Monday, 16 July 2018

The HUMBLE Lemon


Lemon is an oval shape citrus fruit commonly used as a beverage and a flavor-enhancer for some dishes. Citric acid gives it its acidity taste.  This acidic component becomes a weak acid and the other components become alkaline upon entering the stomach. In pH term the acid base of 3 is pushed up to 9 (shares the high alkalinity as watermelon). Compared it with most fruits and vegetables within the range of 6.5 to 7.

NUTRITIVE Values of Lemon : Per 100 gm.
  • Vitamin B : Thiamine .04 mg;
  • Riboflavin : Trace;
  • Vitamin C : 50 mg;
  • Calcium : 40 mg;
  • Phosphorus : 22 mg;
  • Carbohydrates : 8.7 gm;
  • Protein : .9 gm;
  • Calories : 32
Vitamin C

Lemon is especially appreciated for its high Vitamin C content. When Vasco da Gama made his voyage round the Cape of Good Hope, nearly two-thirds of his crew died of scurvy.  In the present era, the recurrence of such a disaster is no longer possible with the wide spread of fruits available. Innumerable boatmen moving in sea have saved their lives by bringing lemon along their trips.

Vitamin C plays a vital role in the synthesis of collagen in the tissues, cartilages and bones and being anti-inflammatory. For weight management purpose it can accelerate the burning of fat. As it does not limit the coagulation of blood in case of injuries, the blood flow is more fluid and can expedite recovery.

Other benefits:
  • As a natural antiseptic, it destroys harmful bacteria found in the cuts and infected area by activating the white cells and strengthening the body’s immunity.
  • For toothache, apply fresh lemon juice on the painful area to reduce infection.
  • For skin problems like acne and eczema, leave some lemon juice on the skin and allowed to dry for 15 minutes and then remove with water and olive oil added. This can be applied for the removal of blackheads, freckles and wrinkles too.
  • When applied to hair after rinsing, it gives shine and volume to your hair as blood circulation is intensified.
  • Helps to prevent and cure osteoarthritis.  Even in pregnancy, it will help to build bone in the child.
  • Helps to prevent diabetes and other renal problems. As a diuretic, it gives relief in kidney and bladder disorders.
  • Helps in preventing the development and progression of atherosclerosis. Potassium in lemon (more than grape and apple) nourishes the brain and nerve cells, strengthens the blood vessels and prevents hemorrhage especially for patients with high blood pressure and other cardiac problems.  
  • It provides a natural strengthening agent to the liver enzymes when they are too dilute. Also, more enzymes can be made out of fresh lemon juice than any other food element. When the liver removes uric acid and other toxins from the bloodstream, it converts them to free radicals and its antioxidant properties (eg. flavonoid, ascorbic acid) can act as the neutralising agent.
  • The ascorbic acid also prevents stomach cancer or damage to the stomach lining even for those who are suffering from peptic ulcers. Calcium carbonate - synthesized from lemon juice in the stomach helps in neutralizing the acid. Other contents like pectin and fiber ameliorate the pain and inflammation in the esophagus.  
Note: However, in patients suffering from acid reflux, the acidic contents of the stomach which contains inactive pepsin can get push up to the esophagus and the throat. Coming into contact with lemon's acidic contents there, it gets activated and breaks down the protein present in the tissues of the esophagus and the throat to cause damages.
  • The bowels are aided in eliminating waste more efficiently thus controlling constipation and diarrhea.
  • After barbecuing your seafood and meat, remember to spray some lemon juice to eliminate as much as 70% of carcinogenic content.  Squeezing lemon juice on meat, potatoes, beans and even rice adds an acidic burst of flavor, and an extra shot of vitamin C to enable higher absorption of iron in these foods.

Application -

Instead of having tasteless tap water, enhance with lemon for a refreshing flavor and health purpose. Though lemon water can be drunk at any time, it is advisable to drink this preparation 20 minutes before your meals to prevent any reactions that can be caused by the contents of your food. Though it can be diluted according to taste, the guideline is as follows:

+  If you are in good health and weigh less than 150 pounds, squeeze the juice of one half a lemon (one ounce) into a glass of purified water and drink this mixture twice a day. (one whole lemon a day)

+  If you weigh over 150 pounds, squeeze the juice out of an entire lemon (two ounces) into a glass of purified water and drink this mixture twice a day. (two whole lemons a day)
Warning: One should note take concentrated lemon juice to avoid injuries to the enamel of teeth. It is recommended to drink it using a straw to prevent such damage. 

More comments

Lemon has been proven to be a blessing for mountaineers when there is a lack of oxygen and coping with breathing difficulties. The first man to set foot on Mt Everest - Edmund Hillary admitted that his victory was much attributed to this lifesaver. Do not forget to bring along this humble friend on your next mountain trek.

Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Some common digestive problems


From a nutritional point of view, the gastrointestinal tract is considered one of the most important organs in the body. Maintaining a healthy digestive tract is paramount in achieving optimal health, as poor digestion can cause a multitude of seemingly unrelated problems. Nutritional health and gastrointestinal health are therefore closely correlated.

Some common digestive problems are as follows:

Heartburn or GERD (Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease)

Heartburn is a burning sensation and pain in the stomach and/or chest behind the breastbone. It may be accompanied by bloating, gas, nausea, shortness of breath, and/or an acidic or sour taste in the throat. This occurs when hydrochloric acid, which is used by the stomach to digest food, backs up into the esophagus causing sensitive tissues to become irritated. Normally the sphincter muscle pinches itself shut and prevents stomach acid from surging upward. However, if the sphincter is not functioning properly the acid can slip past it and enter the esophagus causing damage to the lining which can induce cancer if not treated. Another route is to the lungs to cause asthma-like symptoms.


-  Excessive consumption of spicy foods, fatty or fried/smoked foods, alcohol, coffee, citrus fruits, chocolate or tomato-based foods can trigger GERD. In fact, in nearly 80% of acid reflux cases, low stomach acid is the culprit. As such, food that has been sitting in the stomach without enough stomach acid ferments and creates gas. By taking antacids the stomach acid is being reduced further which is the opposite of what is required.

-  Ulcers, gallbladder problems, stress, allergies and enzyme deficiencies can also contribute to its occurrence.

-  People with certain illnesses, like cancer, often have excessive amounts of acid in their systems. For some who develop an esophageal cell lining that is more acid-resistant, it can be pre-malignant and transform into cancerous cells.  Such chest discomfort can be mistaken for a heart attack at times.

What to do?

At the first sign of heartburn, drink a large glass of water or swallow saliva.

+ Vegetable juices are known to contain large amount of enzymes. Juices from raw potato, fresh cabbage and celery can be taken daily. Raw vegetables can be eaten in smaller, more frequent meals. However, most vegetables contain high amounts of fiber which may irritate your gastritis when get gassy. Preferred are orange vegetables like butternut squash, winter squash, summer squash, carrots, yellow peppers, yellow tomatoes, sweet potatoes and sweet corn which contain beta-carotene, capable of protecting the mucus lining of your esophagus and stomach from erosive gastritis.

+ Avoid citrus fruits and acidic foods like carbonated beverages, fats, fried foods, processed foods, tobacco, caffeinated products and sugar especially on an empty stomach. Fresh papaya and pineapple are good choices which can aid digestion.

+ Food should be well chewed to put less burden on the stomach to breakdown further. More frequent meals are recommended.

+ A local study found that curry can worsen the pain in people with upper abdominal symptoms. The more curry a person consumes in a single sitting, the more intense the pain that can last for about 3 hours. The suspected culprit is chili that triggers the pain.

+ Do not eat for 3 hours before bedtime.

+ Stop smoking as it reduces the functioning of the lower esophageal sphincter.

+ Maintain an exercise program that includes walking, biking or low-impact aerobics. Avoid running and weight-training as these activities put pressure on the stomach. Reduce the stress level if possible.

Other possible help –

+ Elevate the head of the bed when lying so that less stomach acid can flow back into the esophagus.

+ Obese people should lose weight as excessive fats exert pressure on the abdomen and stomach, thus inducing stomach acid to backflow into the esophagus.

+ Wearing loose-fitting clothes can help to reduce abdominal pressure as well.

Critical conditions -

Mild occasional heartburn is easily self-manageable, but experiencing persistent heartburn or alarming symptoms like vomiting blood, dizziness, difficulty in swallowing, chest pain in the night, black stools or unintended weight loss should warrant medical help. Surgery may be required as a last resort to tighten the lower esophageal sphincter so that acid reflux is likely to happen.


Peptic ulcer disease including both gastric and duodenal ulcer form a substantial part of patients seeking medical opinion world-wide.

A peptic ulcer is a spot where the lining of the stomach or small intestine and the tissues beneath has been eroded, leaving an internal open wound. The surrounding tissue is usually swollen and irritated. Failing to protect against the effect of digestive acids and enzymes, the stomach can be digested itself. The symptoms of a peptic ulcer include the chronic burning or gnawing stomach pain that usually begins 45 to 60 min after eating or awakening at night. Pain can be mild or severe. Other possible symptoms include unintended weight loss, lower back pain, headaches, a choking sensation, black stools, itching, nauseating and vomiting.

+  Stress is usually considered a risk factor as it increases the production of stomach acid.

+  Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and low-dose aspirin can be responsible for increase of stomach acidity over prolonged period of usage.

+ However, recent study showed that about 80% of cases are due to ulcers infection with Helicobacter pylori bacteria combined with the presence of stomach acid. This transmittable infectious bacteria, hard to rid, burrows into the inner lining of the stomach and small intestine causing damage to the mucous layer that protects the lining from digestive acids.

+  Foods and other substances that are acidic and anti-inflammatory should be avoided to reduce or prevent symptoms include:
  • Alcohol and smoking
  • Spicy foods eg. chilli, peppers
  • Fatty foods
  • Fried and barbecued foods
  • Acidic foods eg. meat, coffee, processed foods
Also note following foods that are detrimental:
  • Toxic eg. cigarette smoking
  • Burning effect or irritate eg. garlic, tomato, drugs
Most sufferers have few or short-term symptoms and recover completely. Even those with underlying causes that are appropriately treated can recover fully too.
A classic example of clinical study done is Vitamin U, administered as raw cabbage juice to 100 patients with peptic ulcer, was apparently effective in promoting the rapid healing of uncomplicated peptic ulcers. The evidence of therapeutic benefit was -
  1. the rapid relief of the symptom, pain, without the use of any set plan of symptomatic treatment, and;
  2. the average crater healing time for seven of these patients who had duodenal ulcer was only 10.4 days, while the average time in 62 patients treated by standard therapy of diet and drug therapy was 37 days. Also, the average healing time for six patients with gastric ulcer treated with cabbage juice was only 7.3 days, compared with 42 days for similar number treated by standard therapy.
However, if left unattended after prolonged period, inflammation and anemia can develop, with growths appearing as polyps and cancer if left unattended. Watch for any signs like indigestion, bloating, heartburn, nausea and loss of appetite.

For stomach cancer - see link:

Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest lactose (milk sugar). It is caused by a lack or deficiency of lactase, an enzyme manufactured in the small intestine that splits lactose into glucose and galactose. Hence, when a person with lactose intolerance consumes milk or other dairy products, some or all of the lactose they contain remains undigested, retains fluid and ferments in the colon, resulting in abdominal cramps, bloating, diarrhea and gas. Most Asians are lactose intolerant but it is not a serious threat to health and can be easily managed through dietary modification.


Bulimia is an eating disorder characterised by episodes of uncontrolled binge eating, often involving extremely large amounts of high-calorie foods, followed by one or more of the following: induced vomiting or the use of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas and/or obsessive exercising to purge the body of the food eaten during the binge. The binge/purge episodes vary in frequency, from a few times a week to several times daily.
Some of the many serious problems Bulimia can lead to include anemia, depletion of fluid balance, electrolyte imbalances, erratic heartbeat, hypoglycemia, infertility, internal bleeding, kidney or liver damage, malnutrition, cessation of menstrual cycles, mental fuzziness, loss of muscle and bone mass, a low pulse rate and blood pressure, a ruptured stomach or esophagus, stones in the salivary glands, tooth and/or gum erosion, ulcers, and a weakened immune system. Not only is the body turns topsy-turvy, life-threatening problems can result, including cancers of the organs and cardiac arrest.

Just the reverse is an Anorexia patient who tends to think she is fat though underweight. Such person starves herself, vomit deliberately and/or takes huge doses of laxatives resulting in depletion of minerals like potassium and zinc. Zinc deficiency can lead to heart failure, menstruation irregularity, dry skin, brittleness of hair and nails, premature death. Many anorexia patients require hospitalisation to feed potassium and multivitamins through intravenous tube.


Constipation is difficulty in passing stools or the infrequent passage of hard, dry stools as a result of food moving slowly through the large intestine. Most people experience constipation at one point of their life but usually improved lifestyle and better eating habits help to relieve the symptoms and prevent recurrences.


In most instances, inadequate intake of fibre and fluids in the diet causes constipation. As we know fibre is found in plant foods, such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Fibre that is soluble in water takes on a softer texture and helps soften the stools. Insoluble fibre passes through the intestine largely unchanged and adds bulk to stools, which helps in peristalsis movement.

Other contributory factors are: lack of exercise, advanced age, muscle disorders, structural abnormalities, bowel diseases and a poor diet, especially heavy consumption of junk food. Iron supplements, painkillers and antidepressants can cause constipation too. Also a common problem for pregnant women.

Constipation can give rise to many different ailments, including appendicitis, bad breath, body odor, coated tongue, depression, fatigue, gas, headaches, hemorrhoids, hernia, indigestion, insomnia obesity and varicose veins. The worst to happen is colon cancer.

Regulating bowel movements are an important mechanism for removing toxins from the body. The colon serves as a holding tank for waste matter. If toxins are not discharged timely, they can be re-circulated into the bloodstream and poison the other organs. As a result 80% of diseases originate from the colon.

Hard to swallow? Do not worry…

Having examined the eating disorders mentioned above, good nutrition is urgently needed to put ‘house in order’. Patients may display a variety of medical and psychological complications but reversible results appear through re-balancing of lifestyle.
(1) Multivitamins, protein and mineral supplement are three essential components to replenish in such extreme dire condition.
(2) Our gut consists of a maze of both friendly and bad bacteria totally about 100 trillion. The friendly bacteria protect against harmful pathogens by guarding our intestine. To ensure a stronger defend, is advisable to introduce probiotics and prebiotics at a frequent interval. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria whereas prebiotics are non-digestible foods that stimulate the growth of friendly bacteria

(3) As we age, digestive enzymes are depleting from our liver. The main enzymes, namely amylase (carbohydrates), protease (protein) and lipase (milk sugar) help to break down food into smaller molecules of nutrients which our body can assimilate.

(4) Last but not the least, fibre in the form of soluble and insoluble fiber is indispensable to our gastrointestinal health. Soluble fiber from fruits and vegetables help to promote movement of waste material while insoluble fiber from oats, brown rice and green barley are crucial in adding bulk to the waste material.

Source: Prescription to Natural Healing, Ezyhealth and Beauty,

VIVA corner:

+ VIVA Dailyguard provides full range of vitamins and minerals to replenish nutrient loss;
+ VIVA Floraguard stabilises intestinal floras providing both prebiotics and probiotics;
+ VIVA Calmag & D Plus aids in development and maintenance of bone health and calming effect;
+ VIVA Cleanse Tea, a synergistic blend of herbs that support gentle cleansing of digestive tract. Its main ingredient, buckthorn is an effective stool softener yet milder than other purgative herbs. It helps to increase the colon's ability to contract spontaneously and avail more fluids in the colon by conserving water absorption in the intestines. For those who are seriously constipated, this is a wonderful relief.

+ VIVA B-easy - with its full range of Vitamin B is effective for cellular function, aids in food digestion and assimilation of all nutrients including iron;

+ VIVA Nutrazyme supports the digestives system with 3 main enzymes (protease, amylase and lipase) and bromelain (pineapple enzyme) to aid in breaking down food and for anti-inflammatory purpose;
+ VIVA Fibercleanse, a blend of soluble and insoluble dietary fibers that promote regularity of bowel movement;

Tuesday, 10 July 2018

ENZYMES – your LIFETIME companion


In our body numerous biological reactions take place at the cellular level to maintain balance. Some reactions are performed with the help of certain substances like enzymes. Hence, life cannot exist without enzymes. Take a good look at this illustration on how food ingested is being broken down.

What are enzymes?

Enzymes are energized protein molecules produced in minute quantities by the cells to stimulate a vital reaction in our body. Metabolic enzymes play a crucial role in reactions that provide energy for cells. In fact, vitamins, minerals and hormones must have enzymes to work properly. How?

For individuals who are enzyme deficient, the nutrient rich food are wasted because they cannot be properly broken down. Hence, enzymes are the facilitating agent to deliver nutrients to the cells. Simply put, digestive enzymes break down the food we eat, release nutrients for energy production and promote cell growth.

Why do I need digestive enzyme supplements?

Raw food contains digestive enzymes which promotes digestive health but most of us do not live on a raw food diet. If you eat foods cooked at temperatures higher than 104 F (40 deg Æ’), or consume processed, prepackaged meals, the accompanying enzymes are destroyed and our body has to produce its own to digest the food. This puts stress on our digestive system especially for those who like to eat processed foods and meals higher in calories and fat. In the long run, you are not getting an adequate supply of the enzymes that are critical for the break down of proteins, carbohydrates and fats into the molecules of nutrients your body can assimilate. This can result in bloating, gas, occasional heartburn and acid reflux. More critical condition gives rise to disease and degeneration including arthritis, diabetes, allergies, skin diseases and cancer.

Putting back digestive enzymes can help to digest your food more efficiently and increase the nutrient uptake. This can reverse the trend with removal of free radicals and toxins, and thus strengthen the immune system.

What’s happen to our enzymes store?

The main reason we are running out of enzymes store in the body is the change in our lifestyle.

- Research has shown that older people and patients with chronic disease have fewer enzymes in their saliva, urine and tissues.
- Our poor dietary habits require excessive amounts of enzymes to digest our foods.
- Stress kills and damages cells, resulting in our enzyme-making machinery having to work overtime to help rebuild and replace them.
- Environmental pollution causes cellular damage and requiring ongoing assistance from enzymes just to maintain a healthy immune system.

Hence, for most people there is a need to replenish enzymes from the external source through diet or health supplements.

What is a good enzyme formulation and why?

Enzyme therapy is the use of enzymes to stimulate chemical reactions in the body, designed to improve digestion of foods (raw or cooked) and to cleanse, feed and nurture the trillion of cells for optimal balance.

Cleansing involves removing the causative agents such as allergens, environmental and digestive toxins, bacteria, parasites or viruses. Once the elimination process is done up, digestive enzymes can be introduced. This can then be followed up with providing nutrients to heal the lining of the gastrointestinal tract and nourish cell membranes. (or repair inflamed tissues)

Back to what we eat. About 95% of the food ingested comprising protein, carbohydrates and fats. A great enzyme formulation contains substantial amounts of protease, amylase and lipase with high activity and potency. Protease digests proteins, amylase digests carbohydrates and lipase digest fats.

Why plant-derived digestive enzymes are better?

Plant enzymes (bromelain and papain) are active in a broad pH range of 2 to 12, well within the human body’s normal pH ranges. This is effective even in breaking down and reducing inflammation. A healthy digestive system promotes the growth of healthy intestinal flora.

On the other hand, animal enzymes are derived from animal stomach or intestines, and can work in the alkaline environment of the small intestines. Thus, the enzymes involved (pancreatin, pepsin and trypsin) only start working during the later stage of digestion and not very effective at aiding our body in pre-digestion or be active in the upper alkaline portion of your stomach.

How much enzymes to take?

Enzymes are energy-giving food to aid in digestion greatly. There are 2 choices: to use the energy in the enzymes to help digest your food or the energy in your body to digest the food. Using the digestive enzyme energy conserves the body’s energy and the enzyme reserves.

Does it matter if taking antacids for heartburn and indigestion at same time?

Enzymes will help heartburn and indigestion almost immediately. Antacids provide only temporary relief by neutralizing the acidity in the stomach, but will cause a much greater problem. Antacids stop the body from doing its digestive job while enzymes help the body to perform this specific task.
Also to note, in nearly 80% of acid reflux cases, low stomach acid is the culprit. As such, food that has been sitting in the stomach without enough stomach acid ferments and creates gas. By taking antacids the stomach acid is being reduced further which is the opposite of what is required.

How quick can result be realised?

Most people having acid indigestion, upset stomach, bloating or problems with digestion will usually see immediate results. People having problems with bowel movements will usually see improvement within a week or two. Many people will see increased energy within a couple of weeks to a month. The people that see the best results are the people that continue to take digestive enzymes daily.

What are some physical conditions associated with enzyme deficiencies?

Here are some conditions associated with the decreased levels of each individual enzyme:

*Protease (digests proteins): anxiety, low blood sugar, kidney problems, water retention; depressed immunity, bacterial and viral infections, cancer, appendicitis, bone problems such as osteoporosis, arthritis and bone spurs.
(digests carbohydrates): skin problems (rashes, hives, herpes, canker sores), liver and gallbladder disease.
*Lipase (digests fats): high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular problems, high blood pressure, chronic fatigue, spastic colon, and dizziness.
*Cellulase (digests fiber): gas, bloating, acute food allergies, facial pain or paralysis, candidiasis (yeast infections).

Any help in improving aging skin?

- Enzymes can fight the aging process by increasing the blood supply to the skin. Better circulation helps bring nutrients to the skin and removes the waste products that can make the skin look dull and wrinkled.

- Grape seed and pine bark antioxidants* can also help make the skin softer and more supple. Beautiful skin can be realized and enzymes can definitely help.


VIVA corner

VIVA Nutrazyme formulated specifically from plant sources and include special enhancers to increase enzyme effectiveness to help in breaking down food into nutrients you use. It contains:
* Lactose - Helps to breakdown lactose (milk sugar). Beneficial for those lactose intolerance.
* Amylase - Enzyme to break down carbohydrate to simple sugar.
* Protease - Enzyme to break down protein to amino acids.
* Lipase - Enzyme to break down fat to fatty acids.
* Cellulase – Enzyme to break down cellulose fiber.
* Papain (Papaya enzyme) has a mild and soothing effect on the stomach and is very useful in helping to aid protein digestion.
* Bromelain - Protein-digesting enzyme shown to be helpful as a blood thinner and as an anti-inflammatory.

Direction: Take one (1) tablet 30 minutes before each meal.

Monday, 4 June 2018

Health benefits of WOLFBERRY


Cultivated along the fertile floodplains of the Yellow River for more than 600 years, Ningxia wolfberry has earned a reputation throughout Asia for its premium quality and high production.  The name ‘wolfberry’ is derived when farmers spotted wolves feasting on the berries during the prime harvest time.

Traditional uses
Wolfberries are commonly used by practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine for therapeutic purposes and as common recipes in households.  The people who consumed this fruit were found to live free of common diseases like arthritis, cancer and diabetes, and their life expectancies extended above 100 years in some instances.  Clinical study carried out on the immune, physiological and biochemical indexes of the blood of aged volunteers indicated that the wolfberry caused the blood of aged volunteers to noticeably revert to a younger state.
Its rich counterparts, ginseng and lingzi with some similar antioxidant properties, are not within the reach of most common folks.  Also, ginseng is considered too strong for continuous use, and large amounts may not be suitable for people with high blood pressure or heart disease.  In comparison, the wolfberry has no known risk from continuous use on limited feed.
Nutrient contents
Since the early 21st century there has been rapidly growing attention for wolfberries for their nutrient value and antioxidant properties as required for our body’s daily macronutrient needs.  The content of this fruit comprises 68% carbohydrates, 12% proteins and 10% each of fibre and fat, yielding a total caloric value of 370 per 100 gm serving.  Soybean is in the same league, except its caloric value is only 137 per 100 gm.
Wolfberry’s diverse and richness in micronutrients has won it accolades as an exceptional health food which include:
  • 11 essential and 22 trace dietary minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, germanium and selenium
  • 18 amino acids
  • 6 essential vitamins like Vitamin B, Vitamin C, beta-carotene
  • 8 polysaccharides and 6 monosaccharides
  • 5 unsaturated fatty acids, including the essential fatty acids, linoleic acid (omega 6) and alpha-linolenic acid (precursor of omega 3)
  • beta-sitosterol and other phytosterols
  • 5 carotenoids, namely beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, lutein, lycopene and cryptoxanthin

Health benefits

+  Wolfberry is reported to have the potential to improve damage to the retina by lowering the oxidative stress that the eye undergoes as a result of type-2 diabetes. Its high antioxidant activity is very beneficial in protecting against oxidative stress caused by environmental stimuli and genetic mutations as well.  This helps to prevent age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy as phytochemicals protect the retinal pigment epithelial cells from hyperglycemia or high glucose problem.

+  Wolfberry is effective in protecting the liver as experiments carried out on mice found the alcoholic extract of this fruit inhibited tumor growth by 58%, and its protein displayed an insulin-like action known to be effective in promoting fat emulsification and reducing blood sugar.
Leucine is an essential amino acid that must be obtained from external sources, present in small quantities in plant and animal food, and is a natural component of breast milk. In general, it supports the immune function, burns fat and builds muscle.  After its conversion of leucine into HMB, it can lower total and LDL cholesterol levels in blood.  Not only do bodybuilders and other athletes like the idea, cancer, AIDS and muscular dystrophy patients can use it to prevent muscle-wasting too.
+  In one study on a group of cancer patients, the wolfberry triggered an increase in both lymphocyte transformation rate and white blood cell count. This is likely due to the germanium found in the fruit which is capable of inducing the body cells to produce “interferon” which can regulate the immune system to fight against the virus and cancerous cells.  It also has an effect of up-taking 10 times more oxygen to the blood cells to help with clearing body toxins and expedite recovery. Another study conducted showed its most important constituent, Lycium barbarum polysaccharide inhibits the proliferation of HeLa cells by inducing apoptosis through the mitochondrial pathway.

+  A separate study involving a group of 50 people with lower-limit white blood cell counts showed the intake of wolfberry increased phagocytosis and the titre of serum antibodies. Unhealthy levels of titre of serum antibodies have long been associated with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
+  In another study, consumption of wolfberry leads to a strengthening of immunoglobulin A levels. A decline of which is one of the signs of aging.  Hence, an increase in these levels suggests that it may enable injured DNA to better repair itself and ward off tissue degeneration and thus retard premature aging.
+  As we grow older, the levels of lipid peroxide in our blood increase, whilst levels of health-protecting antioxidants, like superoxide dismutase (SOD) decrease. In a clinical study of people who consumed doses of wolfberry, SOD in the blood increased by a remarkable 48%, hemoglobin increased by 12% and lipid peroxide levels dropped by a whopping 65%.
+  For lung disorders, the fruit moisturises the lungs and relieves a dry cough.

Safety issues

*Cup of wolfberry tea Two published case reports described elderly women who experienced increased bleeding, expressed as an elevated INR, after drinking quantities of wolfberry tea. Further in vitro testing revealed that the tea inhibited warfarin metabolism, providing evidence for possible interaction between warfarin and undefined wolfberry phytochemicals.

Atropine, a toxic alkaloid occurs naturally in wolfberry fruit. The atropine concentrations of berries from China and Thailand are variable, with a maximum content of 19 ppb, below the likely toxic amount. That may be the reason why Chinese physicians recommend taking a handful of about 10 dried one per day.

*  With its long history as a food and a herbal medicine, there has been practically no adverse reports other than a few cases of allergic reactions.  Even pregnant women can take it in an appropriate quantity.

*  Over-dosage problems? Its beta-carotene content can cause harmless yellowing of the skin which disappears once consumption is reduced.

VIVA Corner

VIVA OQ care has 2 key ingredients Lutein and Zeaxanthin (belongs to the carotene family) that the body cannot synthesis and must be imported as they are known to be effective in reducing risk of macular degeneration. A third ingredient, lycil fructus or wolfberry extract is also found in this wonderful product.