Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Uterine fibroids & Ovarian cysts + cancer



Uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids are benign growths that can form on the interior muscular wall, the exterior of the uterus as well as the cervix. Hence they are merely abnormal muscle cells measuring less than 5 cm and no treatment is required. These fibroids often occur as multiple tumor masses which are slow growing and show no symptom. Most women develop at least one fibroid in their lifetime and 20-25% develop uterine fibroid tumors during their late 30s and early 40s, and then to shrink after menopause. However, less than 1% develops into uterine cancer during menopause.


As all women produce estrogen, but only some develop fibroid tumors, suspect is on diets and hormonal levels.

+  Our daily diet has become the contributing factor for fibroid development. Studies found those who take diets higher in red meat and lower in green vegetables and fruits face increasing risk.

+  As we know our environment is heavily dependent on artificial hormones to yield higher food productivity and these hormones have quite similar chemical structure as human hormones. On entering our body, they mimic the function of the human hormones and disrupt their functionality which eventually endanger the health.

The artificial hormones, scientifically known as xenobiotics can be counteracted by natural phytoestrogens to reduce the excess and eventually shrink the fibroid. Soy isoflavones is one commonly used given its easy availability and affordability. Its chemical structure is so similar to estrogen that it can be in direct competition for same receptor sites, either reducing or activating the activity of estrogen, and thus minimise the health risks of excess estrogen hanging around. Also, during menopause when the body’s natural estrogen level drops, isoflavones can compensate this by binding to the same receptor, thereby easing menopause symptoms and other gyneocological problems.

+  Women with fibroids may have higher levels of estrogen content than their counterparts. This occurs when taking oral contraceptives, during pregnancy and being obese.


Large fibroids that undergo degeneration can cause pain in the legs, back, pelvis and exert pressure upon the bowels or the bladder, or even block the urethra, producing kidney obstruction. Occasionally, they can lead to infertility, miscarriage and premature labor.  Unless the enlargement gives rise to medical problems, operations are the last resort as it is not malignant and should shrink with the onset of menopause.

An alternative is a procedure known as myomectomy, where only the fibroids are removed, leaving the uterus intact. This is important for child-bearing mums but may lead to complications. It is estimated that a third of those operated have a relapse within ten years, though the size is not as large as the original fibroid tumor. A woman who becomes pregnant after a myomectomy faces the problem of a weakened uterine walls and is advisable to deliver by cesarean section.

VIVA corner

VIVA FEM is a formulation of proprietary blend of soy powder, wheat germ powder, raspberry powder, blueberry powder, raspberry leaf powder and other unique ingredients that are beneficial for women’s health, especially to cope with stress, maintain a normal hormonal balance, relieve pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) and minimise menopausal symptoms to prevent fibroid growth.

VIVA Calmag & D is shown to be effective for muscle spasm, pain and discomfort.

VIVA Hemoberry helps women with large fibroids to cope with heavy bleeding or those who are already anemic before surgery.

VIVA Omega 3 helps to reduce inflammation and pain, and control bleeding during periods.


The ovaries are a pair of organs (measuring 3x2x1cm) in the pelvis that secretes hormones (eg. oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone) and eggs (termed ovulation). From puberty onwards, the ovaries begin their function of hormones and eggs production in a regular 21-35 days cycle. Nearing the age of 50, the function of the ovaries begin to decline. When they finally stop producing hormones and eggs, a woman has reached her menopause. Types of ovarian cysts:

* Functional ovarian cysts are the most common cyst in the reproductive age. An ovarian cyst is a collection of fluid or body tissues within the ovary, varying in size from less than 5 cm to 8 cm, and can be as large as 20cm in diameter.

* Dermoid cysts are infrequent abnormal ovarian cysts formed that may contain clear fluid or blood, or even oil, hair, skin, cartilage and bone because the ovary has cells with the potential to develop into any type of tissue. This cyst can happen in both ovaries in 10% of the time.

* Chocolate cysts are formed where the womb lining is found outside the uterus leading to monthly bleeding in the pelvis. At times, it forms blood cysts within the ovary and leads to painful menstruation or pelvic pain.

* Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition where constant abnormal ovulation results in a collection of small cysts (of 2-3mm) on the surface of the ovary. It is caused by hormone imbalance and is associated with reduced menstruation and fertility.

Symptoms, problems and possible complications

Most ovarian cysts have no symptom because they are small and non-cancerous but some may cause:

- Pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen.
- Irregular menstruation if the cyst affects ovarian hormonal production.
- Twisting of the ovary resulting in severe pain and loss of blood supply to the ovary.
- Large cysts can cause your abdomen to swell, or press on the bladder and rectum resulting in urinary symptoms or constipation.

Rarely ovarian cyst may leak and cause severe pain and bowel disturbances.


Most ovarian cysts are diagnosed on routine ultrasound. Occasionally large ovarian cysts can be detected on clinical examination.

Most ovarian cysts that are 3cm of less, with no solid component and not causing disturbing symptoms can be left alone with regular ultrasound to ensure they are not enlarging. Surgery is needed if they are more than 6cm or cause pain.

Dermoid and chocolate cysts have a tendency to enlarge and cause pain, requiring surgery. To confirm that the dermoid cyst is not cancerous, surgery is needed.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is usually treated medically. Surgery is needed when medical treatment fails to cause ovulation.


When the cells in the ovaries turn cancerous, there are usually no obvious signs and symptoms like lumps or pain to give off signal for early screening. On further progress symptoms manifesting include bloating, pelvic pain, abdominal swelling and a change in bowel habits which can be confused with those of colon cancer. At an advanced stage, more revealing symptoms are breathlessness and loss of appetite. By then, it may spread faraway to the lining of the abdomen, bowel, bladder, lungs and liver.
+  Pregnancy is suppressed by ovulation and thus a childless woman faces this risk factor
+  Obesity
+  Hormone replacement therapy
+  Hereditary of ovarian and breast cancer
Mitigating factors
+  Breastfeeding
+  Oral contraceptive pills
+  Multiple pregnancies
+  Pregnancy at early age
+  Surgery to remove ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus
+  Chemotherapy to follow after surgery to reduce the risk of recurrence or apply before surgery to shrink the size of the tumor


VIVA corner

VIVA Selguard contains selenium, a mineral ingredient that can reduce abnormal growth cells by apoptosis.

VIVA Green Barley promotes alkalinity to help in improving the pH environment. It also contains trace of selenium.

VIVA Omega3 to help in reducing inflammation.

VIVA Floraguard replenishes intestinal flora that can strengthen the immune system and improve endocrine function to reduce the incidence of infection.


On the way to work one morning I had a severe stomach clamp and could barely stand upright.  I immediately arranged for a checkup and was told that a fibroid needed to be removed urgently. An appointment was fixed a month later.

Prior to the surgery, I took many products VIVA Omega3, VIVA Selguard, VIVA Germanium,
VIVA Guard, VIVA green barley hoping that nothing would go wrong.  On the actual day, the operation scheduled for 3 hours proceeded smoothly at half the time.  It was a breeze without any pain.  I was able to walk around upon returning from the operating table.  Painkiller was offered but as there was no pain, it was passed.

Follow-up checkups were a routine as everything went well. HRT (hormone replacement therapy) was recommended but I chose to take VIVA Royal Jelly to help to balance the hormonal level. 

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