxic in some instances. Hence T4 tends to be above average.

+ However, for most sufferers is due to deficiency of thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism). For such cases, the master gland naturally compensates with an increase in thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) in response to a defect in normal hormone synthesis within the thyroid gland that causes the thyroid to enlarge. This enlargement usually takes many years to become apparent. The reading should indicate low T4 and high TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone).

+ Problem may arise when the pituitary gland fails to boost production of the hormone. This is indicated by a low T4 reading and a low TSH.

The following table summarizes some examples of typical test results and their potential meaning:
TSH Free T4Free or total T3Probable Interpretation
HighNormalNormalMild (subclinical) hypothyroidism
HighLowLow or normalHypothyroidism
LowNormalNormalMild (subclinical) hyperthyroidism
LowHigh or normalHigh or normalHyperthyroidism
LowLow or normalLow or normalNon-thyroidal illness; pituitary (secondary) hypothyroidism
NormalHighHighThyroid hormone resistance syndrome (a mutation in the thyroid hormone receptor decreases thyroid hormone function)

+ Enlargement could also occur with normal production of thyroid hormone, such as a nontoxic multi-nodular gland.

+ A sporadic goiter can form if you eat too many goiter-promoting foods, such as soybeans, rutabagas, cabbage, peaches, peanuts and spinach. These foods can suppress the manufacture of thyroid hormone by interfering with your thyroid’s ability to process iodide. It may also occur in people who live in areas with iodine-poor soil not getting enough iodine in their diet. This problem can be resolved by taking in iodine containing foods.

+ The BBC report makes the point that iodine deficiency can impair brain development in the foetus too. Ensuring adequate iodine intake does appear to be a matter of considerable importance, particularly for women of childbearing age.

+ It should be borne in mind that vegetarians and vegans are at a significantly increased risk of eating a diet deficient in iodine.

+ Certain medications such as lithium or aminoglutethimide can cause a simple goiter.

Likely sufferers
  • Anyone over age 40
  • People with a family history of goiter
  • Mostly females

The main symptom is a swollen thyroid gland. The size may range from a single small nodule to a large neck lump.

Some people with a simple goiter may have symptoms of an underactive thyroid gland. In rare cases, the swollen thyroid can put pressure on the windpipe and esophagus, leading to:
  • Breathing difficulties (may rarely occur with very large goiters)
  • Cough
  • Hoarseness
  • Swallowing difficulties 
Other manifesting symptoms are:
  • Dry skin, dry hair and hair loss
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Weight gain and difficulty losing weight
  • Intolerance to cold temperatures
  • Muscle cramps and frequent muscle aches
  • Depression and irritability
  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Memory loss, migraine
  • Low blood pressure
  • Impaired hearing
  • Decreased libido
  • Constipation
  • Visible physical signs like yellow-orange coloration in the skin (eg. palms and bumps on the eyelids), hair loss, swollen eyes
In extreme situations of low thyroid hormone, the patient's metabolic rate can drop drastically to a critical level which may develop into a potentially fatal coma state. 

Exams and Tests

The doctor will require you to swallow and check the neck for any swell.

With very large goiters, there may be swelling in the neck vein, and you may feel dizzy when you raise your arms above your head.

The following blood tests can measure thyroid function: 

  • Free thyroxine (T4) and T3
  • Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)

  • If all 3 fall below the clinical range, it is confirmed the hormone level is abnormally low for proper functioning. At personal level, take 5 consecutive readings of the auxillary temperature (underarm) 10 minutes after waking up and if the average falls below 97.8, thyroid hypo-function is suspected. Other possibilities of lower temperature include adrenal stress, thiamine deficiency, diets low in essential fatty acids and protein malnutrition.

    If your test results come back ‘normal’ but you have many of the symptoms or risk factors for thyroid disease, consider tests to look for abnormal, and possibly cancerous areas in the thyroid gland include:
    • Thyroid scan and uptake
    • Ultrasound of the thyroid
    If nodules are found on an ultrasound, a biopsy should be done to check for thyroid cancer.


    A goiter only needs to be treated if it is causing symptoms. Treatments for an enlarged thyroid include:
    • Thyroxine medication, if the goiter is due to an underactive thyroid. Mixing with calcium and iron can impair its bioavailability.
    • Small doses of Lugol’s iodine or potassium iodine solution if the goiter is due to a lack of iodine.
    • Radioactive iodine to shrink the gland, especially if the thyroid is producing too much thyroid hormone.
    • Surgery to remove all or part of the gland. (for the vast majority of patients, surgical removal of a goiter for fear of cancer is not warranted).

    Other comments

    +  Iodine deficiency has been linked to breast cancer and other disorders like extreme fatigue, hypothyroidism and weight gain. You can derive iodine from sea salt and sea foods. However, excessive iodine intake may inhibit the secretion of thyroid hormone and can produce a metallic taste and sores in the mouth, swollen salivary glands, diarrhea and vomiting. Selenium intake is not recommended for goiter patients.

    +  In patients with mild to moderate Graves’ disease, selenium supplementation seems to work well as it contributes to the antioxidant defense in the thyroid, by removing oxygen free radicals generated during the production of T4 and conversion to T3.

    VIVA corner

    Vivashield with 4 antioxidants - Vitamin A, C, E and selenium combined combat free radical damage.
    Viva CalMag and D should be added as calcium production may be impeded with the malfunctioning of the thyroid gland.

    VIVA Vivaguard offers protection to surrounding tissue from destruction by free radicals and speeds up recovery. VIVA Chloroguard derived from seaweed offers good protection with the ability to compensate for the need for iodine. The idea is that if we were to saturate the thyroid with iodine, then it would not absorb any radioactive iodine that might be present in the atmosphere. Children appear to be at highest risk for this matter.