Monday 2 November 2015

Beware of some POISONOUS plants


Some plants are cherished by those who prefer easy maintenance and no hassle in keeping them alive. However, note these nice plants can be a big nuisance and dangerous at times. 

As plants cannot run, fight or hide, so they have to make themselves inedible with poisons, or get completely eaten up and become extinct. Animals that live on plants have some degree of resistance to plant poisons, but humans mostly lack such resistance. Salad plants have been selected and grown for their lack of poisons but such plants cannot survive on their own without human protection.

The Christ’s Thorn

Poisonous parts: Sap   

This plant makes one believes it is the ‘crown’ Jesus wore while he carried his torture stake to his crucifixion. A native to Madagascar, this plant
is a trailing or climbing spiny shrub with showy flower clusters and red, petal like bracts. 

The caustic and irritant chemicals in the latex is an irritant to the skin and eyes causing abdominal pains, blistering/irritation of the mouth/throat and vomiting.

English Ivy

Poisonous parts: Leaves
This harmless looking vine grown easily both indoor and outdoor is known to cause poisoning in cattle, dogs, sheep and humans. 
Symptoms of ingestion are difficulty in breathing, convulsions, vomiting, paralysis and coma. Dermatitis is rare but can be severe with weeping blisters which responds slowly to treatment. Luckily the berries are so bitter that children do not like the taste.

Poisonous parts: Leaves and buds

The striking color of the lovely flowers depends on the pH of the soil-acidic soils. Low acidity produces blue flowers, pale cream flowers from neutral soil, and alkaline soils results in pink or purple.

Poison from the flower buds can cause symptoms such as vomiting, abdominal pains, diarrhoea, labored breathing, lethargy and coma. Sensitive individuals may develop contact dermatitis from handling the plants.

Dumbcane or Leopard Lily

Poisonous parts: All parts
Poisonous component: Calcium oxalate

This is both a popular indoor and outdoor plant found in homes, gardens, parks and offices.  Painful and immediate swelling of the mouth and throat occurs after chewing on leaves of dumbcane. Speech impediment does occur and can last several days. Avoid eye contact with the juices which can result in intense pain and swelling, and in worst cases cause partial or permanent blindness. This plant emits a deadly poison, so fatal that it can kill a child in less than a minute and an adult in 15 minutes.
Other than serving the purpose of air purifier it has no known benefit and should be removed to avoid trouble.
Swiss-cheese plant

Poisonous part: Leaves, fruits
Poisonous component: Calcium oxalate
The leaves can pose danger to humans or family pets. Experimental rats and mice died after they were fed plant extracts.  General symptoms of poisoning are immediate and painful with loss of voice, blistering, hoarseness, irritation of the mouth. Its adaptability to wide range of conditions encountered in the home and office makes it a popular indoor plant. In fact, it thrives well under high humidity, shade and a temperature above 20C/72F, especially to blosoom. However, the immature fruit is very high in oxalic acid and takes a year to ripe.  Though it tastes great like pineapple in flavor and texture, the toxicity is too much to bear.  For sensitive individual it can cause allergic disorder characterized by raised watery swelling patches of skin, accompanied by intense itching.

Heart leaf philodendron

Poisonous parts: Leaves, juices
Poisonous component: Calcium oxalate

Philodendrons are potted plants that can cause poisoning in humans and pets because of its oxalates. General symptoms of contact dermatitis with the plant juices are reddening, itchiness and inflammation of the skin. Ingestion will quickly cause painful burning and swelling of lips, mouth, tongue, and throat. 
Other than easy upkeep and doubling up as air purifier, it should not be left at home.

ZZ plant’ Zamiocalcus zamiifolia

Poisonous part: all

In recent times, many people like to have "money trees" in their homes for environment green and draws in good luck. Unfortunately this ornamental plant is capable of releasing a toxic gas deemed to harm the human body. If you have planted it at home shift it near the windows or out of the house to prevent the poisonous vapour from harming the health of the family.

It has been observed that beasts are scared of getting close to the plant and no other plants can survive next to it. Hence, the poisoned soil on which the money tree grows could put human’s life at risk if we have eaten other plants growing on it subsequently. Is possible to get skin allergy and swollen face as well as gum in contact with its sap.


Fatal poisoning by accidental consumption of poisonous plants is almost impossible because poisonous plants are so unpleasant to eat and the human mouth is so sensitive to unpalatable substances. All the worry about poisonous plants is unwarranted.


In general, a small dose of calcium oxalate is enough to cause intense sensations of burning in the mouth and throat, swelling and choking that could last for up to two weeks.  In greater doses it can cause severe digestive upset, breathing difficulties, coma or even death.  Recovery from severe oxalate poisoning is possible, but can cause permanent liver and kidney damage.

Calcium oxalate is a chemical compound in some plants where it is synthesized via the incomplete oxidation of carbohydrates by forming needle-shaped crystals known as raphides in the plant cells. When these cells are broken in the mouth, the crystals embed themselves in skin of the mouth and throat and cause swelling.  

Note that vegetables also contain this element and can become a major constituent of human kidney stones if taken excessively. Plants that contain oxalate include star fruit, black pepper, parsley, spinach, beets, cocoa, chocolate, most nuts, most berries, spinach and beans.  Leaves of the tea plant also contain among the greatest measured concentrations of oxalic acid relative to other plants. However the infusion beverage typically contains only low to moderate amounts of oxalic acid per serving, due to the small quantity of leaves used for brewing.

The insoluble calcium oxalate crystals are usually found in plant stems, roots and leaves.  Ingested into the body, it combines with divalent metallic cations such as calcium and iron to form minute crystals which are then excreted in urine. However, these oxalates can form larger kidney stones that can obstruct the kidney tubules which account for 80% of kidney stones formed from calcium oxalate.  As such, patients with kidney disorders, gout and rheumatoid arthritis are thus advised to avoid foods high in oxalic acid.

Recent research done showed that taking right calcium-rich foods or calcium supplements extracted from fruits and greens rich in cacium gluconate and citrate can prevent calcium stone formation.  Studies done on rats showed that calcium supplements given along with foods high in oxalic acid can cause calcium oxalate to precipitate out in the gut and reduce the levels of oxalate absorbed by the body (by as much as 97% in some cases).

A calcium with magnesium supplement is better because Magnesium oxalate is 567 times more soluble than calcium oxalate and a million times more soluble than mercury oxalate.  It aids the absorption of calcium and acts with calcium, Vitamin D and phosphorus to provide a stronger muscoskeletal system.

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