Wednesday 13 July 2016

My nose is dripping again!

A study conducted by a pharmaceutical company showed about 1 out of 10 persons in Singapore suffering from sinusitis, an inflammation of the nasal sinuses. It is a frustrating experience for 20% of them seeking medication weekly.

An acute sinusitis is frequently caused by bacterial and viral infection eg. a common cold that lasts for a month but is not life-threatening. Kids are vulnerable to such attacks given their weak immunity. It can develop in them as a result of chronic infection of the adenoids and tonsils. In some cases, a dental infection that spreads from the tooth root to the maxillary sinus, inside the cheeks is also possible.

There are severe cases where the spread to the brain causes serious infection and abscess, leading to partial blindness. Sinus surgery has to be performed to drain the sinuses and pus from the affected area. The good news are – nasal sinus allergies tend to get better with age and is treatable.

Chronic sinusitis stretches beyond 2 months when it breaks out due to irritants like air pollution, emotional stress, smoking, and exposure to allergic substances. More severe chronic cases can adversely affect one’s quality of life, especially for those with a greater inborn allergic tendency with allergic rhinitis, nasal allergy, asthma and skin eczema co-exist in the same patient.


The sinuses are air-filled spaces in the skull (behind the forehead, nasal bones, cheeks, and eyes) that are lined with mucus membranes to trap foreign particles. Another function of the sinuses is to regulate temperature and humidity of the air that we breathe in. Along the lining is hair-like fibres that clear mucus together with unwanted particles.

Healthy sinuses contain no bacteria or other germs as the mucus is able to drain out and air is able to circulate freely. They are the first line of defence in protecting the lungs against infection.

However, when the sinus openings become blocked or too much mucus builds up, bacteria and other germs can grow more easily. Sinusitis can occur from one of these conditions:
  • The hair-like fibres do not work properly due to some medical conditions.
  • Colds and allergies may cause too much mucus to be made or block the opening of the sinuses.
  • A deviated nasal septum, nasal bone spur or nasal polyps may block the opening of the sinuses.
Our nasal and sinus passages are very narrow and excess mucus collected in the sinuses during a cold or allergy attack can lead to inflammation, blocking the proper drainage paths which most likely cause the flow direct to the throat or nostrils. This situation is aggravated for patients who are allergy-prone with swollen nasal turbinates. Pressure in the sinuses can increase and inflict pain.


Acute sinusitis usually follows a cold that does not improve, or one that worsens after a week of symptoms like:

+ fever
+ cough, often worst at night
+ aching on head, ears, teeth, face
+ difficulty in breathing through the nose and sore throat
+ loss of the sense of smell
+ tenderness over the forehead and cheekbones
+ bad breath

Symptoms of chronic sinusitis are the same as those of acute sinusitis, but tend to be milder and last longer than 12 weeks. For children, symptoms include:
  • Cold or respiratory illness that has been improving and then begins to get worse
  • High fever, along with a darkened nasal discharge, for at least 3 days
  • Nasal discharge, with or without a cough, that has been present for more than 10 days and is not improving

+ Stay healthy at all times
+ Seek medical advice if develop thick mucus, yellow-green discharge or facial pain or congestion
+ Avoid the allergens you know and control the environment to prevent such contacts
+ Do without airconditioning during your sleep if possible. If need to improve ventilation, use a fan or humidifier
+  Drink more water
+ Surgery may be recommended for those whose conditions cannot be alleviated by medication

Natural treatment

According to German researchers, horseradish naturally revs up blood flow to the sinus cavities, helping to open and drain clogged sinuses and heal sinus infections more quickly than decongestant sprays do.


VIVA corner

People with compromised immune systems are susceptible to sinusitis and other forms of allergies, some endangering to life. Taking good nutrients may go a long way in treating the condition.

+ VIVA Floraguard with abundant friendly bacteria is crucial for a healthy gastrointestinal tract, especially if antibiotics are applied and kill the good guys as well. It can also promote the growth of our natural killer cells to destroy pathogens.

+ VIVAshield, a combination of 4 potent antioxidants enhances the immune system, protects against cold, flu and other infections.

+ VIVA Dailyguard a strong multivitamins helps to improve overall health and assure proper nutrition.

+ VIVA Biogarlic provides check on bacterial and viral infection and acts as immune system stimulant.


Ever since my childhood days, sinus was a problem bothering me so much.  My nose was constantly blocked and clogged badly with mucus especially in the morning causing discomfort and fatigue.   Regular visits to private specialists for special treatments was the only alternative but to no avail as only temporary relief was possible then.

In 2001 I was introduced to VIVA Life Science and decided to try out if it can be remedied. 3 products, namely Green Barley,
Lipoguard and Dailyguard were recommended to detox for better blood circulation and boost the immune system.

Miraculously they worked so well that barely 2 months my sinus was gone.  I continue to take Green Barley daily and suffer no relapse since then.  What a wonder!  No more visits to the nasal specialists and limited visits to doctors for general health problems.  As an additional benefit, my weight has remained consistent even when age catches up.  (hard to guess my age!)

Susan Tan (ID 70000652)

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