Unlike other fruits, coconuts are all organic as the fruits are high up the trees, whilst the husk and shell are so thick to be contaminated by external impurities.
Found across much of the tropic and sub-tropic area, the coconut is known for its great versatility as seen in the many domestic, commercial and industrial uses of its different parts. It also has cultural and religious significance for users in many societies.
Common uses
On many islands it is noted to be the staple diet and provides the majority of the food consumed, as it provides a nutritious source of meat, juice or water, milk and oil that has fed and nourished a third of the world population for generations.
On many islands it is noted to be the staple diet and provides the majority of the food consumed, as it provides a nutritious source of meat, juice or water, milk and oil that has fed and nourished a third of the world population for generations.
+ The oil and milk derived from it are commonly used in cooking and frying.
+ The oil is also widely used in soaps and cosmetics, as well as a cure for several illnesses.
+ The clear liquid coconut water within is a refreshing drink and can be processed to create alcohol.
+ The husks and leaves can be used as material to make a variety of products for furnishing and decorating.
Nutritional properties
Coconut is highly nutritious and rich in fiber, proteins, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals with much health benefits over and beyond the basic nutrients. It is relatively high in vital minerals such as potassium, iron, phosphorus and zinc.
Of special interest is its oil extract which possesses healing properties far beyond that of any other dietary oil and is extensively used in traditional medicine among Asian and Pacific populations to earn the coveted title “Tree of Life”.
Of special interest is its oil extract which possesses healing properties far beyond that of any other dietary oil and is extensively used in traditional medicine among Asian and Pacific populations to earn the coveted title “Tree of Life”.
Like most nut meats, coconut meat contains less sugar and more protein than popular fruits such as bananas, apples and oranges. Young coconuts are likened for the soft pulps and sweet juices, more on carbohydrate and mixed types, whilst mature coconuts offer firm meat and cream, best for protein types. Both are declared fat and cholesterol free.
* Coconut juice/water
The juice contains high level of electrolytes effective in preventing dehydration especially in cases of diarrhea or strenuous exercise, to substitute for an isotonic drink. The electrolyte - potassium in the body controls the nerve and muscle functions, maintains water balance, converts blood sugar into glycogen and involves in energy production.
A deficit of which may develop symptoms like: muscle weakness, lack of energy, muscle cramps, numbness, nausea, vomiting, slow reflexes and abdominal cramps. For this reason, in some remote areas of the world, it is administered intravenously for short-term relief in hydrating critically ill patients and in emergency situations. Note low electrolytes can also be a cause of hypertension.
Potassium is found abundantly in fresh fruits and vegetables such as legumes and banana. However, coconut water contains more potassium than the banana. A medium size banana yields 420 mg of potassium whilst a cup of coconut water 600 mg of potassium.
However, note high potassium can also be linked to certain health problems like dehydration, type 1 diabetes and internal bleeding. A buildup can be life threatening when your kidneys fail or do not function properly and thus unable to remove excess potassium from your body.
* Coconut oil
Coconut oil is the fatty oil extracted from the coconut meat which contains less fat than many oilseeds and seeds eg. almonds, and noted for its high amount of medium-chain saturated fat. However, modern research has shown that not all saturated fats are alike and that the fatty acids in coconut oil, the medium chain triglycerides called lauric acid, do not raise serum cholesterol or contribute to heart disease, and are in fact very healthy. On the contrary, some 98 – 100% of all the fatty acids we consume from animals and plants are long chain fatty acids that pose threat to our health if taken excessively.
Some comparisons between them are as follows:
Some comparisons between them are as follows:
- Easier to digest (takes only three-step process to be turned into fuel as compared to other fats that have to go through a 26-step process)
- Not readily stored as fat
- Antimicrobial and antifungal
- Smaller in size, allowing easier cell permeability for instant energy
- Converted into energy at liver level instead of being stored as fat
- It does not form harmful by-products when heated to normal cooking temperature like other vegetable oils do. Taken in large amounts, there is no discomforting side effects as it is completely non-toxic.
Overall health benefits:
In traditional medicine around the world coconut is used to treat a wide host of health problems. In modern times, the application is mostly by using its oil extract. Published studies in medical journals show that it can treat numerous health issues including:
* Anti-bacterial/fungi/virus - works as a natural antibiotic by disrupting the lipid coating on the pathogens and thus:
- Kills viruses that cause influenza, herpes, measles, Hepatitis C, SARS, AIDS.
- Kills bacteria that cause abscesses, toothache, throat infections, gum disease and cavities,
- Kills bacteria that causes tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, ulcers, urinary tract infections, syphilis and gonorrhea.
- Kills fungi and yeasts that cause candidiasis, ringworm, athlete’s foot, thrush and diaper rash.
- Expels or kills parasites like tapeworms, lice and giardia.
Recent research has shown that the brain actually creates its own insulin to process glucose and power brain cells. As the brain of an Alzheimer’s patient loses the ability to create its own insulin, the ketones from coconut oil could create an alternate source of energy to help repair brain function. There are cases where Parkinson's disease reported remarkable improvement with it too.
* Metabolic system -
- It provides a nutritional source of quick energy to enhance physical and athletic performance. Those suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome may find some relief too.
- It is beneficial in losing weight as it helps to burn fat and calories as well as curbs appetite.
- The body can utilize its low calories to produce energy instead of storing as body fat.
- Thyroid sufferers due to hypothyroidism can use it to increase body metabolism.
- Improves digestion and absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, minerals (eg. calcium and magnesium) and amino acids.
- By eliminating the bad bacteria in the gut, it aids in the repopulation of floras. Hence, problems associated with mal-absorption syndrome, constipation, cystic fibrosis, ulcerative colitis, stomach ulcers and digestive disorders can be reduced.
- If coconut oil is taken together with omega-3 fatty acids, its effectiveness doubles as they are readily available to be digested and used by the body.
- Improves insulin secretion and utilization of blood glucose that may relieve symptoms and reduce health risks associated with diabetes. Its high content in potassium, magnesium and fluids protect against kidney disease and bladder infections. It may even reduce the risk or dissolve any kidney stone.
- Relieves stress and reduces symptoms associated with pancreatitis, gallbladder and liver diseases. This is because it does not require the pancreatic enzymes to break it down, thus a relief on this organ.
- Improves calcium and magnesium absorption and supports the development of strong bones and teeth, giving protection against osteoporosis. Also helps to prevent periodontal disease and tooth decay.
- At cellular level, it reduces inflammation and supports tissue healing and repair. For instance, it may work to relieve pain and irritation due to arthritis.
- It contains saturated fats that not only increase the healthy cholesterol but also help convert the LDL “bad” cholesterol into good cholesterol, thus may promote heart health and lower the risk of heart disease. Triglycerides are expected to drop correspondingly.
- Not only it does not deplete the body’s antioxidant reserves like other oils do, it is a protective antioxidant that supports and aids immune system function. At the same time, it improves utilization of essential fatty acids and protects them from oxidation. In this way, it helps to protect the body from harmful free radicals that promote premature aging and degenerative diseases.
- Coconut oil contains lauric acid which is known to reduce candida, fight bacteria and create a hostile environment for viruses. Many diseases today are caused by the overgrowth of bad bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites in the body.
- May relieve symptoms associated with prostate enlargement, epileptic seizures and support thyroid function.
- Studies have found that coconut oil may be an excellent fat to consume during menopause and also may have positives effects on estrogen levels.
- The fatty acids (caprylic and lauric) in coconut oil reduce inflammation internally and externally with their high antioxidant contents.
- Blends well with the natural chemicals on the skin, its oil can be applied as a moisturiser to prevent infection, relieve dryness and flaking. Frequent use can reduce symptoms associated with skin problems such as psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis. Even those without skin disorders can use to prevent wrinkles, sagging skin and age spots.
- Protects against damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation from the sun, and thus promotes healthy looking hair and complexion. It has been traditionally used to control dandruff
As quality of coconut oil in the market varies considerably, avoid those low-quality ones, which are processed by chemical extraction using solvent extracts. Such oils produced are faster, low-cost and deliver higher yields, but contain chemical residues with many being hydrogenated, bleached and deodorized and thus altered from its original form. On the contrary, high-quality coconut oil is the healthiest choice. It is a much safer alternative to other popular oils such as canola oil, where most of its omega-3s are transformed into trans-fats during the deodorization process, which increases the dangers of chronic diseases. In fact studies have clearly shown that traditional Asian cultures that take significant amounts of coconut in their diet do not suffer from modern diseases seen in western cultures that promote a low-fat diet.