Life has its ups and downs and is normal to feel down at times. Sadness is a normal reaction to life’s struggles, setbacks and disappointments. However, when sadness develops into a sense of emptiness and despair, or for some men in particular may turn into anger, aggressiveness and restlessness, the sufferer may be facing an impending doom.
More than just the temporary “blues” the lows of depression make it tough to function and enjoy life like before. Things around may no longer be appealing and one’s energy level runs at low ebb all the time that can put a toll in pulling through each passing day. The feelings of helplessness, hopelessness and worthlessness can be so intense so to engulf the person leaving little to be reprieved.
The next time you sink into a bout of depression, ask yourself why you are overly paranoid. There may not be good justification to be so negatively affected, especially over trivial issues or surmountable problems. Before seeking any external help, find out the cause that is bothering you so much and may be your own challenge to overcome which can involve simply a change of behavioral pattern.
Who are the sufferers?
Depression is taboo to speak about in most conservative societies which prevent people from seeking psychological consultation. Many associate it wrongly with a sign of weakness and excessive emotion.
+ Men are less likely than women to acknowledge feelings of self-loathing and hopelessness. Instead, they tend to complain about fatigue, irritability, sleep problems, and loss of interest in work and hobbies. Other signs and symptoms of depression in men include anger, aggression, violence, reckless behavior and substance abuse. Even though depression rates for women are twice as high as those in men, men are a higher suicide risk, especially older men.
+ Rates of depression in women are twice as much as men due in part to hormonal factors, especially when it comes to premenstrual syndrome (PMS), premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), postpartum depression and perimenopausal depression. As for signs and symptoms, women are more likely than men to experience pronounced feelings of guilt, sleep excessively, overeat and gain weight. Also they are more likely to suffer from seasonal affective disorder.
+ While some depressed teens appear sad, others do not. Irritability, rather than depression is frequently the predominant symptom in them. A depressed teenager may turn hostile, grumpy or short-tempered. Unexplained aches and pains can occur, which if left untreated, teen depression can lead to problems at home and school, drug abuse, self-loathing—even irreversible tragedy such as homicidal violence or suicide. Given help, teenage depression is highly treatable. Note that a poor diet, especially with a lot of junk foods can be a common cause or worsening factor.
+ The difficult changes that many older adults face like bereavement, loss of independence and health problem can lead to depression, especially in those without a strong support system. However, depression is not a normal part of aging. Older adults tend to complain more about the physical rather than the emotional signs and symptoms of depression, and so the problem often goes unrecognized. Depression in older adults is associated with poor health, a high mortality rate, and an increased risk of suicide, so diagnosis and treatment are extremely important.
How to help yourself?
For some sufferers, the disorder is uncontrollable due to heredity. However, for most, lifestyle changes though not easy to make, can have positive impact on depression. Such changes that can be very effective include:
Our comments
It may come as a surprise that depression tends to affect people living in a mature economy drawing high incomes. It is a common fallacy that those living in a less developed society are presumably deprived economically and politically marginalised to reap any social benefits.
A recent study conducted by the World Health Organisation using standardised surveys to assess depression involving 89000 people across 18 countries showed a stunning result. It found most participants in advanced countries like France and USA being depressed. (a curse on modern societies?)
The key attribute to note the difference lies in EXPECTATIONS. Maslow’s infamous theory – THE HIERACHY OF NEEDS delves on level of differing needs of individuals. People in poorer countries have basic expectations such as food, clothings and shelter that, when met, create immense satisfaction. On the other hand, people in richer countries are a less contented lot who usually take things for granted. Their high aspirations are difficult to meet, and can lead to great frustration. Over time, and aggravated by personal difficulties, this uneasy feeling can develop into a state of depression.
How can one overcome the danger of falling into this trap?
+ Depression is rather complicated, not just the result of a chemical imbalance in the brain to be cured with medication. Is scary to note that 10% of Americans are diagnosed as suffering from General Anxiety Disorder and prescribed anti-depressant drugs. Long term medication to treat symptoms without understanding their cause(s) can destroy a patient’s life. For instance, the most popular anti-depressant drug, Prozac works effectively to increase the levels of the brain chemical serotonin.
However, research found that mentally ill patients have normal functioning brain chemicals till several weeks later after taking such drug. Most of these drugs are hastily pushed into the market with very short-term studies. Big pharmaceutical companies lure psychiatrists with big bucks to manipulate their diagnostic methods. Hence say NO to anti-depressant drugs as a long-term cure.
+ Experts believe that depression is caused by a combination of biological, psychological and social factors. A positive way to handle this problem is for the person to self-examine lifestyle choices, relationships and coping skills matter to judge the specific risk factors more vulnerable to depression.
+ Do not overindulge in keeping unrealistic expectations. Most people are blinded by materialism and too preoccupied with achieving possessive pursuits. Such happiness is transient and the urge for more and better is never-ending. Everlasting happiness can be obtained by working towards a productive and purposeful life, closely akin to the society at large.
+ If a person can extend his life to serving a community, he or she has no time for loneliness and idle notions. Volunteerism makes one feels important in the life of others. This rejuvenating force can be so compelling so to redefine the purpose of a giver’s life. It holds the key to the door of HAPPINESS!!!
The American Psychiatric Society estimates that 80-90% of depression cases treatable but majority do not receive help needed. Caring for oneself and others are so important in our coexistence to make this world a better place to live in.
+ Those who are not eating right have to be aware that it can lead to depression as well. The level of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters, which regulate our behavior, are controlled by what we eat, which in turn is linked to our mood, namely dopamine (helps to relax), serotonin and norepinephrine (promotes alertness). Those who are low in serotonin tend to suffer from depression, anxiety and sleep disorders.
By taking the amino acid tryptophan found in complex carbohydrate, more serotonin can be produced in the brain. On the other hand, high-protein foods aid in the production of dopamine and norepinephrine. Also foods high in saturated fats interfere with blood flow, especially to the brain and should be avoided.
Good news for chocolate lovers – dopamine, tryptophan and serotonin are all found in chocolate products!
VIVA corner
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VIVA Dailyguard, a strong multivitamins for those who are not eating right.
More than just the temporary “blues” the lows of depression make it tough to function and enjoy life like before. Things around may no longer be appealing and one’s energy level runs at low ebb all the time that can put a toll in pulling through each passing day. The feelings of helplessness, hopelessness and worthlessness can be so intense so to engulf the person leaving little to be reprieved.
The next time you sink into a bout of depression, ask yourself why you are overly paranoid. There may not be good justification to be so negatively affected, especially over trivial issues or surmountable problems. Before seeking any external help, find out the cause that is bothering you so much and may be your own challenge to overcome which can involve simply a change of behavioral pattern.
Signs and symptoms
Depression varies from person to person, but there are some common signs and symptoms. It is important to recognise these symptoms as inevitable part of life. However, the more symptoms you have, the stronger and longer they manifest, the more likely it is that you are dealing with depression. Once they become overwhelming and disabling, is time to seek professional help. Beware of the followings:- Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. A bleak outlook where nothing will ever get better and there is nothing you can do to improve your situation.
- Loss of interest in daily activities. No interest in former hobbies, pastimes, social activities, or sex. You have lost your ability to feel joy and pleasure.
- Appetite or weight changes. Significant weight loss or weight gain like more than 5% of body weight in a month.
- Sleep changes. Either insomnia, especially waking in the early hours of the morning, or oversleeping
- Anger or irritability. Feeling agitated, restless, or even violent. Your tolerance level is low, with short temper and everything and everyone gets on your nerves.
- Loss of energy. Feeling fatigued, sluggish, and physically drained. Your whole body may feel heavy, and even small tasks are exhausting or take longer to complete.
- Self-loathing. Strong feelings of worthlessness or guilt. You harshly criticize yourself for perceived faults and mistakes.
- Reckless behavior. You engage in escapist behavior such as substance abuse, compulsive gambling, reckless driving, or dangerous sports.
- Concentration problems. Trouble focusing, making decisions, or recalling things.
- Unexplained aches and pains. An increase in physical complaints such as headaches, back pain, aching muscles, and stomach pain.
Who are the sufferers?
Depression is taboo to speak about in most conservative societies which prevent people from seeking psychological consultation. Many associate it wrongly with a sign of weakness and excessive emotion.
+ Men are less likely than women to acknowledge feelings of self-loathing and hopelessness. Instead, they tend to complain about fatigue, irritability, sleep problems, and loss of interest in work and hobbies. Other signs and symptoms of depression in men include anger, aggression, violence, reckless behavior and substance abuse. Even though depression rates for women are twice as high as those in men, men are a higher suicide risk, especially older men.
+ Rates of depression in women are twice as much as men due in part to hormonal factors, especially when it comes to premenstrual syndrome (PMS), premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), postpartum depression and perimenopausal depression. As for signs and symptoms, women are more likely than men to experience pronounced feelings of guilt, sleep excessively, overeat and gain weight. Also they are more likely to suffer from seasonal affective disorder.
+ While some depressed teens appear sad, others do not. Irritability, rather than depression is frequently the predominant symptom in them. A depressed teenager may turn hostile, grumpy or short-tempered. Unexplained aches and pains can occur, which if left untreated, teen depression can lead to problems at home and school, drug abuse, self-loathing—even irreversible tragedy such as homicidal violence or suicide. Given help, teenage depression is highly treatable. Note that a poor diet, especially with a lot of junk foods can be a common cause or worsening factor.
+ The difficult changes that many older adults face like bereavement, loss of independence and health problem can lead to depression, especially in those without a strong support system. However, depression is not a normal part of aging. Older adults tend to complain more about the physical rather than the emotional signs and symptoms of depression, and so the problem often goes unrecognized. Depression in older adults is associated with poor health, a high mortality rate, and an increased risk of suicide, so diagnosis and treatment are extremely important.
How to help yourself?
For some sufferers, the disorder is uncontrollable due to heredity. However, for most, lifestyle changes though not easy to make, can have positive impact on depression. Such changes that can be very effective include:
- Cultivating supportive relationships
- Keeping an active mind, getting regular exercise and sleep
- Eating healthily with diet comprising mainly raw fruits and vegetables to naturally boost mood. Omit wheat products, high saturated fats, sugar, alcohol, caffeine and processed foods.
- Managing stress
- Practicing relaxation techniques
- Changing mindset and challenging negative thinking pattern
Our comments
It may come as a surprise that depression tends to affect people living in a mature economy drawing high incomes. It is a common fallacy that those living in a less developed society are presumably deprived economically and politically marginalised to reap any social benefits.
A recent study conducted by the World Health Organisation using standardised surveys to assess depression involving 89000 people across 18 countries showed a stunning result. It found most participants in advanced countries like France and USA being depressed. (a curse on modern societies?)
The key attribute to note the difference lies in EXPECTATIONS. Maslow’s infamous theory – THE HIERACHY OF NEEDS delves on level of differing needs of individuals. People in poorer countries have basic expectations such as food, clothings and shelter that, when met, create immense satisfaction. On the other hand, people in richer countries are a less contented lot who usually take things for granted. Their high aspirations are difficult to meet, and can lead to great frustration. Over time, and aggravated by personal difficulties, this uneasy feeling can develop into a state of depression.
How can one overcome the danger of falling into this trap?
+ Depression is rather complicated, not just the result of a chemical imbalance in the brain to be cured with medication. Is scary to note that 10% of Americans are diagnosed as suffering from General Anxiety Disorder and prescribed anti-depressant drugs. Long term medication to treat symptoms without understanding their cause(s) can destroy a patient’s life. For instance, the most popular anti-depressant drug, Prozac works effectively to increase the levels of the brain chemical serotonin.
However, research found that mentally ill patients have normal functioning brain chemicals till several weeks later after taking such drug. Most of these drugs are hastily pushed into the market with very short-term studies. Big pharmaceutical companies lure psychiatrists with big bucks to manipulate their diagnostic methods. Hence say NO to anti-depressant drugs as a long-term cure.
+ Experts believe that depression is caused by a combination of biological, psychological and social factors. A positive way to handle this problem is for the person to self-examine lifestyle choices, relationships and coping skills matter to judge the specific risk factors more vulnerable to depression.
+ Do not overindulge in keeping unrealistic expectations. Most people are blinded by materialism and too preoccupied with achieving possessive pursuits. Such happiness is transient and the urge for more and better is never-ending. Everlasting happiness can be obtained by working towards a productive and purposeful life, closely akin to the society at large.
+ If a person can extend his life to serving a community, he or she has no time for loneliness and idle notions. Volunteerism makes one feels important in the life of others. This rejuvenating force can be so compelling so to redefine the purpose of a giver’s life. It holds the key to the door of HAPPINESS!!!
The American Psychiatric Society estimates that 80-90% of depression cases treatable but majority do not receive help needed. Caring for oneself and others are so important in our coexistence to make this world a better place to live in.
+ Those who are not eating right have to be aware that it can lead to depression as well. The level of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters, which regulate our behavior, are controlled by what we eat, which in turn is linked to our mood, namely dopamine (helps to relax), serotonin and norepinephrine (promotes alertness). Those who are low in serotonin tend to suffer from depression, anxiety and sleep disorders.
By taking the amino acid tryptophan found in complex carbohydrate, more serotonin can be produced in the brain. On the other hand, high-protein foods aid in the production of dopamine and norepinephrine. Also foods high in saturated fats interfere with blood flow, especially to the brain and should be avoided.
Good news for chocolate lovers – dopamine, tryptophan and serotonin are all found in chocolate products!
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VIVA Dailyguard, a strong multivitamins for those who are not eating right.
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