Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Should ADULTS be drinking MILK?


Since time immemorial, cow’s milk has been included in human’s diet for its numerous nutrients.  Even Cleopatra took milk baths to help her skin stayed soft, supple and glowing as lactic acid found in it acts as an exfoliant and moisturiser, and antioxidants prevent damage from environmental toxins.

Many medical doctors and nutritionists are now saying that cow’s milk is not fit for human consumption, and that it can lead to a host of health problems such as anemia (low in iron), allergies, diarrhea, heart disease, colic, cramps, gastrointestinal bleeding, sinusitis, skin rashes, acne, increased frequency of colds and flus, arthritis, diabetes, ear infections, osteoporosis, asthma, autoimmune diseases, cancer and multiple sclerosis.

Health problems and benefits –

(1)  Many people, particularly those of Asian and African ancestry, are unable to digest the milk sugar as milk is never their traditional food source. The result is diarrhoea and gas.

++ Caucasians have been exposed to milk for thousand of years and have genetically adapted to it by producing more lactase. Those of Asian and African ancestry only started taking milk in recent times. Those who are lactose-intolerance can substitute for yogurt which is brimming with gut-healthy bacteria.  Also probiotics containing beneficial bacteria, Streptococcus thermophilus which produces large quantities of the enzyme lactase.

(2)  Most dairy products other than skim and non-fat products contain low essential fatty acids and significant amounts of saturated fat leading to cardiovascular diseases and certain forms of cancer.

++ Recent studies by British scientists showed otherwise, that drinking 2-3 glasses of milk a day lowers the likelihood of both heart attack and stroke as their LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides registered decline.  It is found that whether drinking skim or whole milk makes no difference in reducing cardiovascular disease.  This is because 80% of protein in milk is whey and balance 20% casein.  Whey is quickly broken down into amino acids and absorbed into the bloodstream.  Casein is much slower and stays longer.  Hence, only when drinking large amount of whole milk can one see a slight increase in LDL cholesterol.

Specifically, in a Harvard study of health professionals, men who drank 2 or more glasses of milk a day were almost twice as likely to develop advance prostate cancer as those who did not drink milk at all.  Some claims made on high levels of calcium that have a direct triggering action on prostate cancer as well.  All these are far from conclusive.

(3)  Milk contains frequent contaminants, from pesticides to drugs. About one-third of milk products have been shown to be contaminated with antibiotic traces with vitamin D content poorly regulated.

There seems no other way out at the moment.  Most commercially reared animals are fed antibiotics to prevent them from illness.

(4)  Cows are given hormones and thus not safe to consume.

Cow’s milk, like breast milk, contains chemicals designed to play an important rote in the development of young calves.  One of these, insulin growth factor IGF-1, causes cells to divide and reproduce.

In humans, IGF-1 is biologically active, especially experiencing rapid growth during puberty. In young girls it stimulates breast tissue to grow and reaches the peck during pregnancy with the activation of two other hormones prolactin and oestrogen resulting in enlargement of breast tissue and increase in the production of milk ducts to prepare for breast-feeding.

Way back in 1993, the US Food and Drug Administration approved the use of recombinant bovine growth hormone in cattle to increase milk production at less cost to the dairy farmers. This hormone is known to boost milk’s concentration of IGF-1.

Over time, is believed that large intake of milk may cause such inappropriate cell division leading to increased risk factor for breast and prostate cancer.  Note this hormone – oestrogen, considered one of the main risk factors for breast cancer, is also present in milk in minute quantities.

Critics played down the damaging effects and claimed that the hormone is injected and not administered orally, enabling the active form of these chemicals to be digested, rendered harmless and not transferred into the human body.

(5)  In countries where dairy products are not generally consumed, there is actually less osteoporosis than in the United States. Studies have shown little effect of dairy products on osteoporosis.  For those who drank three glasses of milk per day had more fractures than those who rarely drank milk.

Most revealing is the traditional Chinese diet where there is no dairy products and calcium is delivered through vegetables and soya.  Whilst the Chinese consumed only half the calcium that the Americans do, osteoporosis is uncommon in traditional China then, despite the average life expectancy of 70.

Conversely, in western societies that consume the most dairy products have the highest incident of osteoporosis. A possible reason is most of their diets are rich in protein, especially animal proteins which encourage calcium loss.  To counteract this problem, take from plant source such as beans, kale, broccoli and other green leafy vegetables which contain calcium that is readily absorbed by the body. Research confirmed that calcium absorbability was actually higher for kale than for milk.  Also consider fortified orange juice with its large amounts of calcium in a palatable form.

(6)  Diabetic patients should not take milk?

Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health in the United States said milk can combat type 2 diabetes. In the study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, more than 3,700 participants were followed for 20 years by researchers. They took measurements including blood glucose, insulin and levels of fatty acids.

The findings showed consuming low fat dairy products can help to reduce insulin resistance than those who were avoiding dairy. The sugar present in milk products are lactose or milk sugar, and is converted to blood sugar relatively slowly – thus reduces insulin resistance.

Dairy milk, cheese, yoghurt and butter contain high levels of trans-palmitoleic acid associated with healthier levels of blood cholesterol and insulin.  This fatty acid is also naturally produced in the body.  Experiments showed those with the highest levels of trans-palmitoleic acid had about a 60% reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

(7)  Milk helps to put on weight?

On the contrary, studies showed that drinking milk helps people lose weight.  Not only can the calcium in milk increases the rate at which our body burns fat, its other active compounds (eg. milk proteins) provide an additional fat-burning effect.  If you are dieting, taking skim milk as snack or appetite suppressor to reduce calorie intake.  As for those engaged in weightlifting, drinking whole milk after a rigorous session can boost muscle growth.
Our comments
Like other dairy produce such as butter and eggs, milk raises its doubts of being the perfect food we should take constantly. They have all come a long way to provide billions of people nutritional food values crucial for normal body development.  
Instead, we should examine the food cycle and suspect all genetically modified and commercially prepared foods that have gone wrong. Taking everything moderately may be the wiser choice.  If you are still troubled by the growth hormones used in milk, opt for the organic route or substitutes like soy milk and almond milk.

Hot tips
After eating tear-shedding food you would probably reach out to a glass of water which can worsen the condition. Milk seems to cool the system faster.

Should INFANTS take cow’s MILK?


The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that infants under one year of age not receive whole cow’s milk.  Why?

Some scientific evidence raises concerns about health risks from cow’s milk products, relating to the proteins, sugar, fat and contaminants in dairy products, and the inadequacy of whole cow’s milk for infant nutrition, especially iron, essential fatty acids and vitamin E.

The iron content is extremely low, containing only about one-tenth of a milligram (mg) per eight-ounce serving. To get the U.S. Recommended Daily Allowance of 15 mg of iron, an infant would have to drink more than 31 quarts of milk per day.  This problem is compounded in many infants in the form of gastrointestinal bleeding caused by increased mucus and diarrhoea associated with dairy consumption due to a reaction with milk protein (pasteurisation does not help), further depleting the limited iron stores.  The damage varies with the sensitivity level of individuals.

“It is estimated that half the iron-deficiency in infants in the United States is primarily the result of this form of cow milk induced gastrointestinal bleeding.”

The mucus produced by dairy products also causes accumulation in the lungs, sinuses and intestines contributing to many respiratory problems and mal-absorption of nutrients as the excess mucus hardens to form a coating on the inner wall of the intestines.  Other occurring problems can be chronic fatigue and constipation.

Most infants fed on cow’s milk may develop colic and ear infections.  This is derived either by direct consumption or breastfed by a mother who has been consuming dairy products.

A pathologist reviewed the heart vessels of over 1,500 killed by accident children and adolescents who had been fed cow milk or cow milk based formulas previously showed many of them having signs of diseased arteries in the heart.  This leads to a conclusion that the differences between human milk and cow milk were responsible for the early changes in the coronary arteries.

Milk causes obesity?

Recent study done showed babies given antibiotics directly or indirectly before the age of 6 months could cause obesity.  What happens is that microbes in our intestines may play critical roles in how calories and nutrients are absorbed, and exposure to antibiotics prematurely, may kill healthy bacteria that would otherwise keep us lean.  Farmers know very well that antibiotics are great at producing heavier cows and more milk for the market.
Milk causes Diabetes 1?

Several reports link insulin-dependent diabetes to a specific protein in dairy products. Type 1 diabetes usually begins in childhood and is a leading cause of blindness and contributes to heart disease and kidney damage.

Many studies have shown that cow’s milk proteins known as bovine serum albumin, stimulate the production of the antibodies which destroy the insulin-producing pancreatic cells gradually. When the infection becomes more pronounced with 80 – 90% of the insulin-producing beta cells destroyed, diabetes starts.

A study done confirmed the presence of such antibodies in all the 142 diabetic children at the point the disease was diagnosed. Non-diabetic children may have such antibodies, but only at much lower levels.

Evidence suggests that the combination of a genetic predisposition and cow’s milk exposure is the major cause of the childhood form of diabetes.

What can be done -

1.  We are back to the basics – human breast milk over cow’s milk

A Dr. Oski cited a “study of over 20000 infants conducted in Chicago dated back to 1930s and obtained the statistics:

+  The overall death rate for the babies raised on human milk was 1.5 deaths per 1,000 infants whilst the death rate in the babies fed cow milk was 84.7 per 1,000 during the first nine months of life;
+  The death rate from gastrointestinal infections was 40 times higher in the non-breastfed infants;
+  The death rate from respiratory infections was 120 times higher.
An earlier analysis involving infants in eight American cities showed similar results. Infants fed on cow milk had 20 times greater chance of dying during the first 6 months of life.”

2.  Milk for infants above a year?

Those who argued that milk should be taken by infants played up the importance of milk being an excellent source of nutrients, especially when parents are unable to get them to eat balanced diets. It is also believed that when milk is taken before the age of 9-10, it reduces the likelihood of developing lactose intolerance.

The health concern on milk consumption remains in the milk protein not easily broken down and can disturb the body by weakening the immune system and causes allergies etc. An enzyme known as lactase is required to digest lactose but most infants have lost the lactase activity in their small intestine over time. This problem can be resolved by substituting for yogurt or using more probiotics. Parents and doctors noticed that some autistic children greatly benefit from removing dairy products from their diet.

3.  Best solution

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that infants be breastfed or use iron-fortified formula during the first one year.  From 4 – 6 months, certain solid foods and juices can be introduced.  There should not be total avoidance of milk as protein and calcium are still essential for their rapid growth.  In this way, a more balanced nutrition is achieved with lesser side effects if milk is really considered unfit for infant consumption.

Saturday, 25 March 2017

Are egg yolks BAD?


Clearing the air of misconception in taking egg

Many people throw away the egg yolk thinking that is where “all the nasty fat and cholesterol are”. In a world full of misinformation, most people are misled for too long that the egg yolk is the worst part of the egg, when in fact, it is the healthiest.

On the contrary, egg whites contain complete protein (all 18 amino acids) but far fewer nutrients. Hence by throwing out the yolk and only eating egg whites, you are essentially throwing out the most nutrient-dense, antioxidant-rich, vitamins and minerals loaded portion of the egg.

Egg white v egg yolk

+ The yolk contains 100% of the carotenoids, essential fatty acids, vitamins A, E, D and K, more than 90% of the calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, thiamin, B6, folate and B12, 90% of the panthothenic acid (B5) and between 50%-80% of the copper, manganese and selenium. Useful carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin found in the yolk eggs appear to protect against age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.

+  Egg yolks contain omega-3 fatty acid DHA, beneficial for the brain and proper retinal function in the eye, and omega-6 fatty acid arachidonic acid, which is required for the healthy skin, hair, libido, reproduction, growth and response to injury. These fatty acids are primarily needed by young children, pregnant and lactating women, and people with degenerative diseases involving oxidative stress, especially those of the nervous system such as Alzheimer’s. According to NutritionData.Com, one egg yolk contains 75 mg of arachidonic acid (AA), 20 mg of DHA, but no EPA.

+ The white contains between 50%-80% of the potassium, riboflavin and protein, and over 80% of the magnesium, sodium and niacin. Note that the protein in egg whites is made more bioavailable with the yolks to balance out the amino acid profile. Morever, magnesium and protein can also be obtained from animal meats.

Cholesterol Myths

Egg yolks are a big concern for their cholesterol content when cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease. It happens when LDL (bad cholesterol), a major carrier of cholesterol in the blood, is affected by poor metabolism, high homocysteine levels, deficient diets and toxins that threaten to destroy its particle that heart disease develops.

To understand better, the liver produces 80% of total cholesterol as required for important functions in the body. The balance 20% has to be derived from foods. So when you eat a food that contains a high amount of dietary cholesterol such as eggs, your body down-regulates its internal production of cholesterol to balance things out. On the other hand, if you do not eat enough cholesterol, your body simply produces more. Cholesterol is a crucial building block in the body as all of our steroid hormones are made from its fatty backbone along with maintaining the integrity of every single cell wall in your body.

The University of Connecticut has done extensive study on the effects of eggs on cholesterol levels. The result showed that when people consumed 3-4 whole eggs per day, virtually all experienced either no change or beneficial changes in their cholesterol levels. In other words, the good HDL cholesterol is raised to a higher degree than LDL cholesterol, thereby improving overall cholesterol ratio and blood chemistry.

More comments

+ Many people believe that the health benefits of egg yolks are greater if consumed raw. Heat destroys enzymes, reduces the amounts of certain nutrients, and may make the amino acid cysteine less available, which is needed to synthesize the master antioxidant of the cell, glutathione. However, eating raw egg whites is not advisable as they interfere with the digestion enzymes and reduce protein digestion from 90% to 50% (bodybuilders please note). Also to caution that most of human salmonella outbreaks have been attributed to eggs or egg-containing foods due to Salmonella deposition inside the eggs.

+ Frying eggs in oil contributes to more calorie intake, rise in cholesterol and produces carcinogenic compounds when the surface egg is burnt or overcooked. If need to, use a nonstick pan with nothing left behind and does not burn the egg easily. Hard-boiled egg is preferred with no change in calorie content and nutrients well-preserved.

+ The normal supermarket eggs coming from mass factory farming is less nutritious than organic free range eggs where healthy chickens are allowed to roam freely and eat a more natural diet. Insects provide a higher DHA content and grass provides a higher vitamin E and carotene content, all found exclusively in the yolk.

You can see the difference by the color. The eggs from commerically bred chickens are pale yellow yolks whilst the pastured eggs are deep orange colored yolks indicating much higher nutrition levels, especially carotenoids and omega-3 fatty acids (DHA).

+ A study was conducted comparing groups of people that ate egg breakfasts versus groups of people that ate cereal or bagel based breakfasts. It found the egg eaters lost or maintained a healthier bodyweight as they ate less calories during the remainder of the day with a satisfied appetite, while the latter gained weight due to wild blood sugar swings and food cravings.

+ The newest U.S. Department of Agriculture Dietary Guidelines allows eating up to one egg a day (yolk included), within a healthful eating plan. The stigma of the high-cholesterol yolk has been tough to crack, as we are constantly reminded that 2 eggs a day containing 420 mg of cholesterol has exceeded the daily requirement of 300 mg.

This final note may change your thinking….

For those of you who do not have the habit of taking a multivits daily, note that 2 raw egg yolks provide:

- 9 g of fat, of which 3.2 g are saturated, 1.4 g polyunsaturated and 4 g monounsaturated.
- 108 calories, most of which come from fat and protein. Only 1.2 grams of carbohydrates and no fiber.
- 35% of the DRI for selenium, which helps to regulate the thyroid and fight oxidative stress.
- 18.8% of the DRI for phosphorus needed for blood clotting, cell growth, heart muscle function and bone formation.
- more than 40% of the DRI of choline for men and over 50% for women – it helps regulate the brain, nervous system and cardiovascular system.
- more than 5% of the DRI of iron for women and more than 10% for men.
- more than 7% of the DRI of zinc for both sexes. (mineral for sperm count)
- low in sodium, supplying less than 1% of the daily recommended maximum intake of 2,400 mg.

More good news….

+ For those who are fearful of the Sun – eggs are one of the only foods that contain naturally-occurring vitamin D.
+ For worry over balding - eggs promote healthy hair and nails because of their high sulphuric content and wide array of vitamins and minerals. Many people find their hair growing faster after adding eggs to their diet, especially if they were previously deficient in foods containing sulphur or vitamin B12. How about some egg yolk applied on the hair?

+ For the ladies – eggs may prevent breast cancer. In one study, women who consumed at least 6 eggs per week lowered their risk of breast cancer by 44%!


Extra tip – How to have the perfect egg

Cooking hard boiled eggs can be a hassle because you have to watch the heat and ensure there is enough water. Someone has this trick of cooking the eggs whereby you do not have to worry whether they are over-cooked or under-cooked.

1) Place two pieces of tissue paper inside the rice cooker and sprinkle them with water.

2) Put in the eggs.

3) Close the lid and press “Cook” button.

4) Wait till the button jumps up. When it does,
TURN OFF THE ELECTRICITY POWER. Do not leave them too long inside the rice cooker after cooked …only do so if you prefer a harder egg yolk.
5) The eggs are ready.

The speed is faster than using ordinary boiling method. This is because the water sprinkled on the tissue will turn into steam and compressed inside the rice cooker to cook the eggs. You can peel the egg shells off very easily. The egg yolks will turn out just nice, not too dry.

The best part is – you do not have to do any washing nor cleaning at all!

REDUCE Salt intake


8 in 10 Singaporeans are exceeding their daily salt intake recommendation, according to the Health Promotion Board’s (HPB) latest Salt Intake Study.  The recommended daily intake is not more than 2000 mg/5g of sodium to the equivalent of a teaspoon of salt.  However, the average Singaporeans consume about 3500 mg/8.3g or about 1000 mg per meal.

Data also showed that those in the 30- 49-year-old age group consumed the most salt, averaging at about 9g daily. Males have been found to consume more salt as well, about 10g a day, compared to females who consume about 7g a day.

Salt is used in our daily life for flavour – enhancing and food preservatives.  It comprises 3 elements – chloride, minerals and sodium which are all needed by the body to function properly.

*  Chloride – Chloride is needed for the body’s digestive juices and to maintain fluid balance.  It is an electrolyte controlled by the kidneys and can at times be affected by our diet.  Basically it maintains acid-base balance and helps to regulate blood volume and artery pressure.  Elevated levels are related to acidosis and excess fluids crossing the cell membrane.   Too much or too little are caused by kidney malfunctioning.

*  Minerals – The minerals present in table salt is minute due to heavy processing whilst sea salt has slightly high magnesium and calcium content.  Salt substitutes tend to contain high potassium and low sodium, which can be a burden to the kidneys in removing the excessive potassium, especially for renal failure patients.

*  Sodium – Sodium helps to regulate the water balance and pH.  It is also needed for proper muscle and nerve functions.

Dangers of High Sodium intake -

A high level can be caused by too much water intake of salt or not taking in enough water.
Symptoms:  Edema, hypertension, potassium deficiency, liver and kidney disease, premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

*  Sodium helps to retain water in the body.  Hence, when one takes in more sodium, the total body water content also rises.  With a corresponding rise of blood volume (as present in the water), it puts pressure on the blood vessels, causing damage to the lining.  Once the structure weakens, hormones and other molecules are thrown out of balance and promotes inflammation.  Passing cholesterols take the opportunity to form plaque or fatty deposits leading to heart attacks and stroke.

*  High blood pressure can damage the blood vessels in the kidneys too.  If excess sodium is taken over prolonged period, it can cause more calcium to be excreted in the urine which can then bind to other substances to form kidney stones.

A proper balance of potassium and sodium needs to be achieved for maintaining good health.  By consuming too much sodium, the intake of potassium must increase correspondingly.  This can be found abundantly in apricots, avocados, bananas, brown rice, dates, garlic, nuts, potatoes.  Note that low potassium level can cause muscle weakness and heart problem.

Ways to reduce sodium intake -

+    Cut down foods laden with sodium like smoked, cured or salted foods.  Avoid snacks high in salt content.  Skip the gravy or stocks when eating out.

+    Go for fresh foods and to cook use natural flavours like fruits, herbs and spices to substitute salt.  If need salt alternative, kosher and sea salt can be used sparingly.

Danger of Low Sodium Intake

A low level in the blood can be caused by excessive water intake, heart failure or kidney failure.  Patients who take diuretics for high blood pressure and controlling sodium intake at the same time are more at risk.

Most people suffer one time or another from loss of sodium due to diarrhoea, fluid or vomiting.
Symptoms:  abdominal cramps, anorexia, confusion, dehydration, depression, dizziness, fatigue, hallucinations, headache, heart palpitations, an impaired sense of taste, lethargy, low blood pressure, memory impairment, muscular weakness, nausea and vomiting, poor coordination, seizure and weight loss.

Source:  Mind Your Body, Jul 8,2010;  Prescription to Natural Healing

Switch to sea salt

Rock or sea salt is a preferred choice over table or iodised salt.  Why?

The table salt does NOT melt easily in the body, thus ending in the kidneys to develop into kidney stones, and raises blood pressure. However, it is the salt favored by the synthetic drug-based doctors who say it is very clean and sanitary, pointing to how white it is and how it glistens like diamonds.

On the other hand,  the rock salt, which comes from the sea and dried under the sun has 72 natural minerals including natural sodium, chloride and iodine. It melts in water and our body, and does not give rise to kidney stones, other than bringing down blood pressure and stops/prevents muscle cramps, numbness, tingling etc. Try treating hypertension with this natural remedy.


Do not throw away your table salt after reading this post.  It has multi-uses other than simply seasoning your food you probably are not aware:


-  Add some salt to soak stained clothes or new fabric to hold colors well. Mix it with turpentine to whiten your bathtub and toilet bowl.
-  Boil clothespins in salt water before using them and they will last longer.
-  Clean your iron by rubbing some salt on the damp cloth on the ironing surface.
-  To remove wine stains on fabric, cover with salt and rinse in cool water later. For grease stains, mix one part salt to four parts alcohol.


-  Add a little salt to the water with your cut flowers for a longer life.
-  Use salt for killing weeds in your lawn. To remove mildew, combine it with lemon juice.
-  Sprinkle salt between sidewalk bricks where you do not want grass growing.


-  Sprinkle salt on your shelves to chase ants away.


-  If you drop a whole egg on the floor, pour salt all over the egg and let it sit for awhile. Use a dustpan to sweep it up and notice there is no mess.
-  Test the freshness of eggs in a cup of salt water – fresh eggs sink whilst bad ones float.
-  Add a little salt to your boiling water when cooking eggs. Salty water boils faster and cracked egg remains in its shell this way.
-  A tiny pinch of salt with egg whites makes them beat up fluffier.


-  Soak fish in salt water before de-scaling and see how rapid the scales come off.
-  Put a few grains of rice in your saltshaker for easier pouring.
-  Add salt to green salads to prevent wilting.
-  Soak your nuts in salt brine overnight to see the shells cracking out in whole. Just tap the end of the shell with a hammer to break it open easily.
-  Soak wrinkled apples in a mildly salted water solution to perk them up. Soaking in mildly salted water after peeling to see the color stays.
-  Add raw potatoes to stews and soups that are too salty.
-  Milk stays fresh longer when a little salt is added.
-  Add a pinch of salt to whipping cream to make it whip more quickly.
-  A dash of salt improves the taste of tea or coffee, warm milk and flavor of cocoa.
-  Adding a little salt to the water when cooking foods in a double boiler will make the food cook faster.


-  Rub salt on your pancake griddle to prevent the flapjacks from sticking.
-  Use salt to clean your discolored coffee pot.
-  Clean brass, copper and pewter with paste made of salt and vinegar, thickened with flour
-  Eliminate excess suds with a sprinkle of salt.
-  Before using new glasses, soak them in warm salty water for awhile. Soaked discolored glass in a salt and vinegar solution to remove stains.
-  Sprinkle salt in your oven before scrubbing clean.
-  Remove offensive odors from stove with salt and cinnamon.
-  Clean greasy pans with a paper towel and salt. For enamel pans - soak in salt water overnight and boil salt water in them next day to remove burned-on stains.
-  Freshen sponges by soaking them in salt water.
-  Salt and soda will sweeten the odor of your refrigerator.
-  Remove odors from sink drainpipes with a strong, hot solution of salt water.


-  Use a mixture of salt and lemon juice to clean piano keys.
-  Spot an ink spot on your carpet? Pour a mound of salt to soak up the stain.
-  To fill plaster holes in your walls, use equal parts of salt and starch, with just enough water to make stiff putty.
-  Polish your old kerosene lamp with salt for a brighter look.
-  Rub any wicker furniture you may have with salt water to prevent yellowing.


-  Rinse a sore eye with a little salt water.
-  Soak toothbrushes in salt water before the first use them for longer usage.
-  Use equal parts of salt and soda for brushing your teeth.
-  Mildly salted water makes an effective mouthwash. Use it hot for a sore throat gargle.
-  Dry salt sprinkled on your toothbrush makes a good tooth polisher

No wonder in ancient times, salt is so precious when resources are limited then.  Is cheap and multifunctional.

Lastly, above uses are for real.  Do not take it with a pinch of salt!

Sunday, 19 March 2017

Butter vs Margarine


Butter has been around since ancient civilisations with the domestication of animals whereas margarine was introduced as an inexpensive alternative in France in 1869, according to a history found in the Margarine and Spreads Association in the United Kingdom. A tablespoon of butter and Margarine contain similar 100 calories but butter is slightly higher in saturated fats. So is margarine the obvious choice?


Butter is a dairy product made by churning fresh or fermented cream or milk. Most frequently made from cows’ milk, it can also be derived from sheep, goats, buffalo, and yaks. Salt, flavorings and preservatives are at times added to improve the taste.

To most people, butter is considered unhealthy due to its high aaturated fat content (about 63%) believed to contribute to high levels of cholesterol and thus greater risk of heart disease. It is found that saturated fats increases both the bad (LDL) and good (HDL) cholesterol.

Proponents of the consumption of butter state that it is nutritious, rich in short and medium chain fatty acids such as palmitic and stearic acids, and can have a positive effect on health. Its key nutritional ingredients include antioxidants which can help to offset free radical damage to cells. It is also a source of vitamin D, calcium and selenium. Another key component, conjugated linoleic acid, is thought to help maintain lean body mass, prevent weight gain and may reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.

Studies show the fat in butter improves you body’s ability to absorb fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D and K. Eating butter increases the absorption of many other nutrients in other foods as well.

As butter is essentially just the milk fat, it contains only traces of lactose, so moderate consumption of butter is not a problem for the lactose intolerant. People with milk allergies still have to be careful because it contains sufficient allergy-causing proteins to cause reactions.


Margarine is made from vegetable oils, so it contains no cholesterol. It is also higher in “good” fats — polyunsaturated and monounsaturated — than butter is. These types of fat help reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or bad cholesterol.

However, according to some past studies, eating margarine can increase heart disease in women by 53% over eating the same amount of butter. Why?


Not all margarines are created equal — and some are worse than butter. In recent times, margarine has received its share of scrutiny due to some brands containing hydrogenated oils or trans-fats. The more solid a margarine is at room temperature, the more trans fat it contains, as much as 3 gms per tablespoon.

What can happen?

+ Increases total cholesterol and LDL (bad cholesterol) and lowers HDL (good cholesterol)

+ Lowers quality of breast milk

+ Decreases immune response

+ Reduces insulin response

What to watch for

+ Butter has many nutritional benefits whilst margarine has a few only because they are added. Butter tastes much better than margarine and it can enhance the flavors of other foods. For healthy choice, consider using whipped or light butter, and products that are a blend of butter and olive or canola oil. Per serving, these products have less fat and calories than regular butter does.

+ Though some margarine manufacturers claimed that their new margarines contain plant sterols and removed trans-fats from their spreads or lowered the concentration considerably, it is still far from safe. When reading labels, look closely at the ingredient list to see if there is any mention of partially hydrogenated oils or fractionated oils. Even a margarine lists zero grams of trans fats can still have small amounts of these unhealthy fats.

+ When selecting a spread, be sure to check the Nutrition Facts panel and pay particular attention to the grams of saturated fat and trans-fat. Look for products that have the lowest combined amount and a low percent Daily Value for cholesterol.

Most heart doctors recommend butter over normal margarine but recommend trans fat free margarines over butter.

Saturday, 18 March 2017

Honey and Cinnamon


Honey is the only food on the planet that does not spoil or rot.  Left in a cool dark place for a long time it hardens but can turn back by boiling some water and placing the honey container in the hot water to liquefy naturally. Never boil honey or put it in a microwave to prevent killing the enzymes in the honey.

It is more than sugar that we know of. Recent studies have shown its sugary content is not harmful but helpful to the body.  When taken in the right dosage it can even cure diabetes - the sweet disease.

Honey is an effective cure for various kinds of diseases, without any side effect. Cinnamon is used to help treat muscle spasms, vomiting, diarrhea, infections, cold, loss of appetite and erectile dysfunction (ED).  In combination, they can do wonders for various diseases including:

Heart disease/diabetes

In some western countries, nursing homes serve honey and cinnamon to patients to revitalize their blood vessels. Hence, it can reduce cholesterol levels, strengthen heartbeat and prevent heart attack, even for those who are already suffering from attacks. In fact, a study conducted showed by consuming up to 6 grams of cinnamon per day "reduces serum glucose, triglyceride, LDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol in people with type 2 diabetes and thus lowers the risk factors associated with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
A teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of cinnamon consumed in the morning can prevent heart attack and strengthen your heart. In ½ liter of water, mix 3 teaspoons of cinnamon and 2 tablespoons of honey given to a high cholesterol patient was found to reduce the blood cholesterol by 10% within two hours.

Make a paste of honey and cinnamon powder, apply it on bread instead of jelly and jam and eat it regularly for breakfast improves blood circulation.


A recent research conducted at the Copenhagen University found that when the doctors treated their arthritis patients with a mixture of one tablespoon honey and half teaspoon cinnamon powder before breakfast, 73 out of 200 patients were totally relieved of pain within a week. Within a month, nearly all the patients who could barely move around can start walking without pain.

Taken twice daily is more effective even for chronic arthritis sufferers.

Skin infections

-  Mix three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder into a paste and apply over the pimple for few hours. Later wash it off with warm water. When done daily for two weeks, it should remove all pimples from the root.

-  Applying honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts on the affected parts cures eczema, ringworm and all types of skin infections.

Bladder infections - Take two tablespoons of cinnamon powder and one teaspoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water can destroy the bacteria in the bladder.

Respiratory infections - To clear a cough, cold, flu and sinus fast, take one tablespoon lukewarm honey with 1/4 spoon cinnamon powder daily for three days. To rid sore throat quickly, sip a tablespoon of honey every 3 hours until symptoms are gone.

Stomach discomfort/gas/ulcer - To prepare for a heavy meal, take beforehand cinnamon powder sprinkled on two tablespoons of honey to relieve acidity and speed digestion.

Immunity/longevity - Daily use of honey and cinnamon powder strengthens the immune system and protects the body from bacterial and viral attacks. This is so because honey has various vitamins and iron in large amounts. When combined, their antioxidant properties are enhanced and if taken regularly, may keep the skin supple and arrest the ravages of old age.

Weight loss - Twice a day, half hour before breakfast and at night before sleeping, drink honey and cinnamon powder boiled in one cup of water. When taken regularly, it reduces the weight and prevents fat accumulation even on those on high calorie diet.

Cancer - Recent research in Japan and Australia has revealed that advanced cancer of the stomach and bones may see progress by taking equal one tablespoon of honey and cinnamon powder three times a day for one month.

Fatigue - The elderly who take honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts are more alert and flexible. For some of them, hearing loss is also restored.

Bad breath - People of South America, gargle with one teaspoon of honey and cinnamon powder mixed in hot water first thing in the morning so their breath stays fresh throughout the day.

Some people who are sensitive to cinnamon may be at an increased risk of liver damage after consuming cinnamon-flavored foods, drinks and food supplements due to the fact that it contains coumarin.

Diabetic patients on medications may need to adjust their treatment if they use cinnamon supplements. It may also interact with antibiotics, blood thinners, heart medicines as well.

Dark sides of INSTANT Noodles?


Noodles - the best invention of the Japanese in the 20th century by Momofuku Andō of Nissin Foods, Japan in 1958 that subsequently took the world by storm. As of 2010, it is estimated 95 billion servings of instant noodles is recorded worldwide. China took the top slot with 42 billion packages, (44% of world consumption) followed by Indonesia 14 billion, Japan 5.3 billion, Vietnam 4.8 billion and USA 4 billion.

Come as dried or precooked noodles, they are often sold with packets of flavoring including seasoning oil. Dried noodles are easily cooked or soaked in boiling water, while pre-cooked noodles can be reheated or eaten straight from the packet. In 1971, Nissin introduced the Cup Noodles, with instant noodles in a waterproof polystyrene cup and boiling water just pour over it. A further innovation added dried vegetables to the cup, creating an instant soup dish.

This easily available, easy to prepare food gained popularity especially amongst youngsters, students and workers given their affordable prices.  However, it is often criticized as an unhealthy or junk food given the high carbohydrate and low fiber content, also devoid of vitamins and minerals.  To offset its inadequacy, addition of fresh chopped greens and healthy lean meat or fish can make a more complete dish.

Like most commercially processed foods, instant noodles are laden with much artificial ingredients and chemicals that we should be careful with and only indulge occasionally. Other aspects to consider -

+  Presence of high amounts of saturated fats (which are bad for your cholesterol and heart) and trans fat. Studies done showed women who ate instant noodles more than twice a week were 68% more likely to develop metabolic syndrome -- a group of symptoms such as central obesity, elevated blood pressure, elevated fasting blood sugar, elevated fasting triglycerides, and low levels of HDL cholesterol.  Having three or more of the symptoms increases your risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) is a chemical additive used as a flavor enhancer in instant noodles and most commercially prepared foods such as soups, sauces, gravies, flavoring, spice blends, canned and frozen meats, fish, poultry, vegetables, dressings, ketchup, mayonnaise, soy sauce, sausages and snacks. Being an excitotoxin, high consumption of MSG can possibly affect learning ability, cause neurological disorders to the point of damage such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Lou Gehrig's disease and seizures, body damage to varying degrees such as allergies, rashes, asthma attacks and headaches. Over a prolonged period death can also occur due to heavy toxication.

+  There are controversies as to whether instant noodles are coated with wax the same ingredient found in styrofoam containers.  Manufacturers claimed that to prevent noodle strands from sticking together after slitting or cutting the noodle dough, steaming and then frying in normal cooking oil is used only. More straining removes some of the gluten (which is bad) from the processed wheat flour, not wax as popularly believed. (the ordinary Chinese yellow noodles in an uncooked state is oiled to prevent from sticking together). If wax is present, it can be seen floating in the water when hot water is added to the noodles.

+  The Codex Standards also allow the use of 10,000 mg/kg of the chemical propylene glycol, an anti-freeze ingredient as humectants (help to retain moisture to prevent noodles from drying) in instant noodles. This substance is readily absorbed and accumulates in the heart, liver and kidneys causing abnormalities and damage. It is also capable of weakening the immune system.

+  In any fried foods, there is the possible presence of oxidation products resulting from poor maintenance of the oil. If the cooking oil is not maintained at the proper temperature or changed as often as necessary, this toxic waste suspected of posing various health risks can be present in the foods. Proper production standards from established manufacturers minimize this risk.

To resolve this problem, TBHQ, a byproduct of the petroleum industry, is added to prevent oxidation of fats and oils, thereby extending the shelf life of processed foods. This ingredient is commonly used in processed foods of all kinds (including McDonald’s chicken nuggets, Kellogg’s CHEEZ-IT crackers, Reese’s peanut butter cups, Wheat Thins crackers, Teddy Grahams, Red Baron frozen pizza, Taco Bell beans etc. It can also be found in varnishes, lacquers, and pesticide products, as well as cosmetics and perfumes to reduce the evaporation rate and improve stability.

+  More worrying is the high amounts of sodium in a typical instant noodle pack.  In extreme cases, some brands may contain over 3,000 mg of sodium per package.  The recommended daily intake is not more than 2000 mg/5g of sodium to the equivalent of a teaspoon of salt.

+  The most recent concerns dioxin and other hormone-like substances that could theoretically be extracted from the packaging and glues used to pack the instant noodles. It was reasoned that harmful substances could seep into the soup as hot water was added to cup style instant noodles. After a series of studies were conducted, various organizations requested changes in the packaging to address these concerns.

In a first-of-its-kind experiment, Dr. Braden Kuo of Massachusetts General Hospital used a pill-sized camera to see what happens inside your stomach and digestive tract after you eat fast cooked noodles. Even after two hours, the noodles together with the above chemical additives remain undigested. It is believed that the body takes about two days to clear up the toxin. You can imagine what the exposure time may do to your health if one takes it regularly.

In June 2012, the Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA) found Benzopyrene (a cancer-causing substance) in six brands of noodles made by Nong Shim Company Ltd. Although the KFDA said the amounts were minuscule and not harmful, Nong Shim did identify particular batches of noodles with a problem, prompting a recall by October 2012.”

Beware of any of these symptoms manifesting upon eating instant noodles:
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
  • Delirium
  • Sense of suffocation
  • Collapse


In modern days, is just not possible to avoid all the commercially prepared foods out of sheer convenience and cost factor. Occasionally eating a package of instant noodles obviously does not kill you, but when you make a habit of substituting convenience foods for real food, it is only a matter of time before health problems will likely develop.

Intake of carbohydrates should be limited and noodle is not known to be a good choice. Thus, any occasional treat is acceptable with healthy foods added on to create a balanced diet.

Eating right is a choice – having variety, moderation and balance are crucial for healthy living.

RICE - should we eat?

Rice Closeup IIRice is the staple food of many civilizations for thousand of years and remains the answer to the global hunger problem. However, in recent times nutritionists advocate avoiding rice altogether because it is deemed 'empty calories' that causes obesity and metabolic diseases. Do you ever wonder why Asians who are traditional rice eaters were spared in the past and able to maintain good health and keep in good shape then?

With increasing affluence, our lifestyle has changed drastically. Most noticeable is a shift away from physical activity and increased food consumption, worsened with the adoption of Westernization of their diets. These days our diet is no longer bland, but include more sugar, salt and vegetable oils for cooking, rather than traditional animal fats. Hence, rice is usually consumed together with lots of other rich or enriched foods.

Basmati riceWhite or brown?

The outermost layer of the rice grain is known as the husk which is removed during milling. The second layer called bran is highly nutritious and contains fibre, proteins and minerals. It can be light brown, black or red in colour, which gives the unpolished grain its characteristic colour. Brown rice is a whole grain, meaning both parts have been preserved.

What we usually see is the white rice - fully polished grain reduced to pure starchy carbohydrate, claimed to be unhealthy one as it reduces our metabolism affecting insulin sensitivity and other regular bodily activities. Below is the Nutrition Summary in a cup of cooked white rice:


                     2% 89% 9%

Based on 100g (3.5 oz), the percentages of nutritional values are roughly approximated using US recommendations for adults -
Vitamin B present: B1 (6%), B3 (11%), B5 (20%), B6 (13%).
Minerals present: Manganese (52%), Zinc (11%), Magnesium (7%).

-- A cup of white long-grain rice contains just one gram of fiber as compared to four for a cup of brown rice. Fiber slows down the speed at which carbohydrates are converted into blood sugar or the “glycemic load” of a food. It also helps to absorb cholesterol in your digestive tract and avoid constipation. However, excessive amount of coarse fiber can cause indigestion.

-- The process that converts brown rice into white rice destroys 80% of vitamin B3, 80% of vitamin B6, 50% of the manganese and phosphorus content, and 60% of iron, along with dietary fibre and essential fatty acids. However, some food companies fortify white rice with vitamins and minerals to restore some of the nutrition content.

-- As the bran contains essential oils, it is more prone to spoilage than white rice, which has had the bran removed.
-- Protein from white rice is incomplete because it does not contain adequate quantities of an essential (must be obtained externally) amino acid called lysine, commonly used for preventing and treating cold sores (caused by the virus called herpes simplex) and for improving athletic performance. Other foods rich in this amino acid include beans lentils, soya products, nuts and dairy products.

-- The processing of polished rice removes all the chemical negatives found in the hull, husk and bran. Some examples are:-

** Phytate

Phytate or phytin in rice, binds to vital minerals like zinc and iron, rendering them largely useless to any animal that consumes it. Found in the bran, even heat does little to remove phytate. That is why brown rice eaters tend to have poorer mineral balances than white rice eaters.

** Trypsin inhibitor

Trypsin is a digestive enzyme produced by mammals to cleave protein peptides in twain and reduce them to amino acids for easy absorption. Luckily for rice eaters, trypsin inhibitor is located primarily in the outer embryo of the rice seed, with a bit in the bran, and none in the polished, milled seed. Bran-free white rice has no trypsin inhibitor. Steaming rice bran deactivates it too.

** Haemagglutinin-lectin

Rice contains haemagglutinin-lectin in the bran, which can bind to specific carbohydrate receptor sites in the intestinal lining and impede nutritional absorption. Standard steam cooking inactivates its toxicity.

-- If you are diabetic minimize or avoid white rice to maintain normal blood sugar. Any excess carbohydrates in your body will be converted into fat or glycogen in your liver for storage. One bowl of cooked rice is the caloric equal of 10 teaspoons of sugar. This does not matter whether it is white, brown or organic rice. As rice has to be thoroughly cooked to digest, it becomes sugar and spikes circulating blood sugar within half an hour of ingestion - almost as quickly as taking a sugar candy. No wonder results showed Asians who are traditionally rice eaters at the highest risk, showing a 55% increase in type 2 diabetes over other Asians who ate the least white rice.

If you only eat rice occasionally or in small quantities, the nutritional differences between white and brown rice just are not big enough to worry about.

Who should take rice....

+ Generally, how much rice you should take depends on your body type and lifestyle. For instance, a person with high metabolism is able to digest rice fast. Also one engages in strenous physical work requires the extra calories to perform the task well.

+ White rice provides you with an immediate source of energy since they are easily absorbed into your bloodstream from your small intestines. Your blood sugar level rises quickly because it is a simple carbohydrate that requires very little digestion. No harm to take it after an intense exercise session when your body has a low blood sugar level and need carbohydrates to prevent loss of protein.

Other comments

+ Rice contains potential allergens, which cannot be neutralized by processing. The incidence of rice allergy is rising in countries that eat a lot of rice. These people are usually sensitive to grains (eg wheat) as well suffering from food-related autoimmune disorders such as atopic dermatitis, eczema, gastrointestinal distress or asthma. There may not be an immediate reaction but remains the question of latent, hidden damage.

+ A safer alternative to consider is fruits containing another amino sugar - fructose but loaded with antioxidants. Thus, they are not empty calories and are packed with high nutrient contents that help in proper assimilation and digestion. Eating fruits before a meal can 'bulk up' the stomach, and thus eat lesser of other foods.

+ Even if you take rice, keep it to a minimum especially during dinner as it leads to weight gain. As white rice contains no fiber, you can be eating much before filling full. This lies the danger of overeating sugar without realising the effect. Imagine how many teaspoons of sugar are there in two bowls of rice consumed at one go.
+ No harm to include some rice with fruits, vegetables, lean meat, fish, eggs and nuts to complete a balanced diet. In predominantly rice eating societies like Japan and South Korea, where rice is typically paired with protein rich foods such as fish and meat, obesity rates are rather low.
Spanish RiceRelish this plate of Yangzhou fried rice with chopped vegetables, seafood, eggs and meat added on. Be creative to include your favorite fruits and nuts as well. Do not keep the whole plate to yourself. Please share around with as many people as possible.

Useful tips

-  To cook nice and fragrant rice, add a few drops of lemon juice or oil after washing it.

-  If your cloth or fabric is stained with ink, use cooked rice or paste with a little detergent to smear repeatedly on the spot. To follow with soaking in water with ordinary cleaning agent for a period of time before washing.

Thursday, 16 March 2017

UNSIGHTLY Varicose Veins


Shooting veins or dark pigmentation on the legs is unsightly and unacceptable to most people.  Most prominent of bulging veins is on the legs, though there are instances on other parts of the body as well. Like it or not, huge populations are having this problem of 'defective' veins.

Visible signs

Veins are blood vessels that return deoxygenated blood from the outer parts of the body back to the heart and lungs. When they become abnormally thick, full of twists and turns, or enlarged, problem begins.

The main superficial vein, running from the ankle to the groin along the inner side of the calf and thigh to the groin. It has 16-18 leaflet valves to prevent blood from flowing backwards (retrograde). The vein is encased in the muscle and connective tissue, and the leg muscles pump through it blood to return to the heart, working against the effects of gravity.

Over time, veins may become varicose, as the leaflets of the valves no longer meet properly and thus the valves do not work. This allows blood to flow backwards and causing blood to pool in the veins and distend them. As a result, the increased pressure causes bulging veins, darkened pigmentation, swelling and even ulcers in the legs.


+  Varicose veins are usually hereditary and poor blood circulation problem. Some experts think inherited problems cause some people to have too few valves or valves that do not function properly.
+  Those women subject to high pressure with prolonged standing are vulnerable. Also happen to women who are fond of wearing high heels.
+  Pregnant women tend to have enlarged uterus compressed against the pelvic veins, increasing pressure and stress to the lower limb veins. Another possibility is the relaxation effects of the hormones estrogen and progesterone on the vein walls.
+  Other related factors are obesity, menopause, leg injury, abdominal straining, and crossing legs at the knees or ankles.
+  Sitting all day at desk may result in gravity pulling towards the leg pooling blood there. Without the aid of muscle contraction to pump that blood back upwards, varicose veins develop. On similar vein with reduced leg exercise, the leg muscle mass is lost, resulting in gaps in the muscle to open up and allow veins to dilate.
+  Men into weight-lifting put increased pressure on the legs can also develop varicose veins.
+  High intensity aerobic exercises can gradually wear off the muscle and valves.
+  With declining age, the skin become less elastic and thickened with pigmentation, caused by leakage of blood cells from the veins. When cells do not receive adequate nutrition and oxygen, they can break down easily and develop ulcers over the ankle region when scratched too hard due to itching.
+  High salt intake leads to water retention and the pressure can damage the surrounding tissue.
+  Chronic constipation, urinary retention from an enlarged prostate, chronic cough, or any other conditions that cause a person to strain for prolonged periods of time causes an increase in the forces transmitted to the leg veins and may result in varicose veins. These mechanisms also contribute to the formation of hemorrhoids, which are varicosities located in the rectal and anal area.

Signs and symptoms
  • Aching, heavy legs (often worsens at night and after exercise)
  • Appearance of spider veins in the affected leg
  • Ankle swelling
  • A brownish-blue shiny skin discoloration near the affected veins
  • Redness, dryness and itchiness of areas of skin due to build up of waste products in the leg
  • Cramps may develop especially when making a sudden move as standing up
  • Minor injuries to the area may bleed more than normal and/or take a long time to heal
  • In some people the skin above the ankle may shrink because the fat underneath the skin becomes hard
  • Restless legs
  • Whitened, irregular scar-like patches can appear at the ankles
Treatment Options

Most varicose veins are relatively benign and can be handled by individuals at home. Some pointers that can help:

  • Elevate the legs as much as possible. If the person can take half-hour breaks during the day to rest, do it. It is important to raise the legs up above the level of the heart to get the maximum effect, and to do this for about a half-hour each time.
  • Wear compression stockings especially in the morning before walking around and before the veins become more swollen.
  • If the person is overweight, try to lose weight. A healthy diet high in fiber and low in fat and salt can help.
  • Avoid alcohol, which can cause the veins in the legs to dilate.
  • Relieve chronic constipation, urinary retention, or chronic cough that cause straining.
  • Avoid wearing tight clothing such as girdles or belts.
  • Do not cross the legs when sitting.
  • Walking is good exercise. It can help the muscles force the blood out of the deeper vein system.
  • If the person is driving on a trip, traveling by air for a long period of time, or working at a desk all day, try to get up and walk around every hour or so to allow the muscles to pump the blood out of the veins. 

  • A healthcare professional visit is advisable if any of the following warrant takes place:
    • Inflammation, discoloration, or ulceration of the skin or swelling of the calf or leg is more typical of problems related to the deeper veins, especially a blood clot.
    • Unexplained pain or swelling in a leg particularly suggests a blood clot.
    • If, at any time, the patient feels chest pain or have trouble breathing, this may indicate the presence of a blood clot in the blood vessels of the heart or lungs. Immediate medical attention should be arranged.
    Surgery is usually offered only to patients who were in severe pain, had ulcers and whose lives were adversely affected by the inability of walk properly.
    Alternatives as follows:
    +  Surgical procedure to remove the veins but tend to leave behind scars
    +  Laser treatment by inserting a laser fibre into the veins under local anesthesia, reduces scar formation but may have long term leg swelling. This is usually applied for smaller veins.
    +  For only multiple fine vessels, chemicals can be injected to shrink them over time

    As part of an anti-inflammatory diet, the best foods to eat to treat varicose veins include high-fiber foods, high-antioxidant foods, natural diuretics, magnesium-rich foods, spicy foods, wild-caught fish and apple cider vinegar.

    Source:;  ST Business Times Mar 19, 2011;

    Prescription to Natural Healing

    VIVA corner

    A deficiency of vitamin C and bioflavonoids can weaken the collagen structure in the vein walls. Vivashield has these potent antioxidants that aids circulation by reducing blood clotting tendencies. Also by helping to strengthen blood vessels, it promotes healing and prevents bruising.

    VIVA Oxypower delivers Coenzyme Q10 to the cells to improve tissue oxygenation, increase circulation and enhance immunity by detoxifying many dangerous substances.

    VIVA Omega 3 reduces inflammation and improves blood circulation, thus helps to keep blood vessels soft and pliable.

    Skin problems are usually a manifestation of a weakened immune system and an imbalanced gastrointestinal flora. VIVA Floraguard addresses this issue by supplying 5 strains of powerful friendly bacteria. Vivaguard helps to repair damaged tissue and thus helps in speedier recovery.

    Wednesday, 15 March 2017

    TEETHING problem


    Dentures or false teeth are prosthetic devices constructed to replace missing teeth, and which are supported by surrounding soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity.  Conventional dentures are removable, but there are many different denture designs, some which rely on bonding or clasping onto teeth or dental implants.

    Some people do not want to be seen when they are without their dentures for self-esteem and aesthetic reasons.

    Loss of teeth

    Three things can lead to loss of teeth – trauma, decay and gum disease. Once teeth are lost, there are only two options – dentures or implants.  Caps and crowns work only on those with teeth.  Implants are not very popular due to their higher pricing (can run into US$4000 for a single tooth implant) whereas a good set of dentures costs only few hundred dollars.

    The good news is that people are losing their teeth much later now than three decades ago. “There were 80% toothless people over the age of 65 in the UK in 1968 but the figure has dropped to 23%. This shows that people are more aware of dental health and that the advancement in dentistry has allowed more people to keep their teeth for longer.

    Risk of wearing dentures

    +  People who wear dentures tend to die at a younger age than those without.  One plausible reason has to do with their diets because they are unable to chew as well as those with teeth.  Out of convenience, they eat food that are less healthy such as those that are softer, with more sugar and fat contents and less fibre. This puts them at risk in chronic diseases like diabetes and cardiac heart disease.

    Denture wearers are advised to either get an implant to hold the dentures firmly or use a dental adhesive to chew better.  Elderly people who are wearing dentures should have their vegetables and fruit chopped finely or steam their vegetables for softer textures. Avoid soft, sweet things at all cost.

    +  Gum inflammation is another major health cause when the dentures are not cleaned properly or when the gums are not given enough time to recover at night.  It is not noticeable as oral inflammation can be painless even when the gum gets tender and swollen.  Having an inflamed gum increases the contracting diseases especially patients who are old, ill and hospitalised.

    Denture tips

    Some simple but important denture tips:

    1. Have your dentures remade every five years.  Taking the denture out at night prolongs the proper fit of the denture and its function.  However, as a guide five years is enough to change the fit of the dentures.  In some circumstances, it may be prematurely changed when you feel the fit is no longer as good, or the wear is not comfortable.

    2. Remove it before retiring to bed.  At rest, every part of the body needs time to repair, rejuvenate and rest.  The flow of saliva is restricted under the denture while wearing it, so the “rest” time is needed to restore the tissues under the denture.

    3. Once removed, soak the denture in a proper cleansing solution or water

    4. Clean dentures every day with a toothbrush.  Tartar builds up on dentures and you need a different cleaner for this.  Bacterial film can be found in most instances too.

    5.  Have your teeth cleaned every 6 months by an oral health professional

    6. Never drop or break your dentures.

    Just because a denture wearer has no natural teeth does not mean that he/she does not need to take steps to maintain the oral health. The reasons for the denture maintenance are:  cosmetic appearance, oral hygiene, oral health, denture function.

    Other comments

    As mentioned in the beginning, many people are afraid to be seen without their dentures and remove their dentures only during the cleaning process. This is very bad and very wrong!

    Get to the root of the teething problem – ensure your teeth are in healthy condition and avoid all external aids if possible.

    Useful tips
    Before throwing the last squeeze of toothpaste, spread it on stained tea cups to remove with a sponge. For stubborn stain, wait a few minutes for easy washing.

    Tuesday, 14 March 2017

    NAIL health


    Similar to the hair and skin, toenails and fingernails consist of layers of a hardened protein called keratin, to protect the tissues of your toes and fingers. The health of your nails gives clue to your overall health condition.

    Healthy nails are usually smooth and consistent in color whilst manifestation of change in nail texture and color may be a warning signal, ranging from minor problems like anemia, skin disease and infection (most often fungal) to major organ deterioration such as lung, heart, pancreas, kidney and liver diseases.

    Keeping your nails clean, dry, and trimmed at all times can help you avoid some problems. Do not remove the cuticle, which can cause infection.

    Pale Nails

    Very pale nails may be linked to aging. Anemia is another strong possibility. This blood disorder is characterized by a low red blood cell count due to lack of iron, leading to inadequate oxygen in the blood, which causes the tissues under the nails to turn pale. This impaired blood flow can also be caused by other serious underlying condition in the early stages, like:

    +· Congestive heart failure
    +· Diabetes
    +· Liver disease
    +· Malnutrition

    White Nails

    If the nails are mostly white with dark bands, this can indicate critical illnesses:

    -  Renal failure
    -  Liver problems, such as hepatitis or cirrhosis
    -  Diabetes mellitus
    -  Chemotherapy

    Horizontal white lines that span the entire nail, are paired, and appear on more than one nail are an indication of kidney disease, liver abnormalities, or a lack of protein and other nutrients, These diseases prevent blood supply to the nail bed.

    Yellow Nails

    +  The most frequent cause of yellow nails is fungal infection. As the infection worsens, the nails may thicken and new growth slows, resulting in the discoloration. The affected nails may even detach from the nail bed.
    +  Other possible causes are swelling of the hand or psoriasis.
    +  In critical cases, yellow nail syndrome is related to respiratory disorder, such as chronic bronchitis, or may indicate severe thyroid disease or jaundice.
    If your nails are yellow but are growing normally, it could be a sign of diabetes. This is because diabetes can cause glucose to attach to collagen proteins in the nails, making them appear yellow. When other symptoms of diabetes appear at the same time, (eg.increased thirst or urination) seek medical attention urgently.
    Bluish Nails
    Nails with a bluish tint can mean the body is not getting enough oxygen. This could indicate an infection in the lungs, such as pneumonia, asthma, emphysema or heart diseases.
    Rippled Nails

    If the nail surface is rippled or pitted, this may be an early sign of psoriasis or inflammatory arthritis. This is a skin condition that usually starts in the nails 10% of the time.

    Individuals who suffer from psoriasis develop clusters of cells along the nail bed that accumulate and disrupt the linear, smooth growth of a normal nail.

    Brittle, Thin or Lifted Nails

    Dry, brittle nails that frequently crack or split at the slightest touch, have been linked to thyroid disease. The thyroid gland regulates metabolism, energy and growth, and inadequate thyroid hormone often leads to hair loss, brittle and thin nails, and slow growth. In some individuals,  the nail plate is separated from the nail bed in a noticeable way.

    Other causes are:

    +   Metabolic bone disease
    +  Severe lack of nutrition especially in Vitamin C, folic acid, iron and proteins
    +  Kidney disorder
    +  In the presence of a yellowish hue more likely due to a fungal infection.

    Puffy Nail Fold

    If the skin around the nail appears red and puffy, this is known as inflammation of the nail fold. It may be the result of lupus or another connective tissue disorder.

    Dark Lines Beneath the Nail
    Dark lines beneath the nail should be investigated as soon as possible for fear of melanoma - the most dangerous type of skin cancer.
    Splinter hemorrhages, or red and brown lines covering the nail beds are actually blood and can be a sign of a heart valve infection.
    Though nail changes accompany many conditions, these changes are rarely the first sign. Do not be alarmed as many nail abnormalities are harmless. If above exhibited changes remained, professional treatment from either a doctor or a dermatologist is required, otherwise simple self-help techniques and minor lifestyle changes are sufficed.

    Summary (extracted from

    What Your Nails Say About Your Health: 10 Possible Signs of Serious Conditions
    Nail AppearanceAssociated Condition
    White nailsLiver diseases, such as hepatitis
    Yellowish, thickened, slow-growing nailsLung diseases, such as emphysema
    Yellowish nails with a slight blush at the baseDiabetes
    Half-white, half-pink nailsKidney disease
    Red nail bedsHeart disease
    Pale or white nail bedsAnemia
    Pitting or rippling of the nail surfacePsoriasis or inflammatory arthritis
    “Clubbing,” a painless increase in tissue around the ends of the fingers, or inversion of the nailLung diseases
    Irregular red lines at the base of the nail foldLupus or connective tissue disease
    Dark lines beneath the nailMelanoma