Tuesday 10 July 2018

ENZYMES – your LIFETIME companion


In our body numerous biological reactions take place at the cellular level to maintain balance. Some reactions are performed with the help of certain substances like enzymes. Hence, life cannot exist without enzymes. Take a good look at this illustration on how food ingested is being broken down.

What are enzymes?

Enzymes are energized protein molecules produced in minute quantities by the cells to stimulate a vital reaction in our body. Metabolic enzymes play a crucial role in reactions that provide energy for cells. In fact, vitamins, minerals and hormones must have enzymes to work properly. How?

For individuals who are enzyme deficient, the nutrient rich food are wasted because they cannot be properly broken down. Hence, enzymes are the facilitating agent to deliver nutrients to the cells. Simply put, digestive enzymes break down the food we eat, release nutrients for energy production and promote cell growth.

Why do I need digestive enzyme supplements?

Raw food contains digestive enzymes which promotes digestive health but most of us do not live on a raw food diet. If you eat foods cooked at temperatures higher than 104 F (40 deg ƒ), or consume processed, prepackaged meals, the accompanying enzymes are destroyed and our body has to produce its own to digest the food. This puts stress on our digestive system especially for those who like to eat processed foods and meals higher in calories and fat. In the long run, you are not getting an adequate supply of the enzymes that are critical for the break down of proteins, carbohydrates and fats into the molecules of nutrients your body can assimilate. This can result in bloating, gas, occasional heartburn and acid reflux. More critical condition gives rise to disease and degeneration including arthritis, diabetes, allergies, skin diseases and cancer.

Putting back digestive enzymes can help to digest your food more efficiently and increase the nutrient uptake. This can reverse the trend with removal of free radicals and toxins, and thus strengthen the immune system.

What’s happen to our enzymes store?

The main reason we are running out of enzymes store in the body is the change in our lifestyle.

- Research has shown that older people and patients with chronic disease have fewer enzymes in their saliva, urine and tissues.
- Our poor dietary habits require excessive amounts of enzymes to digest our foods.
- Stress kills and damages cells, resulting in our enzyme-making machinery having to work overtime to help rebuild and replace them.
- Environmental pollution causes cellular damage and requiring ongoing assistance from enzymes just to maintain a healthy immune system.

Hence, for most people there is a need to replenish enzymes from the external source through diet or health supplements.

What is a good enzyme formulation and why?

Enzyme therapy is the use of enzymes to stimulate chemical reactions in the body, designed to improve digestion of foods (raw or cooked) and to cleanse, feed and nurture the trillion of cells for optimal balance.

Cleansing involves removing the causative agents such as allergens, environmental and digestive toxins, bacteria, parasites or viruses. Once the elimination process is done up, digestive enzymes can be introduced. This can then be followed up with providing nutrients to heal the lining of the gastrointestinal tract and nourish cell membranes. (or repair inflamed tissues)

Back to what we eat. About 95% of the food ingested comprising protein, carbohydrates and fats. A great enzyme formulation contains substantial amounts of protease, amylase and lipase with high activity and potency. Protease digests proteins, amylase digests carbohydrates and lipase digest fats.

Why plant-derived digestive enzymes are better?

Plant enzymes (bromelain and papain) are active in a broad pH range of 2 to 12, well within the human body’s normal pH ranges. This is effective even in breaking down and reducing inflammation. A healthy digestive system promotes the growth of healthy intestinal flora.

On the other hand, animal enzymes are derived from animal stomach or intestines, and can work in the alkaline environment of the small intestines. Thus, the enzymes involved (pancreatin, pepsin and trypsin) only start working during the later stage of digestion and not very effective at aiding our body in pre-digestion or be active in the upper alkaline portion of your stomach.

How much enzymes to take?

Enzymes are energy-giving food to aid in digestion greatly. There are 2 choices: to use the energy in the enzymes to help digest your food or the energy in your body to digest the food. Using the digestive enzyme energy conserves the body’s energy and the enzyme reserves.

Does it matter if taking antacids for heartburn and indigestion at same time?

Enzymes will help heartburn and indigestion almost immediately. Antacids provide only temporary relief by neutralizing the acidity in the stomach, but will cause a much greater problem. Antacids stop the body from doing its digestive job while enzymes help the body to perform this specific task.
Also to note, in nearly 80% of acid reflux cases, low stomach acid is the culprit. As such, food that has been sitting in the stomach without enough stomach acid ferments and creates gas. By taking antacids the stomach acid is being reduced further which is the opposite of what is required.

How quick can result be realised?

Most people having acid indigestion, upset stomach, bloating or problems with digestion will usually see immediate results. People having problems with bowel movements will usually see improvement within a week or two. Many people will see increased energy within a couple of weeks to a month. The people that see the best results are the people that continue to take digestive enzymes daily.

What are some physical conditions associated with enzyme deficiencies?

Here are some conditions associated with the decreased levels of each individual enzyme:

*Protease (digests proteins): anxiety, low blood sugar, kidney problems, water retention; depressed immunity, bacterial and viral infections, cancer, appendicitis, bone problems such as osteoporosis, arthritis and bone spurs.
(digests carbohydrates): skin problems (rashes, hives, herpes, canker sores), liver and gallbladder disease.
*Lipase (digests fats): high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular problems, high blood pressure, chronic fatigue, spastic colon, and dizziness.
*Cellulase (digests fiber): gas, bloating, acute food allergies, facial pain or paralysis, candidiasis (yeast infections).

Any help in improving aging skin?

- Enzymes can fight the aging process by increasing the blood supply to the skin. Better circulation helps bring nutrients to the skin and removes the waste products that can make the skin look dull and wrinkled.

- Grape seed and pine bark antioxidants* can also help make the skin softer and more supple. Beautiful skin can be realized and enzymes can definitely help.

Source: http://www.digestive-enzymes.com/enzq&a.html

VIVA corner

VIVA Nutrazyme formulated specifically from plant sources and include special enhancers to increase enzyme effectiveness to help in breaking down food into nutrients you use. It contains:
* Lactose - Helps to breakdown lactose (milk sugar). Beneficial for those lactose intolerance.
* Amylase - Enzyme to break down carbohydrate to simple sugar.
* Protease - Enzyme to break down protein to amino acids.
* Lipase - Enzyme to break down fat to fatty acids.
* Cellulase – Enzyme to break down cellulose fiber.
* Papain (Papaya enzyme) has a mild and soothing effect on the stomach and is very useful in helping to aid protein digestion.
* Bromelain - Protein-digesting enzyme shown to be helpful as a blood thinner and as an anti-inflammatory.

Direction: Take one (1) tablet 30 minutes before each meal.

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