Thursday 1 October 2015

DEATH sentence for CANCER?

CANCER is a dreadful word, evoking strong emotions of loss, despair, helplessness, shock and denial for most people. The strong fear is inevitable given that in most advanced societies, it is the leading cause of death with 1 in 3 afflicted with this devastating disease during their lifetime.

In a broad term, there are over 100 different types of cancer. As it is not a single disease, the origin can take on different characteristics.

Normal cell activities

Our body is made of trillion of cells, each of which is coated with its own inherited material or DNA. Under normal circumstances, the cells renew constantly at a controlled rate so as to grow and repair damaged tissues and repair dying cells. If a portion of a cell’s DNA is damaged beyond repair, the cell can become abnormal and normally our immune system eliminates it. 

It starts off with our blood becoming acidic, acidic substances (usually toxins) are deposited into cells to allow the blood to remain slightly alkaline. This causes our cells to become more acidic and toxic, which results in a decrease of their oxygen levels, and harms their DNA and respiratory enzymes.  Overloading of toxins tax on vital organs in the body leading to chronic and degenerative diseases.

If left untreated, heavy accumulation of wastes poisons the cells and causes their premature die. These dead cells themselves turn into acids which may adapt in that environment to become abnormal cells. For those that evolved into malignant cells they can grow indefinitely and without order termed cancer.

To understand better, examine the four key types of genes responsible for the cell division process:

+ Oncogenes tell cells when to divide,

+ Tumor suppressor genes tell cells when not to divide,

+ Suicide genes control apoptosis and tell cells to commit suicide,

+ DNA-repair genes instruct cells to repair damaged DNA.

Process involved:

The uncontrolled growth often due to damage or mutations in the DNA, also causes damage to the genes involved in cell division (oncogenes). The ability of the tumor suppressor gene is impaired too. The new outgrown cells take the form of a mass of tissue called a growth or tumor.

A benign tumour is mild and does grow but do not spread, and thus not life-threatening. On the other hand, a malignant tumour grows uncontrollably, interfere with normal metabolic and organ functioning, and colonise other tissues in the body.

1. Smoking is very often the main cause of cancer especially on the lungs and bladder.
There are 4,000 harmful chemicals (though in diluted form) in one stick of cigarette. Taking one puff is 600 times worse than inhaling exhaust fumes from vehicles. The cancerous effects of smoking are multiplied by alcohol consumption, where both are frequently used in combination. Regular exposure to secondhand smoke can increase a nonsmoker’s chance of getting cancer by 30%.
2. Wrong diets
a. Barbecued/deep fried foods
World Health Organisation has warned that eating fried fries and other fried starchy foods have been linked to cancer-causing substances in the human body. A toxic chemical derived from heating up starchy foods called acrylamide is released when natural amino acids hit high temperature to bring about the roasted brown color. This high level of carcinogenic formation is not found in boiled foods, which are cooked at lower temperatures. Note that acrylamide is also used to produce plastics and dyes and to purify drinking water.
b. Foods high in cholesterol and saturated fat eg. animal meat
c. Foods that contain preservatives eg. salt, nitrates, artificial flavoring
Medical experts believe the rapid rise in cancer incidence in recent times is primarily due to change of diet. Most cancers are linked to a high animal fat (eg. colon, breast) and high sugar intake coupled with low fibre. These foods induce cancer formation and mortality rates. Also out are french fries and potato chips as they are rich in salt, calories and fat.
d. Overnite/contaminated food eg. overnite rice, moulded bread
e. Inadequate intake of fibre ie. soluble and insoluble fibre
Keep to a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables (natural inhibitors) to obtain sufficient nutrition for daily body functioning. By taking 7 servings of fruits and vegetables daily for females and 9 servings for males, the blood flow can improve by about 60% as the acidity is the main culprit clogging the flow.
 3. Cancer can be due to certain genetic mutations or genetic default making one prone to develop cancer later in life.
4. Carcinogens are substances commonly found in our environment (eg. pesticides, dyes and chemicals) that are directly responsible for damaging DNA, promoting or aiding cancer. When our bodies are exposed to carcinogens, free radicals are formed that try to steal electrons from other molecules in the body. These free radicals damage cells, affecting their ability to function normally, and the result can be cancerous growths.
5. As we age, there is an increase in the number of possible cancer-causing mutations in our DNA as immunity drops gradually. For the majority, upon reaching 40, their organs and physiological functions deteriorate, in line with their immunities.

6. Some types of cancer are due to viral infections eg. Hepatitis B and C cause liver cancer and human papilloma (HPV) virus can trigger cervical cancer.
Stages of development
Cancer does not happen overnight and takes a cancer cell to mature in about 6 years to Stage 1. Following this, it progresses rapidly at different stage within a year. In some people it can lie dormant and turn cancerous only after 20 years. Hence this can be a rather lengthy process.

Stage 0 - no sign of spreading and highly curable (can be just polyps)

Cancer cells can start from as small as 0.2 micron and begin the journey round the whole body, without being spotted.

Stage 1 - a small cancer that is still isolated.

The gene involved has a change: cancer cells are activated and the gene that suppresses the formation of cancer has disappeared due to viral attack (eg. hepatitis B and C) or external factors like pollutants, radiation, stress, carcinogenic food or chemical agents.

Stage 2 & 3 – increase in size and starts spreading to lymph nodes but cannot be detected in other body parts yet. Also at this stage when cancer recurs after remission.

Stage 4 - cancer in advanced stage and has infected other parts.

When cancer spreads to the lymph node, it is called metastatic. A lymph node is a tiny, bean-shaped organ that filters the flow of lymph, the transparent fluid that is involved in normal functioning of our immune system. It is common for treated cancer in an organ to spread to another undiseased organ.

Broad 4 categories

1. Carcinomas - affecting the skin, mucous membranes, glands and the internal organs

2. Leukemias – affecting the blood-forming tissues

3. Sarcomas – affecting the muscles, connective tissues and bones

4. Lymphomas - affecting the lymphatic system

Signs and symptoms

Early stage of cancer development can still be treated. Hence, the chance for a cancer patient's recovery very much depend on the time the cancer was being diagnosed. Understanding the symptoms and signs of the cancer are useful in saving lives. Annual checkups and tests such as colonoscopies and PSA assays may reveal the underlying problems, but is better to spot early and undergo a test as and when the need arises. Always listen to your body and notice anything that is different, odd or unexplainable.

Some of those cancer symptoms mentioned are related to specific part of the body that may be invaded by cancer cells. Other symptoms that are not specific and cause nagging pain for a prolonged period should warrant attention too. Similiarly, do not ignore these symptoms till too late and miss the chance to be treated at an earlier date in its development.

*  Weakness and fatigue

Generalized fatigue and weakness, without explanation is a symptom of so many different kinds of cancer in combination with other symptoms. Pancreatic cancer patients are constantly feeling very weak.
*  Unexplained weight loss
Unexpected weight loss without conscious action is a concern as most people do not lose weight easily. A 10% lost can be accredited to the health being compromised. More often it is an early sign of colon and other digestive cancers.

*  Upset stomach/stomach-ache/fullness

If the discomfort in your stomach cannot be attributed to a digestive problem or that does not go away, request for an ultrasound. Finding a tumour in any part of the digestive system early can make all the difference in treatment.

+ A colon cancer patient starts off with unexplained stomach aches.

+ Those with pancreatic cancer describe a dull ache that feels like it is pressing inward. There may also be pain in the upper abdomen and back.

+ Many liver cancer patients experience an unexplained pain or ache in lower right side initially. This is followed by frequent stomach cramps and upsets on the lower left side resulting from an enlarged spleen and often mistaken for ulcers. Feeling full even after a small meal is another common sign.

+ Chronic "acid stomach" in the upper or middle abdomen that feels like gas or heartburn is the most common early sign of stomach cancer. It may be aggravated by eating even small amount of food and the pain can or cannot be relieved by antacids. Other symptoms include throwing out the food or blood, blacky stools, anemia, fatigue and unintended weight loss.

*  Difficulty swallowing/Chronic heartburn

+ Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) a condition in which stomach acid rises into the oesophagus, causing heartburn and an acidic taste in the throat that may develop into oesophageal cancer in advanced stage. This happens when there is frequently the need to clear your throat or that food is stuck in your chest due to a narrowing of the oesophagus that could mean the presence of a tumour. There can be vomiting of blood and constant spitting of mucus.

+ Most commonly associated with laryngeal (voice box) or throat cancer.

+ It can be one of the first signs of lung cancer.

*  Shortness of breath/Chronic cough/Chest pain

+ One of the first signs lung cancer patients recalls is the inability to catch their breath.

+ Shortness of breath, chest pain and spitting blood are signs of testicular cancer spreading to the lungs.

+ If a cough persists or disappears and returns in a repeating cycle, it can develop into several types of cancer, including leukaemia and lung tumors. Some lung cancer patients report chest pain that extends up into the shoulder or down the arm.

*  Swelling of facial features

+ Some lung cancer patients report puffiness, swelling or redness in the face because the small cell lung tumours commonly block blood vessels in the chest, preventing blood from flowing freely from the head and face.

+ It can also be a sign of liver cancer, affecting your appetite and the ability of your body to eliminate waste.

*  Jaundice

Jaundice is most visibly observed by yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes and darker-than-normal urine that is not the result of dehydration. Also, clay-coloured stools and itching due to the bile salts in the bloodstream.

Some pancreatic cancer patients reported itching before jaundice appears.

*  Frequent fevers/infections

Leukemia patients suffer from fever, aches and flu-like symptoms over an extended period of time. This is a cancer of the blood cells where abnormal white blood cells produced crowd out healthy white cells, sapping the body's infection-fighting capabilities. Other accompanying signs and symptoms- profuse sweating, slow healing cuts, bone and joint pain, enlarged liver or spleen.

*  Swollen lymph nodes/lumps on the neck, underarm or groin

+ A lump or enlarged lymph in the neck or underarm is sometimes a sign of thyroid, head or throat cancer.

+ Enlarged lymph nodes indicate changes in the lymphatic system, which can be an early sign of cancer. It can be a painless lump on the neck, underarm or groin. Another sign of leukemia where red blood cells and platelets are being crowded out, thus impairing the blood's ability to carry oxygen and clot. This can result in bleeding gums and easy bruising in odd places, like fingers and hands.

*  Rectal bleeding/Bloody stool/Bowel problems

+ Frequent constipation and diarrhoea are signs of a faulty bowel, ready to develop into colon cancer. Other signs and symptoms are bleeding, persistent abdominal pain or bloating, much weight loss or fatigue.

+ One of the early signs of pancreatic cancer is fatty stools, as recognized by frequent large stools that are paler than normal and smelly due to poor digestion.

*  Difficulty urinating/burning sensation/blood in urine

+ The most common early sign of prostate cancer is a feeling of not being able to empty the bladder, either no control over the urine flow or a stream that is weaker than normal. This occurs when the prostate grows bigger and blocks the flow of urine and further causes inflammation or infection in the prostate. There can be pain radiating to the hips and upper thighs with swelling in the legs. In serious cases, blood in the urine can be a pink, dark red or smoky brown colour, whilst blood in the semen is pinkish.

+ Blood in the urine can also be a warning sign for bladder cancer. Other symptoms can be pain and burning sensation, increased frequency of urination and difficulty urinating.

+ A burning sensation can indicate a urinary tract infection or sexually transmitted disease, combined with the urge to pee more often, particularly at night.

+ For women, heavy bleeding between menstrual periods, bleeding after intercourse or painful menstrual periods are signs of cervical cancer.

*  Erection problems/Testicular swelling/lump

+ As prostate cancer progresses, another very common sign is difficulty getting or sustaining an erection.

+ Men with testicular cancer experience a heavy aching feeling in the lower parts like belly, abdomen, scrotum or testicles. However, any lump in an enlarged or swollen testicle can be difficult to spot because it is not visible and almost painless. At most, some men report feeling discomfort from the enlargement. Other symptoms include blood in the semen and enlargement of the breast.

*  Scaly/painful nipple or chest, nipple discharge

Not only women, men also get breast cancer which is a benign lump in the breast area and can cause chest pain if spreads. Other signs include patches of red, scaly or dimple skin or changes to the nipple such as turning inward or leaking fluid.

*  Sore/skin lump that doe not heal

Watch out for small waxy lumps or dry scaly patches that become crusty or bleeds easily. They can be different types of skin cancer -melanoma, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.

*  Changes in nails

Unexplained changes to the fingernails can be a sign of several types of cancer.

- A brown or black streak or dot under the nail can indicate skin cancer.

- An enlargement of the ends of the fingers, with nails that curve down over the tips, can be a sign of lung cancer.

- Pale or white nails can be an indication that your liver is not functioning properly, can be a sign of liver cancer.

Common medical treatments:

Some types of cancer are curable even if they are not detected at the earliest stage eg. testicular cancer, childhood acute leukemia, Hodgkin's disease and adult acute leukemia.

Many other types cannot be cured as the chance of relapse is high and subsequent treatment is required eg. multiple myeloma, low-grade leukemia, chronic leukemia.

* Surgery – the tumor and some of the surrounding tissues that may contain invading cells are removed.

* Chemotherapy - Medicine is used to destroy cancer cells by interfering with their ability to grow and multiply. Different types of medicine are used for different cancers. They can be orally administered or injected into the blood vessels. As this treatment destroys healthy cells as well, do expect side effects such as hair loss, nausea, vomitting and prone to infections.

* Radiotherapy - Radiation used to kill cancer cells can be high-dose X-rays which are directed at the tumor or some radioactive material that is surgically implanted into the tumor. This is commonly applied before surgery to reduce the size of the tumor or after the surgery to destroy any remaining cancer cells in that area. Side effects from this treatment include tiredness and skin rashes.

Source: Raffles Health News Issue 02/2009 ; Prescription to Natural Healing;


CANCER when detected early, is CURABLE NOT DEADLY!! Recognise the above signs and symptoms - and seek early treatment. Even for those who are inflicted with the disease, coping well is the best advice rather than accepting death as the only way out. Improving lifestyle is a means to an improved quality of life.

Eliminate unhealthy lifestyle can prevent cancer from occurring by as much as 60-70% for most individuals and can even suppress gene expression for those inherited with the cancer genes. Obesity has been linked to cancer of the colon, gallbladder, cervical, uterine and breast cancer.

On the other hand, 20% of all cancer deaths are associated with malnutrition and weight loss. Inflammation is how the immune system responds to infection or irritation, and that requires lots of energy to heal. The body has to expend more calories in so doing, curb the appetite, reduce muscle mass and results in weight loss.

At this trying moment, cancer patients and their family members become over-conscious of eating certain foods, leading to unbalanced diet. Protein is deprived if animal meat is not fed. Better substitutes like fish, eggs, nuts, beans and soya products should quickly be included. Many Chinese families like feeding the cancer patients with merely porridge and soup, which is water with low nutritional value that does not help to improve the immunity.

Loading up good protein, vitamins, antioxidants, essential fatty acids, minerals are essential for natural recovery or treatment. Radiotherapy is tough on a weakened body as it depresses the immune system further that may lead to the treatment being reduced or stopped. Hence if you have cancer, it is imperative to keep up with a healthy diet.

Although cancer is easier to treat at an earlier stage, advanced cancer should also be looked into quickly as it advances rapidly and can cause massive damage. It is like housing terrorists in the body and do expect nasty surprised attacks anytime and anywhere. Remain vigilant for breakups and stay healthy at all times.

VIVA corner

+ VIVA Germanium is an organic yeast germanium without toxicity patented in 1995. Clinical studies have demonstrated its ability to stimulate the immune system to fight against cancer and increase the body’s resistance towards diseases. Note that not all organic germanium are safe for human consumption as there are documented cases of kidney failure.

+ VIVA Vivashield with 4 antioxidants combined – Vitamin A, C, E and Selenium, neutralize free radicals which damage cellular DNA of healthy cells. The synergistic effect has demonstrated a reduction in the risk of fatal cancers by as much as 40%.

+  VIVA Selguard (organic yeast selenium) was featured in Anti-cancer Research May 2000 and presented at the 1999 Annual Convention of the American Association of Cancer Research (ACCR) to have chemotherapeutic effects and the ability to commit apoptosis or promote cellular death of rogue cells.

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