Friday 22 January 2016

Misconception of CALCIFICATION


What is calcification?

Calcification is a gradual accumulation of calcium salts in an area of your body tissue, blood vessels or organs. Most if not all of the calcium absorbed by your body ends up in your bones and teeth, where it is most needed. Only about 1% is required for some bodily functioning. Excess calcium is usually dissolved in the bloodstream for excretion in the urine. However, at times some quantity is collected in an area of the body tissues and become hardened.

Some calcium buildup is harmless as it is a natural body’s response to inflammation, injury or certain biological processes. However, in other instances it can disrupt blood circulatory and organ function, especially those affecting the brain and heart.


A high probability is when high phosphorus level presents in the blood stimulates the release of parathyroid hormone which induces more calcium outflow to strike an equilibrium. The binding effect can lead to an excess buildup of these deposits in the arterial walls to cause calcification. This imbalance can be due to renal failure, bone destruction and hyperparathyroidism.

Other causes are: 

+  Most adults greater than 60 years old tend to have calcium deposits in their blood vessels. 
Vitamin K deficiency or by poor calcium absorption due to a high calcium/vitamin D ratio.
An elevation of blood calcium known as hypercalcemia where prolonged lack of calcium intake causes disruption to the production of calcium in the blood.
+  The body’s normal healing response to musculoskeletal injuries as well as part of a natural inflammatory reaction to infection, trauma or autoimmune disorders.
+  Damaged areas in the arteries accumulate fat and other substances, forming a deposit known as plaque that becomes calcified over time.
+  Within the tumor issue, it can occur whether cancerous or noncancerous.


Minor symptoms

Calcification is common and usually produces no symptoms, even for those diseased related ones. It can only be detected on X-rays.

The effects of the underlying disorder or process that results in calcification can be felt on the organ system affected. At times these manifestations can be severe:
  • Bone pain
  • Bone spurs (occasionally visible as lumps under your skin)
  • Breast mass or lump
  • Impaired growth
  • Increased bone fractures
  • Muscle weakness or cramping
  • New deformities such as leg bowing or spine curvature
  • Progressive weakness
  • Tartar on your teeth

Major symptoms

Health check may detect a hardening and blockage of blood vessels in the heart, brain and kidney.  On mammograms it may signal the presence of breast cancer, both benign and maglignant.

When blood calcium level becomes abnormal,  it can signal the presence of a metabolic disorder in which the thyroid malfunctions and unable to regulate the calcium level.

In some cases, calcification can be part of a serious condition that should be immediately evaluated in an emergency setting. This happens in some complications such as kidney stones, Paget’s disease (abnormal bone tissue loss and reformation), pineal gland tumors, or severe hypercalcemia (excess calcium in the blood), and developing symptoms like:
  • Hearing loss accompanying any other severe symptom
  • Muscle twitching, spasms or seizures
  • Nausea with or without vomiting
  • Severe bone pain
  • Severe headache
  • Sudden abdominal, pelvic, or lower back pain that may be severe.
Natural treatment

+  Though calcification is not treatable and irreversible, disorders that are complications of or associated with calcification can be dealt with using treatment strategies focusing on the calcium metabolism disorder itself.  For instance, treatment of high calcium/vitamin D ratio may most easily be accomplished by intake of more vitamin D. However, over-dosage of vitamin D can lead to anorexia or loss of appetite.

+  Try the humble lemon which can help to fix oxygen and calcium in the liver by stimulating the absorption of calcium through the intestines to regulate blood carbohydrate levels which affect the blood oxygen levels. This offers major promise in the successful treatment of pancreatic stones and the dissolution of kidney stones. Since calcium deposits can result in hardening of the arteries over time, citric acid may be the answer to a safe and effective reversal of this potential problem. 

+  Calcium is important for proper functioning of the musco-skeletal system.  Do not omit it from your daily diet or take a good supplement ensuring Magnesium and Vitamin D are present too. When selecting calcium supplements, look closely at the amount of elemental calcium available. This is the actual calcium amount which can be optimally absorbed by the body.

VIVA corner

VIVA CAL-MAGNESIUM & D is a special formulation that contains calcium gluconate, calcium lactate, calcium carbonate and calcium citrate that are extracted from plants and thus easily absorbed by the body. Most importantly, both vitamin D3 and magnesium are added to further enhance the calcium absorption. Zinc is also added as epidemiological studies showed that those who with osteoporosis are often zinc deficient. This synergistic formulation helps to promote calcium absorption for a healthy cardiovascular and musco-skeletal system.

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