Tuesday 2 February 2016

HELP please! DENGUE!!


Dengue fever is a virus-based disease spread by several species of mosquito within the Aedes genus. The female mosquito lays 30-150 eggs every 2-3 days. Human blood is needed to nourish these eggs with the ankle area as a favored feeding site.


An infection can be acquired via a single bite. A female mosquito that takes a blood meal from a person infected with dengue fever becomes itself infected with the virus in the cells lining its gut. About 8-10 days later, the virus spreads to other tissues including the mosquito’s salivary glands and is subsequently released into its saliva. The virus seems to have no detrimental effect on the mosquito, which remains infected for life.

Aedes mosquito prefers to lay its eggs in artificial water containers, near to humans. The eggs of Aedes aegypti can resist desiccation for up to 1 year and hatch easily when flooded by water that is deoxygenated. Larvae die at temperatures below 10 degrees and above 44 degrees Celsius.

The virus has four different types; infection with one type usually gives lifelong immunity to that type, but only short-term immunity to the others. Subsequent infection with a different type increases the risk of severe complications.

Signs and Symptoms

+ Majority of the people infected with dengue virus have mild symptoms such as an uncomplicated fever, hitting a high of 40 deg C or more. Others have more severe illness (5%), and in a small proportion it is fatal. Children often experience symptoms similar to those of the common cold and gastroenteritis (vomiting and diarrhea), but are more susceptible to the severe complications. Patient may have coffee ground vomiting or black stools, indicates bleeding in gastro intestinal tracts and it is serious.

+ A flat, red rash may appear over most of the body 2 – 5 days after the fever starts that lasts for 5-7 days. In some patients, fever comes down on 3rd or 4th day but returns with a second rash, which looks like the measles. Those infected people may become more skin-sensitive and uncomfortable.

+ Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a more severe form of the viral illness.

The characteristics of dengue that make it different from other causes of fever are:

+ Headache (especially behind the eyes)
+ Fatigue
+ Joint and muscle aches
+ Nausea/vomiting
+ Swollen lymph nodes

Manifestations include headache, fever, rash and evidence of hemorrhage in the body. Small red or purple blisters under the skin, bleeding in the nose or gums, black stools, or easy bruising are all possible signs of hemorrhage. This form of dengue fever can be life-threatening and can progress to the most severe form of the illness, dengue shock syndrome.

There are many people who are infected with the virus and do not suffer from any signs or symptoms of the disease. For every patient with symptoms and signs there may be 4-5 persons with no symptoms or with very mild symptoms.

When a mosquito pokes into the skin, its saliva introduces the virus into the bloodstream and multiplies in the lymph glands. It attempts to reproduce inside the white blood cells which counteract-attack by producing a number of signaling proteins, such as interferon, resulting in many of the symptoms like fever, flu-like symptoms and severe pains.

In severe infection, the virus production inside the body is greatly enhanced, and many other parts like liver and the bone marrow can be affected. Fluid from the bloodstream leaks through the wall of small blood vessels into body cavities. As less blood is available for circulation in the blood vessels, blood pressure becomes so low that it cannot supply sufficient blood to the vital organs. At this time, dysfunction of the bone marrow leads to reduced numbers of platelets, much required for effective blood clotting, putting a risk of poor bleeding, the other major complication of dengue. The infection can become dangerous and fatal when it completely breaks blood vessels causing internal bleeding.

Signs and tests

Tests that may be done to diagnose this condition include:

+ Antibody titer for dengue virus types
+ Complete blood count
+ Serology studies to look for antibodies to dengue viruses


The condition generally lasts a week or more. Although uncomfortable, dengue fever is not deadly. People with the condition should fully recover.  Most patients can be treated at home by taking adequate rest, drink plenty of fluids and eat nutritious diet. Sufficient fluid intake is very important especially in severe cases where loss of body fluid/blood is the most salient feature.

There is no vaccine to treat dengue fever as yet. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is used to bring down a high fever. Avoid taking aspirin and brufen as they increase the risk of bleeding. Also to avoid are any medicine that decrease platelets. When necessary, to arrange intravenous rehydration for mild or moderate disease, and intravenous fluids and blood transfusion for more severe cases. Note that people with chronic diseases such as diabetes and asthma, and low immunity may face life danger.


Given that mosquitoes can be carriers of some very nasty diseases – in addition to being extremely annoying – it is a good idea to take precautions if you suspect they are around:
  • wear long, loose, light-coloured clothing
  • use a repellent containing DEET or picaridin (avoid your face and wash your hands after applying, make sure kids use one that’s suitable for them)
  • sleep under a mosquito net and close any unscreened windows
  • keep your home and garden free of mosquito breeding sites.

Prospective victims?

1.  Genetics - It is skin deep! 85% of our susceptibility to mosquito bites can be attributed to the amount of chemicals on skin layer.
2.  Overweight or obese - Heavier people emit more carbon dioxide, and mosquitoes can detect it from 50 metres away.
3.  Profuse sweating - When we perspire heat is generated on our skin surface. During an exercise, lactic acid produced is a bigger attraction to the mosquitoes craving for higher temperature.
4Type O blood - A study done showed that mosquitoes prefer Type O twice than people with Type A. Type B is somewhere around the middle of Type O and Type A.
5.  Dark clothing - Mosquitoes prefer darker clothes. So wear light-coloured clothes and they may think that you are merely a passing wind.
6.  Alcoholic - The theory goes that it increases blood flow to the skin, and therefore altering the skin to an extent that makes it more attractive.

VIVA corner

+ From a molecular point of view, cholorophyll found in VIVA Chloroguard is identical to hemoglobin, the primary substance in human blood that carries oxygen from the lungs to the other tissues and organs in the body. The only difference between the two molecules is that hemoglobin has iron as the centre of its atom, whilst chlorophyll has magnesium. It’s high iron content contributes to the increase of hemoglobin for healthy blood cells much needed for dengue patients.

+ An important ingredient in VIVA HEMOBERRY is ferrous lactate (a form of iron) essential for hemoglobin production, much needed for those who are anemic.


Can papaya seeds cure dengue?

The seeds are believed to have the miraculous effects in curing dengue but the leaves and fruit of green papaya must be used carefully as papain or vegetable pepsin is found in them. Researchers have noted that unripe papaya latex acts like prostaglandin and oxytocin. Synthetic prostaglandin and oxytocin are commonly used to start or strengthen labor contractions. Hence, unripe papayas may cause severe complications in early pregnancy or may even cause miscarriage. In fact, green papaya and its seeds are popular folk remedy for contraception and abortion.”

Will taking vitamin B stop mosquitoes biting you?

“No solid scientific evidence to back it up”, said medical entomologist Dr Cameron Webb.

He says while some people are more attractive to mosquitoes others simply have a stronger reaction to mosquito bites. It’s a reaction to the mosquito’s saliva – injected during the bite – that gives you an itchy lump the next day, like all allergic reactions, the severity varies from person to person.

There are a number of other variables that can affect our reaction to bites including how repellent each mosquito finds us, the species of mosquito that is biting us and where we are bitten.

However, Vitamins B1, B6, B12 and Sorbitol, are ideal for dengue patients, as they promote appetite, improve blood count and do not hinder the activity of the antimalarial drug.

Can Vitamin C help to cure malaria/dengue?

Using vitamin C in large dose on hourly basis may do the trick. A lower dose with high frequency is more effective than a single dose or few doses in large quantity as it is water-soluble. Patients are vulnerable with protective antioxidants like vitamin C and E running at significantly low level. Taking them do not affect the effects of medicated drugs involved.

3 natural ways to rid mosquitoes

Chemical repellants are often used to rid mosquitoes. Though they are effective, but can be toxic, smelly and irritating.

Mosquitoes love to lay eggs in any stagnant water in the drains/ponds or water collected in waste pails, tanks, tins, used tyres etc. Keep fish inside the tanks/containers then there should be no problem. Other possible ways:

(1)  Copper coin

According to Japanese Research Scientists, putting in few one cent copper coins into the tanks/containers can destroy mosquito eggs before hatching into larvae due to a kind of mineral discharge from the copper. Even small snails do not like such environment. This is one way to keep the water collected in the containers clean and clear.

Try similar method with your flower vase to prevent mosquitoes from potential breeding. This is effective even if you do not change the water for couple of days.
(2) Mouthwash

At a party someone tried spraying the lawn with Listerine and mosquitoes started disappearing.

Mouthwashes with an alcohol content of 25% or more have been implicated in oral cancers. Poisoning symptoms include flushing, dizziness, depression, nausea, headaches and coma.  No conclusive evidence as yet but seems mosquitoes know better.

If you are scared to use any more, why not use it to drive the little monster away?

3)  Blowing fan
Circular motion prevents mosquitoes from landing on you. Basically, a fan can dilute and disperse the carbon dioxide you exhale that attracts mosquito in the first place. By staying cool, your body can avoid producing sweat, lactic acid and heat that that is turn-on to the insect .A study carried out by entomologists at Michigan State University in 2003 by using traps set up in a wetland caught more pests when carbon dioxide was being released into those traps.

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