Thursday, 24 March 2016



While exercise has been heavily promoted for better health condition, the impact of vigorous and prolonged activity on the body was not clear until recent times where the advent of imaging technology is able to give clearer indication.

Abundant data pointed to the benefits derived with an improved blood circulatory system, including lower cholesterol, blood pressure and a stronger heart. Moderate exercise regimes followed consistently by individuals mostly exceed those who rarely participate in physical activity in terms of health aspect and life expectancy. However, engaging in intense physical exercise may not yield similar positive results. You may even feel tired easily and sick often. Why?

Exercise definitely helps to strengthen the heart muscle to allow it to pump blood round the body effectively. An athlete has lower resting heart rate as less effort is required to pump blood. On the contrary, a cardiac patient may get a seizure even when resting or in a sleep.

Heart problem….

Recent medical research discovered that prolonged strenuous exercise can run the risk of developing abnormal heart rhythms. A Harvard study carried out a 90 days’ vigorous training program on young athletics showed that there are significant changes in cardiac structure and function with the type of change varies with the exercise performed.

Both strength and endurance athletics were seen to have bigger hearts. The former had only the left and right ventricle expanded whilst the latter showed thickening of muscle in the left ventricle and appeared stiffer. Is yet conclusive that such changes result in damage and scarring of the heart, thereby rendering it more susceptible to abnormal heart rhythms.

This findings may dispel the myth that abnormal rhythms are due to underlying heart diseases, with intense exercise triggering the onset of cardiac failure.

Further study conducted using newer techniques in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the heart to identify early signs of fibrosis within the heart muscle showed half of the competitive endurance veteran athletes over 50 develop this symptom. In comparison, none of the younger athletics and older non-athletics examined had fibrosis within their hearts.

Severe fibrosis can lead to stiffening or thickening of portions in the heart, which can contribute to irregular heart function and eventually heart failure. A tear can also appear in the inner lining of the narrowed segment of the artery and a blood clot is rapidly formed to seal the hole. All these can cause a heart attack to occur when the athletic is involved in an intensive exercise like a marathon run.

Some ’hardcore’ veterans are not aware of the deteriorating condition and do not take any or sufficient precautionary measure. Hence, when the heart collapses suddenly, is difficult to apply prompt resuscitation successfully. The body also gives way after being abused for prolonged period – constantly dehydrated, filled with lactic acid and devoid of oxygen.

Psychological disorders…..

Addiction to exercising may stem from the dependency of a sense of ‘happiness’ derived from the adrenaline and endorphins produced by the body during exercise, or from social pressure to become slim. The person involved attempts to shed as many calories as possible to achieve the distorted image of the ‘dream figure’. For instance, thin ladies perceived they are too big and muscular men find themselves puny or not ‘manly’ enough. This can tax the body heavily and affect the immune system functioning, thus increasing the susceptibility to infections.

Estrogen stops working….

Quite often we hear of young ballerinas, gymnasts and female acrobats who have gone for long intensive training failing to have their monthly menstrual flow. This condition has detrimental effects on child-bearing in their later part of lives as a certain amount of body fat is required to produce the female hormone known as estrogen. Without estrogen, fat deposition takes place around the waist instead of the hips, contributing to the increased risk of heart disease. Low estrogen also exposes a woman to an increased risk of osteoporosis.

Other physical problems……

Over-exercise can cause muscle strain and protein wasting, leading to connective tissue damage. If water is not replenished adequately, excessive perspiration can result in a depletion of potassium, serious enough to cause severe cramps and heart failure.

A great amount of free radicals is produced during the exercise that can destroy our skin cells and cause premature aging and susceptible to diseases. Always complement your workout with antioxidants to produce the cells from damage.

Our comments

+ Understanding the potential risks of sustained intensive exercise can cause permanent scarring of the heart muscle with irreversible damage to the hearts, serious athletics should consider seriously before going for the next vigorous exercise, before is too late.

+ In life, all things should be taken in moderation. Moderate exercise is good enough to offer potential benefits. A study done showed that older adults who engage in regulate moderate exercise may reduce the incident risk of silent stroke by as much as 40%. It also found that those in the lowest intensity exercise group fare no better than those who never exercised.

+ Do not go an extra mile and not getting the due rewards and end up in a miserable state. Sure there are more other constructive activities to keep one occupied. Truly enjoy the process and do not overburden the body unnecessarily.

Always listen to what the body tells you. Keep your training sessions in moderation. Give your body adequate rest, good nutrition, proper supplementation and you will reap all the benefits in achieving a healthy lifestyle!

Source: Business Times weekend dated 11/6/2011, interviewed with Dr Michael Lim, the medical director of Singapore Medical Specialists centre.

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Too OLD to Exercise?


Singapore, like most developed countries is facing an aging population. By 2030, all the baby boomers would have turned 65 and constitute 20% of the population. To keep a healthy mind and body, exercising should become a daily routine for the elderly. However, most of them tend to avoid exercising for fear of getting hurt or feeling uncomfortable.

Many aging adults are taking care of themselves so well that they do not have major illness such as diabetes, cancer and heart problems. A closer examination of them revealed a slow creeping fragility that threatens to rob their flesh and crack their bones. In no time they lose their independence and cannot care for themselves anymore.

The lost of muscle mass starts in the late 30s and increases at the rate of 1% per annum. By age 80, most of us have lost from 30-50% of the muscle. Women are more vulnerable since they start off life with one third less muscle mass than men, and tend to outlive their counterpart.

How can exercise help?

A group of inactive seniors were put to test on an exercise regime over a 3 months’ period reported startling improvements both physically and mentally. The participants did better in memory, attention and linguistic skills, had lower stress hormone levels and felt elated. They are also rewarded with weight loss as reflected in lowered Body Mass Index.

This S$1 million study took 3 years to complete was spearheaded by Dr Steven Graham of the Clinical Imaging Research Centre at the National University of Singapore's School of Medicine. He was doing the same experiment as carried out on rats where exercise did help their hippocampus (the region in the brain associated with memory) to grow larger and certain proteins to increase.

The clear winner amongst all participants were those involved in intense aerobic exercise, scoring in all aspects. 
As is quite impossible to grow muscle as we age, clearing the accumulated fats in aging muscle cells is a big bonus. Health benefits to add include:

+ Improving immunity – wards of pathogens and recovers faster from illness;

+ Improving cardiovascular health and lowering of blood pressure;

+ Improving digestion health by eliminating unwanted toxins;

+ Increasing the strength of the muscoskeletal system – firms up sagging muscles, reduces fracture bone risk and prevents osteoporosis;

+ Preventing early onset of chronic illnesses such as dementia, diabetes, arthritis, colon cancer;

+ Improving stamina and self-confidence;

+ Providing relief from unwanted stress and anxiety;

+ Improving social interaction which is beneficial to the psychological health.

3 types of exercises suitable for senior citizens:

* Flexibility exercises

Exercises such as yoga, tai chi and pilates engage the muscles to stretch and thus improve their flexibility and mobility. This provides relief to the elderly who are prone to muscle soreness and joint stiffness, resulting in injuries frequently.

As for those who are unable to move their body easily or have body balance problems, light stretching exercises carried out sitting on chair or bench is better than doing nothing.

* Aerobic exercises

Exercises like walking, dancing, swimming, climbing stairs and cycling are few simple aerobic exercises that can increase the blood circulation to facilitate higher intake of oxygen and nutrients into the body tissues.

Daily workout for about 30 minutes is adequate to keep the adrenalin moving and heart pumping well. As for those who cannot cope with this rigour, taking small breaks after every 10 minutes can bear some positive results too.

* Strength training exercises

Push-ups and weight-lifting are two strength training exercises that can help to improve muscular strength through repetitive movements. The number of repetitions and weights used can be increased gradually. Those with high blood pressure are advised to seek medical consultation first.

An experiment conducted showed a group of age 60-72 who used larger weights in subsequent trainings doubled their leg strength in 12 weeks and even tossed away their canes after 8 weeks of exercise. It is explained that high-intensity weight lifting causes microscopic tears in the muscle. This follows with muscle rebuilding protein, leading to stronger cells.

Our comments

+ If you have not been exercising for a long time, taking a medical examination and talking to a doctor is a prerequisite, who will run through your medical history to assess your suitability to start an exercise regime.

+ Proper warm up and cool down should be made compulsory to avoid injuries given the fragile body condition. Selecting the right kind of exercises is vital so that the interest can be sustained.

+ Keep to a healthy lifestyle and avoid gaining excessive weight.

+ Include in the diet protein for muscle development. Older women who consumed low amounts of protein lost muscle mass in just 8 weeks. A 60 kg person requires 60 grams of protein daily.

Do not be left behind and feeling despair…..

Debunk age-old myths that older people are: more unhealthy, physically weak, mentally slower and emotionally unstable! 

Friday, 4 March 2016

Dont sit.Keep WALKING!


Studies showed kids in advanced societies are physically inactive 90% of the time, and adults are likely to move even less.  If this trend were to continue throughout one’s lifetime, the risks of life-threatening diseases and death are greatly enhanced.

The human body comprises 640 muscles and 206 bones for movement. In a sitting or lying down position, the muscles do not have to function much and thus expend minimal energy, and burn less fat and blood glucose. This lack of skeletal muscular contractions, especially involving the large ones of the lower limbs, inhibits the smooth blood circulation to various parts of the body and may develop deep vein thrombosis for some individuals like the elderly and cardiac patients.

Traditionally, health professionals tend to view prolonged physical inactivity as the same as lack of exercise. This means that the risks are raised for these ‘active couch potatoes’ who sat the longest time.


People with the highest sedentary time face higher risk of metabolic diseases eg. diabetes by 112%, cardiovascular by 147% and death from any cause by 49%.

+ Diabetes can occur due to the effect on the sensitivity of insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas that allows the cells in the body to use blood glucose for energy. In inactive muscles, the take-up rate of glucose is slow and requires more insulin to do the job, resulting in insulin intolerance and developing into Type II diabetes if not corrected.

+ The lack of muscular contractions suppresses activity of an enzyme called lipoprotein lipase, responsible for breaking down fat storage into usable sources, and for the production of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or good cholesterol. The obvious signs are large waists, higher levels of triglycerides and higher levels of C-reactive protein that causes inflammation. Even the sluggish panda has heart problem!

+  Not moving can subject one to increased risk of injuries.  For instance, when the neck and shoulder are seldom stretched and there is a sudden need to move, the tightness predisposes the person to muscular and tendon injuries. For this reason, we should find opportunities to move whenever we can.

Those on sedentary positions should break off a 90 min working stretch with an interval 3-10 min, moving around or engaging in some physical activity.


In one study of office workers conducted, it showed by just standing up more often helped to melt 1.5 inches from their waists. It does not take much — just a few extra hours a week of exercise to produce results.

However, walking is even better than standing. To stay healthy, medical researchers recommended 10000 daily accumulated walking steps for adults, 16000 steps for boys and 13000 steps for girls. For the active individuals, merely 20 mins a day of sustained aerobic activity can lower blood pressure and strengthen heart function.

During a walk, the brain is actually working to integrate information from many different sources requiring visual input, auditory input, as well as input that is coming from joints and muscles regarding where the foot is, how much force to apply etc. Thus, it can actually boost the connectivity within brain circuits, which tends to diminish we get older. A study carried out found seniors involved in a 12 months’ trial of walking and aerobic fitness have more coherent brain networks tested on memory, attention and a variety of other cognitive processes comparable to participants in their teens. However, a 6 months’ test yielded no significant trends. Hence, do not stop walking if your legs can still manage.


Health-wise, jogging and walking does not matter. What matter most is the duration and intensity in each session that determines how much calories are being burnt up.  Of course, pounding down the road and treadmill burn more calories as more energy is required to lift the body off the ground, great for those who like to lose weight and improve heartbeat.  However, those suffering from some degree of knee, ankle or back  pain should stay away as the impact to the knee is about 4 times that of the person’s body weight as compared to only 2.6 times by walking.


For one to exercise at low intensity for 15 mins 4 times a day is no different from another person who does 60 mins all once in a day per week. If you can stick to a regime involving jogging or brisk walking of about 20-30 mins 3-5 times each week, you should feel fitter and healthier.  The greater the exercise volume, the more health benefits derived.

Minute by minute rundown:

1-5 min: The first few steps you take trigger the release of energy-producing chemicals in our cells to fuel the activity. The heart rate revs up from about 70 to 100 beats per minute, boosting blood flow and warming muscles. People with joint stiffness benefit as lubricating fluid is being released. The number of calories burned is 5 per minute as compared to 1 during inactivity. This can be derived from the carbohydrates and fat stores.

6-10 min: Heartbeat increases with calories burned improve to 6 per minute. This is accompanied by a marginal rise in blood pressure countered by the release of chemicals resulting in expanded blood vessels, delivering more blood and oxygen to the working muscles.

11-20 min: With blood temperature soaring, perspiration begins as blood vessels beneath the skin expand to release heat. As activity intensifies, about 7 calories are burned per minute alongside harder breathing.  Hormones such as epinephrine and glucagon rise to release fuel to the muscles.

21-45 min: Passing the 20 min mark, the body feel invigorated and starts to relax and reduce tension. This effect is due to release of feel-good chemicals like endorphins from the brain. As more fat is burned, insulin (which helps to store fat) drops, much delighted by those who are keen to lose weight.

45-60 min: The muscles are getting fatigued with a reduction in energy stores. Upon cooling down, the heart rate decreases with corresponding slower breathing. Though the number of calories burned is reduced, the rate stays elevated for up to an hour.


The world is dangerous not because of those who do harm, but those who harm themselves without knowing.  It is up to us to help ourselves to make it a better world.  Stand up and walk for your own health sake. Your dog can help you to get started.

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Exercise. Diet. Sleep


A well-written article on how to keep fit and healthy…..

By Glenn Dickstein - the founder of Neighborhood Trainers. He is a certified personal trainer and nutrition and wellness consultant.  Copied from article appeared in the Epoch Times

When it comes to our bodies, our “teammates” are EXERCISE, DIET and SLEEP. Their relationship to our body’s optimal performance are so intertwined and interconnected. It is important to know how each one affects the other.

How Can Sleep Help Diet and Exercise Habits?

Adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep per night. The boundless benefits of sleep influence how well we do so many things daily. Sleep helps people make sharper decisions, be more focused, more organized and more productive.

If you get a good night’s sleep, you will wake up rested and refreshed. However, doing so just once in a while is not going to give you the full benefit. Develop a consistent sleep pattern, including a regular bedtime. Turn off all electronics at least an hour before bed. Pick up a book to help clear your head of the day’s stresses.

For instance, if you get more sleep, you will have more energy for things like exercise. When the body is rested, it wants to be more active and wants to take more action. We are not talking about running a marathon, but you may be more apt to take the stairs up a few floors instead of the elevator, encourage a walk with a colleague, or spend a little extra time in the gym trying some new exercises.

In addition, better sleep can help you make better decisions at mealtime. There is no meal more important than breakfast. After a night of not eating, your body craves a nutritious breakfast. If you have had a good night’s sleep, the decision to have a nutritious breakfast is made easier because you are not exhausted and reaching for what is most convenient.

Eggs are a great source of protein. Throw some vegetables in them and have a nice omelet with a piece of whole-wheat toast. Your body will say thank you!

How Can Exercise Help Sleep and Diet?

Exercise is often the scariest part for many and often the greatest laggard of the three “mates.” For some reason, people do not want to do it. People have to sleep and have to eat, yet most people do not do them as well as needed. Exercise could help.

If you are tired at work and do not want to fall asleep at your desk, take a five minute walk. That is simple exercise, and it wakes you up. The American Heart Association recommends 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity per day. If you are not there yet, slowly work up to this as your goal.

Exercise helps get your heart rate up; it gets the blood flowing. It increases the oxygen circulating throughout the body. Transition that idea to exercising consistently several times a week.

Exercise is about strengthening the body so that it can safely react to the ever-increasing stimuli around us. During exercise, we break down muscle fibers. At night, those fibers must be repaired and grow. Your body will let you know it is time to go to sleep, to recover. Be sure to listen to your body so that you can come back and have another effective workout the next day.

After an intense workout, your body craves a good source of protein. Knowing this, you are less likely to choose a fat-laden, greasy cheese steak but opt for a leaner source of protein. There is a level of dietary awareness that comes with achieving fitness goals, enabling you to make the right decisions for your body. Plus, burning more calories daily will help you maintain a healthy weight.

How Can Diet Improve Sleep and Exercise Habits?

Food is fuel for the body. Follow the same concept as selecting fuel for your car. The higher the quality of the gas you put in, the better your car’s fuel efficiency should be. Fill your stomach with nutrient-dense foods. These foods are high in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that our bodies need, and they are generally lower in calories.

Nutrient-dense foods include fresh fruits and vegetables and lean meats and fish. Try to limit the amount of calorie-dense foods. These include fatty meats, fried foods, sugary snacks and desserts. They provide less of what your body needs at the expense of higher calories.

Adults should average between 1,500–2,500 calories per day, with less-active people on the low end and more-active people on the high end. Of course, there are some populations that require amounts outside this range.

When it comes to exercise, eating well will put more pep in your step. If you want to have more energy for exercise, eat more of the nutrient-dense foods. Grab a piece of fruit for a snack instead of a candy bar. You will help sustain your energy for a longer period of time to get through a workout. The candy bar may give you a short boost from the sugar rush, but not the sustained energy release provided by something like an apple. Avoid eating a meal that will sit in your stomach like a lead weight, making you more anxious for a nap than a workout.

As for sleep, if you have eaten well and expended your energy throughout the day, you will sleep better. You will have more energy throughout the day to go for an extra walk outside or have a more-effective workout at the gym.

When you sleep, your body is recovering from the activity of the day. Lots of things go on at night while you sleep. There is no “off” switch on the body.

It is important to give your body those nutrients throughout the day, so when you go to sleep, those nutrient supplies are being used to help rebuild and repair muscle fibers and other tissues to get you ready for another day. A good night’s sleep will get you ready for whatever tomorrow will bring.
Do not eat just before bed. When your body has the extra task of trying to digest that last meal, it can make for a very restless night of sleep and lead to weight gain.

Finally, there are the intangibles that come from good overall teamwork. If your trio of teammates is exercise, diet, and sleep, they have to have good chemistry to operate as a cohesive unit. Eating well, sleeping well, and exercising regularly will produce other benefits, such as managing stress, eliminating toxins from the body, preventing disease (having lower risk factors), and preventing injury. There are so many other benefits, but the message is clear. Sleeping well helps you eat better and improves your activity level. Good eating habits can improve your sleep and exercise regimens. Exercise is beneficial for sleep and good eating habits. For help achieving your healthy goals, you may want to seek the advice of a personal trainer, nutritionist, or health coach.

Our comments
To keep the body systems actively working in harmony to derive optimal health, a diet of fresh, nutrient foods, a wise exercise plan and sufficient rest are trio team-members that we should not be taking lightly. Human anatomy is made up of trillion of cells and the whole process involves nourishing and regenerating them (inputs) as well as flushing unwanted wastes and toxins (outputs) to keep a balanced body system.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

How to LOSE weight SAFELY

Being beautiful is a common human desire. Given the choice majority of us like to be seen as ‘slim’ or ‘fit’ and not obese. Some people are so blessed to stay slim all their lives and are perfectly healthy that way. For others, losing weight perpetually poses a major challenge even if they are very disciplined.  For most guys, transforming your Buddha belly into a sexy set of six-pack abs sounds impossible, especially those who past their mid-life.  As for most women, putting on the extra pounds is dreadful. The ugly sight of love handles and flabby thighs is a turn-off. Conscious efforts like exercising and strict dieting can bear little or no result for them. This perceived failure to lose weight is a big disappointment and dent their self-esteem. In no time, they may lose total hope and revert back to unhealthy lifestyle.

In recent times obese individuals are increasing rapidly, and estimated to form 1/4 of the global population. Recent statistics showed as much as 64% of the United States’ adult population is considered either overweight or obese, and this figure is still rising over the last four decades. Taking the top slot is her neighbour, Mexico with 73% of the population in the obesity zone.

For aesthetic and health reasons, most of us are working hard to shed that extra pound whenever possible. However, it is crucial to lose weight the right way in order not to jeopardise our health.


Before going any further, let us make a distinction between ‘obese’ and ‘overweight‘. An overweight condition refers to an excess of total body weight whilst obese refers to an excess of only body fat. It is possible to be overweight without being obese as in the case of a bodybuilder with large muscle mass (muscles are heavy). It is also possible to be obese without being overweight as in the case of a sedentary worker with an excess of body fat and low muscle mass.
The social stigma for an obese and overweight individual is usually negative - associated with laziness, disgust, slovenliness, greed and gluttony. Finding a job, a relationship or physical task can be demanding, not to mention the health challenges to overcome.
Unlike the past where poverty was associated with thinness and obesity with wealth, most overweight and obese people today usually occupy the lower rungs of the economic ladder.

Though people with normal weight are not into such stress, they can be unhealthy without their knowledge too. Unhealthy lifestyle, of which poor diet is the main culprit can easily push one into the ‘obese’ category.

Risks of Obesity
+ Obesity causes traffic jam in the body, increasing the risk of colon cancer, breast cancer, uterine cancer, pancreatic cancer, gall bladder cancer, liver cancer etc. Overweight women have 2 times more risk for the endometrial cancer than those with normal weight. Obese men face a 50% chance of getting colon cancer over those with normal weight. Also research found those with are obese tend to have poorer immunity.

Statistics showed that 1/3 of all deaths is correlated to obesity.

+  Clinical studies showed that cardiovascular risk is increased by 20% when men put on 10% of their ideal weight and can expect an increase in the risk of high blood pressure, high triglycerides and high blood glucose.
+ Another serious problem arising is degenerative arthritis caused by more weight placed on the legs to carry. The knee joints experience a weight load of 3-4 times more than their body weight on walking. Half of the pain can be relieved if the patient cared to lose weight. Every half a kilo you shed, you alleviate the pressure on your knees by 2 kilos. Not only the joint pain is reduced, there should be an improved range of motion and reduction of demand on nearby muscles to provide stability.
What should be your waistline?

As a guideline, the waistline for men should be under 90cm and 80cm for women. With every 1cm increase in waistline, the risk will increase 3% for cardiovascular disease, 2-4% for diabetes and 6% for hypertension. Those with high waist-hip ratio have 4-6 times more risk of suffering chronic metabolic disease, especially Type II diabetes.

Using BMI measurement (take weight in kg divide by the square of height in metres), the healthy range of 18.5 to 24 is hard to maintain with our affluent lifestyle and advancing age. Those in the range of 27-30 have a 2 times higher risk of suffering with diabetes. Those with 30-35 are 5 times more at risk and above 35 have a 10 times greater risk. Clinical studies showed that diabetic patients can improve the condition of blood glucose and pressure by reducing 5% of their body weight.

Beware of fats hidden beneath the muscles not visible and cannot be felt by pinching our belly can pose a major health threat with accompanying diseases like heart failure and diabetes. Unlike subcutaneous fat which shows as flabbiness, visceral fat builds up and wraps itself protectively around the spinal cord and vital organs in the midsection of our anatomy from external shocks.  However, too much can cause respiratory failure and cancer. Whenever this fat is being broken up, fatty acids are being released into the bloodstream and on reaching the liver, it is being metabolised into cholesterol and can form a plaque that block the arteries or develop diabetic condition.

What is weight gain?

Weight gain can result from an increase in body fluid, muscle mass or fat.

- An increase in body fluid can come from medications, fluid and salt retention, intravenous fluid infusion, renal or heart failure.

- An increase in muscle mass occurs with exercising.

Losing weight should not be at the expense of loss of normal body fluid or muscle mass with little change in body fat, especially by dieting only. Gradual muscle loss is unhealthy as it is a catalyst for a host of other age-related biomarkers – drop in metabolism, increased body fat, declining aerobic capacity, reduced blood sugar tolerance and osteoporosis. In other words, when you lose weight due to muscle loss instead of fat loss, expect to see an acceleration of the aging process.

- For majority, an increase in body fat is attributed to poor diet or lack of exercise as the body converts muscle to fat. Note that 3500 calories yields one pound of fat over time. Our discussion is structured around how to lose weight in term of fat.

How is weight gain?

Gaining weight is so easy. Losing weight can also be a simple task. Most of us need to take only 1800 calories for normal bodily functioning. If we can eat fewer calories, the body will retrieve from the store to burn as energy. Sounds easy, but tough right?

Inflammatory chemical messengers known as cytokines are found in fat cells, and can be caused by chronic stress, excess consumption of junk food, inadequate sleep, fungal infection and overloading of toxins. Its presence prevents the body’s cells from responding to insulin. When the insulin receptors of our cells become resistant to insulin, the glucose in our blood cannot be stored in cells for energy use. Instead it is converted into fatty acids and stored as fat. It is worsened with fat cells also generating cytokines, further increasing insulin resistance.

Though inflammation can be linked to uncontrollable factors like certain gene variants, controllable ones like foods that promote inflammation can be avoided. Basically, foods loaded with sugar, saturated fat and most types of processed foods are bad. That is why there is an urgent need to switch to more natural whole foods, such as fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
In America, more than U$60 billion are spent every year on soda pop. The late Dr. Robert C. Atkins believed that the heart disease epidemic started after Coca Cola was invented. Many more billions of dollars are spent annually on ‘bankrupt foods’ like ice cream, cookies, candy, gum, doughnuts, pies, pizza, bagels, potato chips, french fries, chocolates and frozen yogurt. These popular junk foods contain more than half of the calories over its original form with the extra substances. The common substance found in these products is carbohydrates, which turn into sugar, and overloading can cause havoc in the body over a prolonged period. Mind you, the calorie count due to sugar added to your apple juice can be more than that of the Coke!

How to reduce weight??


++ Wrong approach

The slimming industry is a money spinner worth billions of dollars. There is no one full-proof method of bringing down one’s weight forever as our genes determine our body shape and mass.

Medical researchers do not believe there is a miracle drug that can do the job without causing side effect. From mild symptoms of breathlessness to more serious complications like seizures and deaths, is slim chance to slim down effortlessly with drugs without unpleasant consequences.

Watch out those slimming products displayed over the counter such as fat burners, appetite suppressants and energy boosters that claimed almost instant results without the accompanying side effect of drugs. The truth is that some of these medications are not sold as drugs but food supplements instead to put off fear of buying them. Also, most Health Authorities do not regulate or control food supplements. Look at the label and you notice the ingredients are not clearly spelled out, safety and efficacy profiles are missing too.

In Singapore, our Health Authority has discovered some slimming products being adulterated with synthetic drugs, including fenfluramine, thyroxine and ephedrine, to increase their effectiveness. For instance, ephedrine is labeled as ma huang or ephredra, while caffeine is listed as guarana or kola nut. Both are known to cause hyperthyroidism (swelling of the thyroid gland), nervousness, dizziness, altered blood pressure and heart palpitation, and worst cases, heart failure, stroke, seizures and deaths. Fenfluramine is a controlled drug under the Poison Act as it can cause heart valve disorders when taken together with other slimming drugs like phentermine or dexfenfluramine. Be careful with taking such drugs even under doctor’s prescription as over-dosage can cause minor to massive damage to the body.

What happened is that consumers taking over the counter slimming products do see fast results but this can be explained by the sudden loss of body fluids but do not deliver permanent, long-term efficacy. The danger of starving the body leading to inadequate nutrient intake can end up being malnourished. Some slimming tea can drain the body of important nutrients too.
 ++ Right approach

The first prerequisite for maintaining an ideal weight is to ensure that our thyroid hormone is keeping our metabolism in an optimal state. To augment the optimal diet with high levels of antioxidant supplements, including vitamins A, D, E and K. Large amounts of vitamin C and brewer’s yeast are for the benefits of the B complex vitamins and minerals necessary to improve metabolic rate.

Chromium has been extensively used for weight management as it can help to increase muscle mass, decrease body fat and promote weight loss. It is known to suppress appetite and reduce sugar cravings through its ability in regulating blood sugar levels. At the same time, it also helps to metabolise glucose and fatty acids more efficiently within the body, resulting in increases in fat loss and promotes a gain in lean muscle tissue to remove the excess body fat and weight.
Having said that, taking the right type of chromium supplement is crucial since organic and organic chromium have different bioavailability. Among the few forms of chromium supplement, most of the scientists proposed chromium yeast as the safest form. Organic form is readily absorbed whilst the inorganic form is toxic and can cause impairment of gastrointestinal, liver and kidney functions.


Eating merely fruits and vegetables? Eating only fatty foods without carbohydrates? Strictly Atkins diet – only proteins? What comprises a good diet to reduce weight fast?

Most experts claimed that as long as one attempts to reduce calorie intake, weight should be reduce appropriately. So a crash diet program should go well with fast weight reduction. In most instances, this result in loss of water content in the body, and the skin becomes dry and loses elasticity. Repeated crash dieting is detrimental to health especially if quick weight loss tends to come back rapidly. The following weight gain often results in rising cholesterol levels, and can damage the vital organs and develop gallstones (alternating with too little or too much food for the biles to process).

A slow and steady approach yields more lasting result as the body is given time to adapt. In fact, it takes a good 6 weeks for it to adjust and re-learn new metabolic pathways in diet changes. Also, understand how different foods are being processed by the digestive system.

+ Fat digestion is simplest as it tends to be readily stored for vital cellular function. This is suspected to be a survival tactic brought down by our long ancestors to store food for energy as food is not easily available then. Advice is not to take fatty food in the evening when metabolism is running low due to lack of physical activity.

+ Proteins need much more energy to be digested and thus reduce the calories as well. Carbohydrates is in between both. A rough calculation of 1600 calories of chiefly protein will shave off 80 calories even without any exercise done. Protein can increase our metabolic rate by as much as 30% and help to balance the release of insulin by prompting secretion of the pancreatic hormone glucagon. Protein-induced glucagon mobilises fats from the tissues (we have about 30-40 billion fat cells in our body) to which it is stored, thus aiding in weight loss. However, taking high protein can produce a state of ketosis (a process where the body burns fats for fuel) due to the absence of carbohydrates. Vital electrolytes, especially potassium, can be dangerously depleted that can lead to heart attack. Excessive ketones accumulated can cause blood acidity, leading to coma or death.

+ Taking more fibres also helps to prolong travelling time of food down the digestive tract and reduce the hunger pang. Blood sugar level is under better control and can prevent constipation too. Oatmeal is a low glycemic index carbohydrate with a rich source of fibre and thus helps to prevent insulin and other diabetic complications. Also consider adding chilli and hot peppers, known to contain capsaicin, which can raise metabolism by as much as 25%.

The trick is not to cut off carbohydrates or fats, but balance our diet with calorie restriction. A healthy diet program comes with sufficient quantity and variety of macro-nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) and micro-nutrients (vitamins and minerals) to support lean mass while accelerating fat loss.

Eat a well-balanced diet to include protein: eggs, milk, meat, chicken and fish. Carbohydrates should be in the form of whole grains, vegetables, salad greens, berries and fruits. Needed fats are essential fatty acids and monounsaturated oils, like olive oil and fish oils. Round out the diet with fibres from nuts, seeds and legumes. Get rid of food loaded with trans fats eg. cookies, pastries and cinnamon buns.

Often missed is yogurt that contains abundant healthy bacteria vital to increasing production of intestinal hormones to enhance satiety and decrease hunger. Such bacteria helps to raise the body’s metabolic rate to clear toxins and fats faster.

For better result, you may like to practise eating food in the right order. By taking in a small amount of protein eg. fish, chicken breast, beans and eggs first, it helps to suppress your appetite and stabilise blood sugar as proteins are slower in digestion than carbohydrates. Save the fresh fruit for the end of the meal as a dessert. This is to prevent the blood sugar from spiking that can cause insulin release and leads to fat storage.
Also never miss your breakfast. After a night without food, the body craves for some. By depriving this feed, the metabolism is retarded, low blood sugar and pangs of hunger drive the body to take it higher quantity upon the next chance. Likelihood of taking the wrong types of foods is thus high. Having food 5 hours apart is ideal for keeping energy level stable. In addition, calories are burned off easily in the day than night.

Based on illustrated picture, the meal to go along with timing to achieve better slimming results should be:

** breakfast – fats and protein (take longest to burn and sustain appetite)
** lunch – carbohydrates (raises serotonin and boosts energy level)
** dinner - light best with easily digestible foods including soluble fiber

Mention exercise and most people give the excuse “no time”. Those who bother to do it develop the habit and those who do not, avoid completely or do little. Regular exercisers feel uneasy if merely stopped for few days without doing. To them, is a habit hard to break. If one can carry on an exercise regime for 6 months, there is high probability interest can be sustained for longer period of time. Best advice is to combine fun with exercise. Another preferred choice is to pick a convenient spot to facilitate regular exercise. Do not restrict exercising to only outdoor as weather condition may not permit at times. Riding stationery bike and treadmill running while watching our favorite tv program  is good for those who complain no time.

Our body stem cells that are developed into bone, muscle or fat cells cannot function properly if they are engulfed in a sea of fats. A workout exercise lasting 30 minutes each day can help to accelerate the burning of fats.

By gaining more muscles, the metabolic rate rises correspondingly. More calories are required to maintain muscle tissues than fat tissues. Obese people tend to have less than normal metabolic rates, making weight losing all the more difficult to accomplish. Hence, doing routine exercise can expect to achieve fat reduction and leaner muscle tone.


+ Control stress well

Feeling stressed out all the time, whether due to anxiety, grief or anger. Stress causes our body to react by producing certain chemical substances, such as the hormone cortisol. This hormone increases the body’s tendency of storing fat, especially around the abdomen, which is responsible for many serious health problems. Hence, eat when relaxed and not distracted or rushing off so that the food can be properly digested.
+ Sleep well

A lack of sleep can decrease metabolism and cause problems with rise in insulin levels. Research carried on a group of students preparing for exams who were deprived of sleep for a week showed most suffering diabetic condition later.

If you are chronically sleep-deprived, your body’s hormone levels can be imbalanced, causing increased hunger and appetite, while decreasing satiety so that you do not feel full after eating. Keeping late nights and having late supper induce excessive calorie intake.

+ Not paying attention when eating

Distracted eating like snacking while watching television, playing games, reading or chatting tend to consume more calories in a sitting could cause the amount consumed to rise by up to 50%.

+ Reduce alcohol intake

Alcohol intake to keep to a minimum (say a glass a wine per day), as it is converted into sugar in the liver. Consume during happy hours around 5 pm to allow body to relax and prepare for a good rest.

+ Quit smoking

Quitting smoking has a temporary (lasting few weeks) side effect that causes weight gain initially. This is because non-consumption of nicotine will improve the smoker’s appetite as food seems to taste better. Coupled with lower metabolism, the body is not ready for the sudden surge in calorie intake. Counteract this effect by eating a healthier diet, watching your calories and getting more exercise can definitely help.

+ Medications

There is a wide variety of medications that can cause weight gain including:
- diabetes medications (e.g. sulfonylureas),
- antidepressants (e.g. amitriptyline or Elavil, imipramine/Norpramin and trazodone/Desyrel),
- birth control pills,
- corticosteroids taken for conditions like asthma and lupus,
- anti-epileptics taken to control seizures, especially valproic acid (Depakene/Depakote) and carbamazepine (such as Tegretol),
- antipsychotic or schizophrenia medications can cause the appetite to increase, while lowering the metabolic rate eg. chlorpromazine (Thorazine), thioridazine (Mellaril), and olanzapine (Zyprexa),
- beta-blockers, which are prescribed for high blood pressure and heart disease may lower metabolism by about 80 calories a day, contributing to weight gain.

If you are on long-term medication that causes weight gain as one of its side effects, better discuss with your doctor about switching to another type of medication without the same effect.

In conclusion

Obesity is now the Number 1 killer in the 21st century. Being overweight can mean having “chronic diseases”. The best way to lose weight is cutting down on high caloried foods, do more exercise and take some healthy supplements not slimming drugs.
Note that slimming is not for everybody. There are many ladies out there who are never satisfied with their nice frames and strive to trim any remaining fat that can be found anywhere on their bodies. If they fall within the BMI healthy range, losing weight versus the risks involved may not be a good trade-off. They can end up suffering from eating disorders like anorexia or bulima.

As for those are who serious in losing weight, take it step by step. By embarking on an aggressive weight loss management program, the liver may not be able to cope with the sudden surge in additional fats to be broken down and fatty liver may occur.

Quality of life does not need to be sacrificed if we can effect change in a creative and positive way. Adopt a holistic approach to the whole health paradigm to enjoy the many lean and healthy years to come!

VIVA corner

VIVA GucoGuard contains an advance, natural peptide-bonded chomium yeast to promote healthy metabolic system. It is a unique formulation that combines chromium yeast in organic form with antioxidant vitamins and minerals in a proprietary blended to increase its bioavailability and absorption rate.

VIVA Fibrecleanse contains psyllium husk, soy fibre, apple pectin, psyllium seed etc that helps to absorb water, fills the stomach and provides a sense of fullness. It also delays the emptying of food from the stomach, thus reducing hunger pang. By slowing the release of glucose into the blood steam, and stabilise blood glucose levels, it may control food craving.

VIVA Floraguard is an enhanced formula that provides 10 billion CFU/serving of 5 strains of friendly bacteria to expedite the digestive process. As compared to the most yogurt products, this is definitely more potent and thus beneficial.

VIVA Cleanse Tea, a proprietary blend of buckthorn, peppermint, dandelion, orange, licorice etc cleanse the digestive system thoroughly and removes clogs and impurities including excess fats, toxins and accumulated wastes.
VIVA Chloroguard is a combination of 4 types of seaweeds that provide a complete range of vitamins, proteins and minerals. Taken 30 minutes before mealtime can curb appetite. Also, it sustains energy, aids in detoxification and aids in maintaining proper bowel function.